When Brother Liu, who had been staying at the Mass Hall for three whole days, walked out with the little boy in his arms.

There is a feeling of being in another world! The sun is still shining brightly on the street.

But something has changed! There were so many billboards on the street in an instant, it was dazzling! There are huge hero posters everywhere! Several heroes of Xingwei pose in various poses, with cool, mysterious and mighty poses! ‘The age of heroes is coming! ''European heroes, protect China! ''Unimaginable power - the heroic Iron Rhinoceros! ''He is the most silent and attractive - the hero Iron Mask! ''Xingwei Hero Academy recruits reserve heroes from all over the world! ’ Similar posters are everywhere in sight! Street signs, bus waiting halls, light boxes, large LED screens! Brother Liu shook his head slightly.

Choose to ignore! He turned around and walked towards his car, and then he was stunned again! There is a building with more than 50 floors in front, and the entire building is actually a huge advertising screen! This is a canvas that is 100 meters high and 50 meters wide! There is only a handsome man on the screen with his arms crossed and staring into the distance.

Hero Skywalker! Huge and spectacular! Even if they are three to five kilometers apart, they are all clearly visible! have to say.

In this era where mobile phones and computer media are everywhere, choosing this kind of advertising method has another impact! “Tsk, tsk, a bit handsome.

The little boy curled his lips slightly and said, "Violent Bear, look at this guy."

Brother Liu also curled his lips, "To please others."

"You're jealous."

"The little boy suddenly said.

"How could I be jealous of him?" Liu Di carried the little boy into the car, "I have an identity that is a hundred times more popular than him.

"That's right."

The little boy crossed his arms and said, "Because you have better abilities than them, you are even more jealous."

"Where did you learn these taunting skills at such a young age?" "Brother Liu was speechless. He stepped on the accelerator and SS454 sprang out.


Brother Liu took the little boy to the stationery store.

Get ready for little boy to go to school! The shop owner was a middle-aged uncle. Seeing that Little Brother Liu was surprisingly cute, he couldn't help but chat with him.

"Children, how about choosing stationery?" "Uncle, there are good things here!" "Here... Super Hero Arc's stationery box!" "It's been sold like crazy lately!" The uncle said, taking out an exquisite stationery box from the counter. , printed on the top is the arc of the Starweaver hero running with a long electric light.

The little boy scratched his head.

Brother Liu also sighed slightly, why are they everywhere? "It doesn't matter if you don't like it!" The store owner had a mysterious expression and took out a pencil case again, "Then the uncle has no choice but to bring out the treasure of the store, the superhero Skywalker pencil case!" "Kid, let me tell you, this is the only thing left. "I originally planned to give this to my nephew. Because you are so cute, I gave it to you!" The little boy sighed heavily, "Uncle, I'd better get a set of SpongeBob SquarePants, otherwise someone will come." Jealous! "Brother Liu raised his eyebrows! He originally had no feelings about this heroic era, but after being told repeatedly by this kid, it almost became true! Liu Di stepped forward and said helplessly: "Boss! I want Skywalker's, from pencils and erasers to school bags, the whole set!" Then, Liu Di looked at the little boy, "I told you, I don't care about these things! ""Explanation is to cover.

"The little boy put his little hands on his back and walked into the store! Huh... Brother Liu was depressed where he was!... Early the next morning.

Brother Liu took the little boy and a schoolbag "Skywalker" and drove towards Yingjie Primary School.

The full name of Yingjie Primary School is Yingjie Academy.

It has an education system at different stages from elementary school, junior high school, high school, all the way to private universities.

Among private education, the teaching staff is among the best in the country! The outstanding talents we have trained are countless! The environmental facilities are also first-class! Even the school reception room has an elegant environment, like a coffee shop! At this time, in front of Brother Liu was a female teacher wearing a floral dress and a pretty face.

Her name is Ji Anyi.

The head teacher of Class 1, Class 3 of Yingjie Primary School.

Teacher An Yi looked at the man in a white shirt in front of her, slightly stunned.

This man... will definitely win first place in the 'Most Charming Dad Selection' held by the school this year! "Well..." Teacher An Yi put back her chaotic thoughts, glanced at the unhappy little boy, and said to Brother Liu: "Mr. Liu, there is one thing I must remind you. The normal age for entering first grade is 7 years old. , your child..." "You should know that the intellectual development of such a young child is earth-shaking every year.

"He is three years older than the other children!" "Such a big age gap is likely to lead to some unfair things happening, or affect the children's self-confidence."

"Teacher An Yi said it very tactfully! To put it bluntly, a 4-year-old child is incomparable to a 7-year-old child.

Whether it is physical strength or intelligence, there will be a big difference! If you are in the same class, you will be bullied! Ji Anyi still doesn't understand something.

Why can an underage child successfully apply for school? And it was arranged by the principal himself? But Liu Xiaodi said calmly: "Don't worry, I will restrain myself and try my best to protect their self-esteem. After all, they are all children.

"Teacher An Yi smiled.

He rubbed the little boy's head and said, "You are a big kid, but you really sound like that when you talk!" Then.

Ji Anyi looked at Brother Liu again, her face slightly red, "Mr. Liu, let's leave a contact information to facilitate communication about the child in the future.

"Liu Di didn't notice anything unusual at all, but apologized: "Teacher Ji, I'll have to trouble you in the future. My child is not easy to take care of!" Ji Anyi tied her hair, "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, don't look at my young age, I have taught 4 classes, I have seen all kinds of naughty children!" "And he is so young, I am afraid that the only thing I worry about is to ensure that he is not bullied by the older children!" Liu Di pursed his lips slightly, "I hope so!" Then.

Liu Di watched from a distance the little boy carrying the "Skywalker" backpack, being led by Teacher Ji into the campus.

Will this kid really be bullied? Immediately, Liu Di shook his head.

Definitely not! But the mood is a little inexplicable.

Is this the feeling of being a father? Ding...Gemini friend request: Gardener Anyi.

After Liu Di clicked the agree button.

He was immediately pulled into a group chat-the parents group of Yingjie 1st grade 3.

Gardener Anyi: 'Welcome Liu Xiaodi's father!' "Welcome!" "Welcome! "Many parents greeted them enthusiastically at the first opportunity.

Liu Di: "Thank you all! I would like to apologize to you on behalf of my child. If I offend you in the future, please forgive me!" "No, my father is so polite!"

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