"Tie Si, what are those little thieves you mentioned before?" "Also, do you have anything important to tell me?" Liu Di changed the subject.

"I'm ashamed to say it!" Tie Si shook his head and said with a smile: "The reason why Tie Si came to test Mr. Liu today is because he got a piece of news by chance.

""oh? "Brother Liu turned around and looked.

Tiesi smiled calmly, "In the Haishi underworld, someone actually offered 5 million for your head, Mr. Liu!" "It seems ridiculous now!" "Since you are a member of Tianluo, then those little gangsters in the Haishi underworld What's the difference between a killer and a rotten fish?" "Before, Tie Si couldn't figure out why someone would want to kill you." "Now Tie Si understands, how come there are no enemies?" m Brother Liu frowned slightly.

This is really unexpected! Clearly mark the price and buy my life? A miraculous gangster? interesting! As for the mastermind behind the scenes, Brother Liu thought about it for a moment and was about to reveal it! For more than twenty years, I have been unremarkable and have no enemies at all! Only after arriving at the Yan family did he become enemies with the two of them.

One is Ouyang Fengyu, who thinks that he is hindering his plan to seize power! The second is Li Dahai, the benevolent hospital who was threatened by him and had to purchase 2 billion worth of equipment! "Haha, interesting!" Liu Di couldn't help but chuckle.

Tie Si on the side was confused and asked tentatively: "Mr. Liu, my Tie family brothers still have some strength in Haishi. How about I send Tie Liu and the others to help you settle the matter?" "No.

Liu Di slowly raised his head and said with a smile: "Where does the 5 million reward you mentioned come from?" "This is information spread by word of mouth among the underworld. The publisher is the underground boss of the underworld in Haishi, nicknamed Black Fox!" "Black fox? Liu Di instantly remembered, wasn't this the person Ouyang Fengyu contacted via text message at that time? The chill in his eyes flashed away, Liu Di stood up and said: "Don't worry about the reward, we will continue to practice boxing another day. ! I saw Tiesi still smiling bitterly and saying: "Tianluo is Tianluo, and he really has his own way of doing things!" "Just when Brother Liu was about to push the door open and go out.

"Mr. Liu, I have another good news for you!" Tiesi caught up and said excitedly: "My old instructor, Heishan, Mr. Hei came to Haishi recently! He was promoted to Tianluo Group 2 years ago As an instructor, you must know him, and he must be your old instructor!" "The old man said he would visit Mr. Yan in three days and take a look at me!" "If he knows that Mr. Liu is here, he will definitely be very happy!" Liu My brother is speechless! Do you have to expose me so quickly? When the secret is revealed, how do you explain my abnormal power? Seeing Tie Si's excitement, Liu Di couldn't refuse, so he had to agree: "Okay, before Mr. Hei comes, brother Tie Si, please inform me in advance!" "Yes, Mr. Liu!" Liu Di smiled bitterly and went out.

What is it! I want to be prepared so that I can hide in advance! Just opened the door.

But I saw a beautiful figure coming towards me! "Brother Liu, are you okay?" Brother Liu's hands warmed up and were held tightly! "I said, isn't it bad for this woman named Yan to do this in public?" Yan Qingwen then realized the abruptness and let go of Liu Di's hands with a 'yeah' sound! Brother Liu chuckled.

Arrogantly, leave on your own! Yan Qingwen looked at Brother Liu's snickering back, with an inexplicably complicated expression! When she turned around, she suddenly saw Tie Si with a bruised nose and swollen face! "Tiesi, what on earth happened inside?" Yan Qingwen was stunned.

Was Tiesi beaten by Brother Liu? In 5 years, no matter what kind of enemy she faced, she had never seen Tie Si suffer a single scratch! Tie Si smiled awkwardly, "Miss Third, I'm sorry that Tie Si can't tell you too much. Tie Si can only say that Mr. Liu will be by your side from now on, so Miss Third can rest easy!" When Tie Si came to the front of the Tie family brothers , and was instantly surrounded.

"Fourth brother, who is Mr. Liu?" Tiesi said nothing and pointed at the sky.

"Tian?" "Tian Luo!" "Tian Luo group?!" Hush! "This is a secret, we can't say it openly!" The Tie family brothers' eyes widened instantly. When they looked at Brother Liu's back, there was no disrespect in their eyes, they were full of admiration! ...After Brother Liu and the Tie brothers left.

The three daughters of the Yan family are still confused! "What on earth are the two of them doing in the yoga room?" "Why do Tiesi and the others respect Brother Liu so much when they come out?" "The two grown men were playing ping-pong-pong in the room. Could it be...hehe... " Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin complained while pushing open the door of the yoga room.

"Oh my god!" "Third sister, come and see!" The two little girls stood at the door in a daze! When Yan Qingwen arrived, he was the same, he was stunned! The originally beautiful and tidy yoga room now looked like it was swept by a typhoon! All the mirrors on the wall were shattered into pieces! There were also many big resistances on the walls around, as if they were cracked by a sledgehammer! The wooden floor was like being kicked by a beast and rolled up directly! "What happened to my lovely yoga room?!" "Did the demolition team come?" Yan Kaikai picked up a deflated yoga ball from the ruins with an unbelievable look on his face! Yan Qingwen murmured: "Could this be caused by the battle between Brother Liu and Tie Si?" But is there any other possibility! If this is really the case... Tie Si's strength is more terrifying than I thought! Something seems wrong? Brother Liu! That guy! Let's not talk about Tie Si's strength first, what's the matter with that Liu? He can fight with Tie Si and create such a scene? And... he seems to have beaten Tie Si! Yan Qingwen, who came to his senses, was shocked! Brother Liu's muscles are not just for show! He is a master! A master who is stronger than Tie Si! The most ridiculous thing is that I had to teach him boxing before! Moreover, there were a few times when Brother Liu acted like a rogue.

I wanted to beat him up! Surprised, Yan Qingwen gradually felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

That guy surnamed Liu really looks like a hero! "Third sister, don't be surprised!" "How could that weakling Brother Liu beat Tie Si!" "It must be that when they were fighting, Brother Liu ran away, and then Tie Si smashed around like a violent bear, which led to this!" Yan Kaikai calculated seriously, "Brother Liu destroyed our yoga room, I will make him pay for it later!" Yan Qingwen shook her head helplessly! Tie Si's words before he left still echoed in her mind-"In the future, Mr. Liu will guard you by your side, and Miss San can rest assured!"

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