The figure in the green skirt moved first, with a graceful waist! Liu Di was stunned and then followed.

Amid the strange looks of all the parents, the two came to a coffee shop with a dark environment, tightly closed curtains, soothing music, and only one waiter...

The young woman ordered two cups of green tea.

The glass is clear and steaming.

The young woman stretched out her white jade hands and slowly covered the two cups. The next moment, rich vitality came from her body again! I saw the tea leaves that were originally clustered in the glass suddenly melted and turned into pieces of green leaves sinking to the bottom of the cup.

In an instant, the aroma of tea overflows! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

Is this some kind of ability? Transformation of people? The young woman pushed the cup in front of Brother Liu and smiled softly, "Try it?" Brother Liu was strong and confident, so he picked up the cup and took a sip.

The tea tastes rich and fragrant, far better than before! The young woman's ability seems to have the effect of turning decay into something magical! The young woman also took a sip of tea, and her lips became redder.

She looked at Brother Liu with twinkling eyes and said with a smile: "Ye Yun is not talented. He has learned the art of fortune-telling from his master since he was a child. Look at you, Mr. Liu... Although your face is delicate, there is a sharp aura hidden inside. Although you restrain your heart, But he has an unparalleled appearance!" "Simply put, Mr. Liu has the appearance of an emperor.

Liu Di shook his head and said with a smile: "Mrs. Cheng thinks highly of me. I am an ordinary person, how can I look like an emperor!" "The young woman spoke.

Brother Liu also searched for her information instantly! Ye Yun, a tea merchant, is worth a fortune, but shows no signs of transformation and no international contacts! He looks like a normal person.

Was the ability just now an illusion? Could it be that she simply wants to remarry? Never! The young woman took another sip of tea and said softly: "You have extraordinary strength, go to heaven and earth, like to hide your identity, and often act bravely to save the weak!" Liu Di was stunned, "Can you see this?" "Giggle... ." The young woman smiled, "Of course not, my Fat Bo said that you are a hero in black clothes!" Inexplicable.

Brother Liu breathed a sigh of relief, so it was because of this? Revealing your identity is no big deal compared to breaking your shoes! Um? ! Identity revealed! So what does this young woman mean by inviting me here? It seems that she doesn't know any face-telling skills, but she is looking for a topic to tease me? Could this be what is said in legend, flirting? So far.

Brother Liu was instantly petrified! Facing women, there is nothing you can do! Especially the woman who is inexplicably ambiguous and close to her is still so charming! "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I'm not a garrulous person.

"I'm here today to remind you of something!" "The young woman smiled again, her eyes fixed on Brother Liu's face, "I also saw that there was a faint black line condensing in Mr. Liu's hall, and it became more and more solid. Soon, you will experience disaster and fall into the quagmire.

"Mr. Liu's darkest moment is probably going to happen in exactly 30 days!" Brother Liu was shocked, "What kind of disaster?" "The art of physiognomy can only see a person's luck. As for what will happen specifically, only God knows."

The young woman smiled again, "Since I know about this, naturally I can't just sit back and watch. I will ask someone to help you. Don't worry, Mr. Liu!" "After that, the young woman stood up gracefully and left.

But Brother Liu stayed where he was.

I was inexplicably horrified, who was this young woman? The words spoken are unfathomable! for a long time.

Brother Liu slowly took out the black water drop pendant from his arms.

720:01:01! The end of this countdown is exactly 30 days later! Just when Brother Liu was puzzled.

Ding ding ding...the phone is ringing! "Brother Liu, it's all your fault. The Star Organization has sent the second batch of international team members, and they are now confronting the Chinese team!" "The top management of the Star Organization is furious and allows students to fight at any time!" "They are about to start fighting! Call At the other end, Ziyue's angry voice came! Come again? It doesn't matter! ...At the same time.

Not far from Starweaver Hero Academy, in a huge experimental center.

Dozens of people of different skin colors and nationalities gathered here! The seven or eight people headed by them were all elderly. Behind them were followed by imposing figures, as well as many researchers wearing white coats! The site is highly confidential and no one can enter or leave at will! Because today's scene, once known to reporters, would be enough to shock the world! These people in the room are all famous and have extraordinary status! From 6 countries respectively! They are all allies of Europe! General of the war department of the island nation, commander of the war department of Korea, and director of the Australian National Genetic Research Institute! Members of the ‘War Eagle’ transformation organization of the Great Eagle Empire, and members of the German and Italian ‘Lion’ organization! They gathered here secretly.

It's because they received a piece of news that shocked them last night! Xingwei Gene Group successfully created a C-level modified human! This is great news for them! Level C means the highest level of human transformation! Now that the European countries have successfully developed it, from the perspective of allies, they may also be able to share the technology! The Xingwei Group was also extremely generous and sent out invitations overnight, inviting everyone to come and observe! These people didn't hesitate and came immediately to show their kindness and see what they could gain! At this time, everyone looked nervously at the metal cabin in front of them.

C-level cyborgs are among them! It is said that they are C5 level! I saw Star Weaving CEO Bertram slowly walked in and said with a smile: "Everyone! I believe everyone understands the significance of this technology in front of you?" "In the era of cyborgs, this is the symbol of the king!" "In the future, cyborg technology will be the key to the game between countries!" "With C-level transformation technology, we will leave other countries far behind!" "That hero in black is not a product of a certain transformation organization, but an accidental product!" "It can't be compared with our mature technology at all!" "To be honest, inviting you here today is also Mr. Leip's intention!" "Mr. Leip is broad-minded and willing to share technology with you.

" "But there is a country that makes Mr. Leip feel like a thorn in his throat and a thorn in his back!" Bertram looked at everyone with his hands behind his back, "Mr. Leip doesn't like China, do you understand?"

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