My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 330 It’s a big deal

Before, Duan Hua and Carmen had always communicated in English! Just now, Duan Hua suddenly changed to Chinese, and Carmen didn't understand a word! General Carmen was confused! "What is he saying?" He looked at Lan Zuoren blankly, "I only understood two words, kingeight, the eighth king? Why did Duan Hua suddenly recognize me?" Lan Zuoren was the only Chinese in the international group, so he had to bite the bullet and stand up.

His mouth twitched and said: "King means king in Chinese, and eight is the number 8, which is read together as a turtle. Commander Duan said that you are an old turtle..." "Turtle?" "What?" Carmen was still a little confused! Lan Zuoren had to explain while gesturing: "It's a turtle... a turtle... a sea turtle... an old turtle!" At this time, the Chinese team members made strange noises.

I can't hold it back anymore! I want to laugh! "What?!!" Carmen, who had just figured out the situation, was furious, his beard was blown up high, "Duan Hua, you dare to scold me!" "Tsk, how about scolding you? This is China, you dare to touch me? You old king eight?" Duan Hua raised his eyebrows and sat down leisurely! Uh... Carmen covered his heart, his face turned from red to purple! After calming down for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Duan Hua, I accept your challenge! I want my international team to ravage your Chinese team!" "Great!" Duan Hua suddenly jumped up, "It's settled!" Everyone was stunned! The members of the Chinese team could no longer express their inner shock! Are they really going to fight? The war of words turned into physical combat? Zi Yue was also stunned. Commander Duan Hua... As a general with great military exploits and a big boss in the Hai City police, he actually scolded people? He also succeeded in making General Carmen furious and broke the rules! This... Zi Yue couldn't accept it for a while! Only Brother Liu, behind everyone, quietly gave Duan Hua a thumbs up! You are awesome! Duan Hua looked very proud! Little Carmen, it's easy to catch! Carmen, who almost fainted, tried to calm himself down. He looked up and said, "But you have to listen to me about the rules of this battle!" "You have lived a long life, so you have the final say!" Duan Hua spread his hands! "You..." Carmen covered her chest again, calmed down for a long time, and shouted, "Follow me!" A moment.

Everyone came to the outdoors.

In front of them was a 5-story teaching building! This was one of the teaching buildings of the Sports College, but there were very few Xingzhi students at this time, so the building was empty and useless.

At this time, Carmen finally calmed down and regained his demeanor.

He pondered and said, "Since it is a battle between modern heroes, it must conform to various environments! Today, we will use this building as the battlefield!" "Students from both sides will enter at the same time and fight inside. In the end, the group with the most students who successfully walk out will win!" "And we will wait for the result outside!" Everyone was stunned.

General Carmen's meaning is very clear. They will fight in the building, and the instructors can't see it. This means that they can kill them! The members of the international team sneered instantly! And the Chinese team was sweating! Carmen said again: "You have one less student. Ours is fairer, and my international team will also have one less person!" "Don't worry!" Duan Hua waved his hands quickly, "One less? That's such a pity? Everyone, everyone!" The members of the Chinese team looked strange! What happened to Commander Duan? "Well... very good! If you have the courage, I will help you!" After Carmen pondered for a while, he said: "General Duan, these students are just young people after all, and it's hard to tell the severity of the attack. I have a suggestion, why not..." "Both sides will send some team members to follow the students into the building and wait for an opportunity to protect their safety?" Carmen said, with a sharp look in his eyes, looking at Duan Hua, full of provocation! Haha! Duan Hua curled his lips and smiled. It seems that this old guy is really angry! Carmen means that he will send Cobra and Duan Hua will send the special operations team! On the surface, they are protecting the students! In fact, the two teams are also going to compete secretly in the building! In other words, Carmen not only wants to crush the students of the Huaxia group, but also wants to crush the Haishi special operations group! But it's just right! Carrots and cabbages are cooked in one pot! Anyway, that kid is here! "Tsk tsk..." "Why do I need my special operations group in this situation?" "How about this, General Carmen, all of your dozens of people go up, and what about me..." Duan Hua said, and his eyes swept over and saw the trembling little black fat Tu Yuan, "Boy, come here!" "I now appoint you as a member of the Haishi special operations group, belonging to the third group, and you will enter the building with the Cobra team to protect the safety of the academy!" Huh? Tu Yuan was dumbfounded. Everyone could see what General Carmen meant! He wanted to fight the special operations group! What is the operation of appointing me? "Commander, did I hear you right? How could I have that strength!" Duan Hua stood up and patted Tu Yuan's shoulder solemnly, "It doesn't matter whether you have that strength or not!" "But listen carefully, I want to make sure that no one of Cobra can get out. If you can do it, I will agree to any conditions you have!" It was over, Commander Duan started to talk nonsense! Tu Yuan was stunned on the spot! No one could see, and Brother Liu in the distance slightly supported his forehead! Duan Hua saved himself this time, so he could use it as much as he could! "Duan Hua, you are too arrogant!" "Just appointing a little fat man to challenge my troops!" Carmen's angry shout came! Duan Hua stood up slightly, "Who do you care about who I send? I promise today that if you defeat him, I, Duan Hua, will publicly admit internationally that the special operations team is not as good as Cobra!" "Also, if you don't send everyone to fight, you are a grandson!" This... Everyone was stunned again! "Duan Hua, I think you've retired and become demented!" "But, this is what you said! You have to keep it!" Carmen's face flushed again, he roared, and the momentum of the Cobra members behind him soared again! Tu Yuan was almost scared to death! What sin have I done? "Okay, kids, go ahead!" Duan Hua was confident and waved his hand! "Wait!" Zi Yue couldn't bear it after all, and said unwillingly: "Commander Duan, such a large-scale competition in the college, I must ask the leader!" "What to ask?" But Liu Di walked out quietly, "Now it involves the honor at the national level! What are you still asking for instructions?!" "You!" Zi Yue was a little angry, pointing at Liu Di with his finger, and couldn't speak for a long time! Just now, he was the one who insisted on challenging! Commander Duan Hua actually cooperated! Such provocation is really not afraid of trouble! But Liu Di completely ignored Zi Yue's gaze! He took the brunt and walked into the teaching building! The Chinese group behind him was silent! We didn't have the confidence to fight the international team! Now we have to add the Cobra Force! What's the difference between this and committing suicide? Finally, Tie Sanshisan took the first step. He turned his back and said, "If we retreat at this time, it will be a disgrace to our Chinese army!" There was a moment of silence.

The remaining members of the Chinese team gritted their teeth and had to go! Watching the Chinese team, the international team, and more than 50 members of the Cobra Force enter the building.

Duan Hua smiled calmly.

He ordered his men to bring tables and chairs, add hot water, and slowly sit down! But Carmen picked up the intercom and gritted his teeth and said, "Cobras, listen to orders, your mission is to 'protect' the students, especially the Chinese team! Especially that little fat guy!" Only Zi Yue was messy in the wind.

This is a big deal!

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