Xingzhi's Hero Academy in Hai City was rebuilt from a former sports university.

It covers a huge area, with more than a dozen buildings! On campus.

Duan Hua led a group of SWAT team members and Huaxia team members, walking on the road with a heroic spirit! Quite a bit of the Black Society's momentum! Bang! Duan Hua pushed open the door of the venue in front of him domineeringly! Leading everyone in a line! The members of the Huaxia team were also slightly stunned when they saw the scene in front of them! This is a swimming pool! In the center of the venue, there is a standard swimming pool, and there is a whole pool of clear water! Remember http:// in one second. What everyone didn't expect the most was.

In the swimming pool, you can vaguely see that there are more than a dozen figures standing under the water! And next to the swimming pool, dozens of European men are naked, standing with their hands behind their backs! Each muscle is huge, and the muscles of each part are independent blocks, like armor, attached to the body! The rumored Cobra Force! But looking at the figures under the water, the Chinese team was a little puzzled! What's going on? Boom! A loud noise came, and a splash of water several meters high suddenly exploded in the middle of the swimming pool! As the water flow dispersed, everyone could see clearly! It was the boxer named Black Jack from the International Team! He was wearing boxing gloves and punching underwater! In front of him, there stood a member of the Cobra Force, who blocked Black Jack's fist with just one hand! And the splash just now.

It was caused by the collision of the two people's power! Everyone in the Chinese team was sweating! They were training underwater! Under such strong resistance, they still burst out with such power! The International Team is too strong! Everyone prayed in their hearts, International Team, don't accept the challenge! Otherwise, our heroic journey will be over on the first day! But Duan Hua curled his lips slightly and walked straight into the venue.

His goal was the rest area of ​​the swimming pool.

On the bench, a white-bearded old man from Europe sat upright. He had a solemn face, and was wearing a European military uniform. On his chest were rows of dazzling war medals! Duan Hua came to him and lazily said in English, "General Carmen..." "General Duan Hua!" The old man from Europe turned his head slightly, and when he met Duan Hua's eyes, lightning flashed! This white-bearded old man was the commander of the Cobra Force, General Carmen of the European War Department, who was appointed by Rep to assist Xingzhi in China! The atmosphere at the scene was a bit inexplicable.

The two old men seemed to know each other! And as soon as they met, sparks flew! General Carmen glanced slightly and said calmly: "Duan Hua, what are you doing here, to admire my training process? The game hasn't started yet, and you come to inquire blatantly, which really fits your shameless character!" "Haha, bah..." Duan Hua took a sip of wolfberry soaked in a thermos cup and spit out a wolfberry skin from his mouth! Duan Hua raised his eyelids, "You beat me in the International Special Forces Competition 5 years ago, but don't forget that I captured your 3 combat commanders alive in that international reconnaissance exercise!" "Humph!" Carmen said with disdain: "In the Armament Technology Competition 3 years ago, your missile unit, under the interference of my new technology, all 18 missiles were misfired! Your technology is ridiculously weak!" "It's a pity that you chose to retreat to the second line and return to the city to be a policeman, so I wanted to find someone to humiliate, but I couldn't find one!" The members of the Huaxia team understood it! Commander Duan Hua and General Carmen of the Cobra Force are old enemies! Commander Duan Hua was also a general on the battlefield! The two had friction in international competitions! It's no wonder that Europe and China have always been at peace on the surface, but have been fighting each other secretly! After all, China's development momentum is too brave! There is a possibility of seizing the dominant position of Europe! Under such a big background.

The two generals naturally don't like each other! "You..." Duan Hua's face turned purple with anger, "I'm so angry! Carmen, I'm going to challenge you today!" Carmen sneered again, "Challenge? Your special forces are challenging my Cobra here? Are you still asleep? This will cause international problems!" "Carmen!" Duan Hua's face turned red with anger, and he shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, my children from the Chinese team are going to challenge your international team! Now! Immediately!" Duan Hua's roar was so loud! Even the members of the international team underwater could hear it! The next moment.

Bang! Bang! The water splashes explode one after another! The members of the international team suddenly jumped out of the water and stood behind General Carmen one by one! The rich second generation Lan Zuoren squeezed the bones of his fist and made a crackling sound! He looked at the Chinese group with a ferocious expression, "You want to challenge us? Great, I've been waiting for a long time, and finally I have a chance to deal with you!" Well... all the members of the Chinese group trembled, what's going on? Yes, how can we defeat them? But General Carmen waved his hand gently and said disdainfully: "Duan Hua, you really haven't woken up. I'm here because of my destiny. My mission is to train the team members!" "Xingwei has Xingwei's rules. If you don't arrive, Before the third round of testing, students are not allowed to fight! "You go crazy, I won't accompany you!" Huh... The members of the Chinese team breathed a sigh of relief, General Carmen still followed the rules! But Carmen raised her head, glanced at the Chinese team slightly, and said with a twitching corner of her mouth: "Besides, you, Duan Hua, who is about to be buried, haven't realized a problem yet?" "You Chinese people are not in good health!" "Follow me. Our European ancestry can’t compare!” “Everyone is sallow and skinny!” “Even if you work hard, the fundamental difference can never be made up!” “Whether it’s your special team or your Chinese team, follow me. There is no comparison between people!" "Do you understand? This is the difference between superior physique and inferior physique!" Hiss... everyone breathed slightly, feeling a little angry in their hearts! But he didn't dare to show it, after all, the strength gap was right in front of him! "Alas..." Duan Hua sighed slowly, "Carmen, you know that I, Duan Hua, joined the army since I was a child and never went to school, so I have no education.

Carmen curled her lips slightly, "So what?" "It's not very good, but you should be able to understand if I say some dirty words, right?" ""Um? "Carmen was confused! Duan Hua looked at Carmen quietly, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted in Chinese: "Carmen, you old fool, you old fool, how dare you look down on others? "You dare to say that I, China, are weak. Have you never died?" "This is a peaceful time, otherwise I will push you into the swimming pool on the spot and drown you foreign devil!" "What kind of bird are you if you have chicken feathers on a bat?" "I am withdrawing from the battlefield now, otherwise the grass on your grave will be three meters high!" "Nothing!" You old kingeight! "

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