My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 309 Going to school

“That’s it.

"Haishi Yingjie Primary School, the only key private primary school, is located in the city center, with an elegant and safe environment.

"Brother Liu pointed to a piece of information on the screen.

"No! Violent Bear, you are so cruel.

"Then I might as well tell you my plan. I'll be mischievous and will be fired soon."

"The little boy's depressed voice came.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Then I might as well tell you that 3 minutes ago, my witness company just invested in this elementary school, accounting for 38% of the shares. It is the largest shareholder and has the highest say in the school board of directors.

"No one dares to fire you."

"Ah..." the little boy collapsed.

Ding ding ding... remember http:// for one second, Brother Liu’s phone rang.

"Smash it.


"How is my precious grandson?" Liu Di glanced at the little boy who was about to cry and nodded slightly, "He is very good and will find a group of friends soon."

"Then don't worry, mom. I'll tell you something."

""Um? "Do you know that your Hai City, that Xingwei Group, has established a hero academy?" ""Um? "Brother Liu really doesn't know! He studied the business plan with a group of gang members for three days! Could it be possible?

Xingwei Company's reformer selection program started so soon? Relevant information flashed quickly from Brother Liu's perspective! really.

One day ago, Xingwei’s ‘Xingwei Hero Training Plan’ was officially launched, and a base has been prepared in Haishi! Specially selected talents with special physiques, people from all walks of life can apply! Once screened, you can be admitted to the hospital for training. Finally, after layers of selection, you will have the opportunity to accept Xingwei's 'human evolution transformation! ’ Become a superhero! "Er, let me tell you a secret!" came the excited voice of his mother, and Liu Di suddenly felt bad! "Our old Liu family are not ordinary people!" "Your missing father was once a famous genetic expert in China!" Brother Liu was stunned.

For years, my mother never mentioned it.

I haven’t even told Brother Liu his father’s name! Brother Liu didn't understand when he was a child and often pestered his mother to ask about his father's whereabouts.

As I grew older, I chose not to mention it.

I'm also afraid of bringing up my mother's sad past.

It’s been a long time.

The concept of father was slowly peeled away from Liu Di's mind, and he chose to forget it! Brother Liu frowned slightly.

He hesitated for a moment.

Let the devil boy check his father through his family information.

A few tenths of a second.

In Brother Liu's mind, it seemed to be slowed down and lengthened.

It's as if there is a box bound by layers of chains that is about to be opened! Information emerges bit by bit! ‘Mother: Lu Shuyun.

’ ‘Father...’ ‘Liu Zhengqing! ’‘Internationally renowned genetic expert and brain neuron expert! ''In 1998, Liu Zhengqing made a discovery that shocked the world, claiming to have discovered the mystery of the human brain and that it could project the world of the human brain into an image! ''However, before Liu Zhengqing could announce his detailed research, he disappeared inexplicably and has not been heard from since! ’ See this information.

Brother Liu's heart is inexplicably complicated. Although he has never met his father and has no feelings for him, he is still extremely depressed! "Son..." my mother's voice came again, "Can you take the test of that hero academy and become a hero?" "I said my son was excellent, but Zhao Chunlan didn't believe it, so I made a bet with her. .

"I don't want you to do any experiments, but you can come back with a certification and prove it to them!" "Because I think you are the best!" Liu Di sighed slightly, "Mom, I'm not suitable to get involved with them right now. Your son and I are much better than them..." Liu Di said this.

But suddenly I heard Little Brother Liu making a 'cut' sound! The little boy had been eavesdropping on the phone. At this time, there seemed to be a few words written on his face, 'This is how I was misunderstood by you! ’ Brother Liu sighed again, “Mom...” “Son, listen to mom.

"Mom is not that good at face. Your father left a message before he left."

"He said that you are the most perfect work in his life!" "There is something in your father's words."

"You are not a mediocre person at heart."

"Now that you have the chance, show it to others!" "My mother's tone suddenly became very calm and meaningful! Brother Liu was also slightly stunned! At the same time.

Brother Liu also suddenly noticed a piece of information: "From 1999 to 2004, Liu Zhengqing served as the scientific consultant of the genetics department of the European Xingzhi Group!" It's the Xingzhi Group again! Brother Liu suddenly looked solemn! After thinking for a moment, Liu Di said in a deep voice, "Mom, then I promise you, I will go to Xingzhi Group for a visit!" "Okay! Haha!" "Son, you don't have to use too much force, you can be the best in the sea market, and you can shine a light on your ancestors." Just one moment will do!" Brother Liu sighed, "Okay, I understand.

"After hanging up the phone.

Information about Hoshiori Hero Academy appeared in Liu Di's perspective.

It is the former site of a university in Hai City.

Recruiting from outside.

Applicants must first pass the entry test.

Then they are assigned among various groups.

Carry out institutional training and understanding.

Test continuously during the process and eliminate unqualified personnel! In the end, 3% of people get the chance to transform! Then sign with Xingwei and become a reserve hero! Duration: 1-4 months! Xingwei claimed that this was to select the strongest human body and ensure the success rate! Brother Liu's face gradually turned ugly! Isn’t this just admissions, class classification, examinations, and rankings? Brother Liu was a little distracted for a moment because his mother was so affectionate and reasonable! No scrutiny! Alas...whatever! Like other transformation organizations, Xingwei's core data is not exposed to the Internet at all.

If you want to find out, you can only go deep into the enemy! "hehe.

But the little boy laughed mockingly, "Violent Bear, I asked you to send me to school. Do you think this is the legendary retribution?" "Congratulations, you will soon find a group of friends!" Liu Di’s forehead veins twisted up, “Boy, come here!” "

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