Europe, Petersburg Medical College.

The abandoned biological genetic research laboratory had already been burned down by fire! The area has now been leveled and fenced off.

A figure wearing a white shirt, with slightly long hair covering his forehead, stood outside the fence in a daze! "My child, where are you?" The figure in white sighed slightly, resisting mental exhaustion, and once again targeted a female college student from Petersburg Medical College! At a corner where no one is around.

A figure in white suddenly appeared and stopped the female college student. He frowned and there was a faint light on his forehead! The next moment, there was a faint tremor in the air! The college student was stunned and his eyes were blank! The figure in white asked in a low voice: "What did you see that day when there was a fire in the genetic research laboratory?" Female student M said dullly: "The fire was huge, and then it was blocked and nothing could be seen, but before, a person came here A very handsome man... He has a helicopter..." "Huh? What kind of plane!" the figure in white asked with a frown.

"The plane is very beautiful, I still remember the number, ld000001!" Upon hearing this number, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the figure in white, and he finally got a clue! He took out his phone and dialed the number, "Messenger, I have an important mission for you. Help me check an airplane!" Five minutes later.

The figure in white received the reply, 'The owner of the aircraft, the founder group, Brother Liu! 'Crack! The man in white instantly smashed the phone in his hand! Anger bursts out of his eyes! It’s you, Brother Liu! You ruined my plan. Not only did you deal with me and Yi Wen, but you even took away my child! can't survive this time! This person is none other than Qiu Beiming, who has the ability to suffer brain erosion! Before that, while he was expanding the Beiming Palace, he was constantly searching for the whereabouts of his child! Finally, he learned that his child had been imprisoned in the transformation base of Fort Binny! But when he arrived, he found it was too late! 'Hercules' has been razed to the ground! He had no clue.

Constantly hypnotizing everyone in the academy, whether they are the principal or students! Only to find that the 'accident' was handled by the mysterious department in a flawless manner! No one knows what happened that day or who came! But Qiu Beiming believed that his child would not die so easily and must have been kidnapped! finally.

He met the female student just now! This nymphomaniac girl actually remembered Brother Liu’s whereabouts and car clearly! at this time.

The female college student shook her head and woke up from her dream.

Continue to the classroom as if nothing happened! And there is no second figure in this corner.

Because Qiu Beiming has already left quickly! Rush to Huaxia Haishi without stopping! He is no longer what he used to be. He has been constantly using the power of Beiming Palace to strengthen himself twice! This time, I want to end everything with Brother Liu! ...early the next morning.

At the gate of Yingjie Primary School, Brother Liu drove the little boy to school.

From last night to now, the little boy has not said a word to Brother Liu! Get angry! Brother Liu had no choice but to contact Lisa Fei and asked her to pick up the little boy at night! Clear up the atmosphere! After all, it was Lisa Fei and Brother Liu who saved the child together. To a certain extent, she can be regarded as half a ‘mother’! The two just got off the car.

I saw a little fat man rushing up to me with a smile, "Brother, Dad Liu, hello, my mother is here to take me to school, Dad Liu, let me introduce you to him!" Brother Liu was embarrassed! Is this kid out of his mind? Is your strength a cheat? Fat Bo said, stretching out his fat hand towards the distance! Among the bustling group of children and parents, a green figure stood out from the crowd! That is a tall and graceful young woman! Wearing a long green dress, it tightly wraps around the body. The dress is delicate and gorgeous, like an upside-down rose.

The young woman wears her hair in a high bun, light makeup on her face, and has a soft and mature body curve! She smiled at Brother Liu, instantly eclipsing the parents nearby! Even Brother Liu was surprised! There are only four words in my mind, full of charm! This is...Brother Jackie Chan's wife? Fat Bo’s mother? It doesn’t look like it! "Fat Bo, are you out of your mind?" Liu Xiaodi got out of the car with a gloomy expression, "Don't say your mother is a married woman, even if your mother is single, she is so violent that she won't be able to handle it even if she is exhausted. "Brother, how can you say that your father is stupid?" Fat Bo scratched his head.

Liu Xiaodi picked up his schoolbag and was about to leave, "He is not my dad!" "Really?" Pang Bo's eyes lit up, "Brother, if you don't want such an awesome dad, then I will accept it! Dad Liu, he is now But I’m a vacant son!” “Pang Bo, if you say that again, I’ll break up with you!” “Uh...” Fat Bo looked a little struggling when he saw Little Brother Liu walking away! He finally smiled at Brother Liu and said, "Dad Liu, let me take care of my little brother first. My mother is over there. I have told her about your situation. I wish you a pleasant chat!" Then, Pang Bo ran away in a flash! Brother Liu was stunned on the spot! Seeing the beautiful young woman slowly walking in, Brother Liu's heart was beating wildly! What's going on? ! How is this good? Forced to wear out shoes? What a cheat! Even though Liu Di's strength is terrifying, his body is as stiff as a clay or wood sculpture! "Giggle..." A laughter like a silver bell came. Since the young woman came to Liu Di, she saw that Liu Di's cheeks were slightly red and couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Liu, you don't have to be embarrassed. Pang Bo and the others are all children. Naturally, I'm not here because of him wanting to change his father.

"The young woman chuckled.

"Oh? Really!" Liu Di breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, as if he was dead and reborn! "I'm here because of your business!" The young woman pursed her lips and smiled, her cherry red lips were extremely beautiful.

At the same time, a fresh fragrance emanated from her body, as if she was in the woods in spring! Liu Di panicked again, "Me? What's wrong with me?!" "Hehe..." The young woman smiled again, "Why don't we go to a place where there's no one to talk?"

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