My right eye is a god-level computer

29. Thousands of trends, ever-changing trends!

"Brother Liu.

"Demon boy, you say."

"New humans breaking through genetic locks are not as easy as you think!" "You humans have a term called 'aura', which is actually the invisible magnetic field emitted by a person. The other party can feel this magnetic field through the human sixth sense."

"Cause psychological or behavioral oppression to the other party!" "The new human beings have not only strengthened their physiques, but also strengthened their human magnetic fields. They have broken through the category of ordinary people and entered new heights!" "I named this strengthened magnetic field - Qian potential!" "'Ding... Qianshi's subconscious fusion is completed!" Liu Di only felt a bang in his mind. This time the consciousness fusion was different from the past! Colorful momentum flashed in his mind! General's wind, iron horse, and strong force. The spirit of the warrior, the aura of killing, and even the ethereal fairy spirit! All of them are amazing!

Thousands of momentum, thousands of momentum...this is interesting! With a thought in Brother Liu's mind, his anger and arrogance were activated at the same time! Two invisible momentums spread instantly like a big net! next moment.

Tiesi, who was pressing forward step by step, suddenly stiffened! It seems like the temperature in the entire room is dropping in vain! He only felt that Liu Di, who was standing casually in the distance, suddenly burst out with an unspeakable bloody aura! This young man seems to have come from the abyss of hell! Cut off thousands of heads without frowning! Step on thousands of bones and laugh proudly! What kind of momentum is this? I am afraid that this is the aura that only the generals who led millions of soldiers and horses to fight on the battlefield in ancient times, resulting in countless casualties and rivers of blood, could have the momentum! What has he experienced? There was a roar in Tie Si's head, and he was stunned on the spot! The other Tie family brothers were also stunned! No matter how Yan Qingwen shouts, it will not help! The trembling from the bottom of their hearts has made them like clay and wood sculptures, unable to move their bodies! in vain! Liu Di's aura changes! A kind of arrogance that could not be compared to me, covering the sky and the sun! This is a kind of pride that reaches its peak! Contempt everything, ignore everything! He is a general or an emperor! Make strategic plans and win a thousand miles! Turn the tide before you arrive, and support the building before it collapses! The battle must be won, the attack must be captured.

With such majesty and pride, one person standing alone is better than thousands of troops! Only one person gives orders, and no one dares to disobey! Iron Si’s back was instantly covered with sweat! Brother Liu in front of me is completely irresistible and irresistible! Even if he brought a bowl of poison now, Tiesi would still have to drink it obediently! This is momentum! All the Tie family brothers feel the same way! Only the three daughters of the Yan family still seemed unaware! They are girls and have never been on the battlefield or even encountered an enemy.

Naturally, he couldn't understand this extremely fierce killing momentum.

It is also impossible to appreciate the proud style of conquering the world! In their eyes, Brother Liu at this time was just a weakling who could have his arm broken by Iron Four at any time! It's just that they don't understand why Iron Four hasn't moved yet? Tiesi's heart was shaking.

He suddenly realized that Brother Liu was not an ordinary person, let alone a part-time waiter! He must be from the military! A certain top unit, any single soldier, is a unit of the King of Soldiers level! Moreover, Liu Di must be one of the best, or the leader! Otherwise, nothing else is possible! Because there will never be any place that can give a man such momentum! Moreover, a man with such momentum would definitely not be a villain! Tie Si forcibly resisted the urge to perform military salutes on Brother Liu.

He raised his trembling hands, cupped his fists slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu, Tiesi understands.

"Although it's just a sentence.

But a seven-foot man like Tie Si is willing to bend his waist! "Haha!" Brother Liu laughed, and instantly lost his momentum! "I understand, don't you? I haven't had all the fun today!" Just now, the devil boy had helped Liu Di integrate the three martial arts subconscious of 'Special Combat Technique', 'Grabbing Technique' and 'Sanda Technique'! Now Tie Si can be seen through in his eyes! Iron Four has strong qi and blood, strong bones, and is obviously a master of fighting skills.

But Iron Four is more than strong, but lacks skills.

Faced with a man who was so loyal and brave to the Yan family, Brother Liu couldn't help but want to give him some advice! Besides, it is rare to meet a master like Tie Si, so Liu Di also wanted to test the power of this new human being! "There are too many people here, we can go there to compete!" Liu Di smiled and pointed to the yoga room beside him.

An independent yoga room of nearly 100 square meters! Tie Si was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Tie Si risked his life to accompany the gentleman!" Seeing the two walking towards the yoga room, Yan Qingwen was even more anxious and shouted to Tie Si: "Tie Si, enough is enough, enough is enough! Tiesi felt helpless and cried in his heart: "Miss Third, do you think I am willing?"...Bang! Bang! Listening to the banging in the yoga room, Yan Qingwen's face was as gloomy as water! I'm afraid Brother Liu won't be able to stand up and come out! have no choice! The Iron Five and Iron Six people were blocking the door of the yoga room like door gods.

The corner of Tie Liu's mouth twitched slightly and said: "Miss Third, just trust Tie Si and trust Mr. Liu for once!" Several of them were also shocked by Brother Liu's strength! I feel the same way as Iron Four! Mr. Liu must be a military expert! Inside the yoga room.

The fists collided, and Tie Si's huge body flew back! "Tie Si, although your power is huge, you can't do it with brute force alone!" "Yes, Mr. Liu!" "Come again!" Bang! Iron Four flies upside down again! "Iron Four, use seven percent of your strength and three percent of your strength, so you can move and release freely and keep your backhand!" "Yes!" Bang! "Mr. Liu Di, I have something important to tell you!" "Tie Si, practice boxing first!" Bang! 20 minutes later.

What surprised Brother Liu.

Tie Si was knocked away by Liu Di 20 times, but he was able to get up at the first time every time.

No matter how unbearable the pain was.

This man didn't even frown! "Haha, you are worthy of being a warrior from the Eastern Sword. You are really worthy of your reputation. I admire you!" Liu Di nodded slightly.

3 minutes ago, Mo Tong had completed a difficult search and match through several key information in Tie Si's words: District 43 in northern China, special operations arms, border missions, and Vietnam! Although Tie Si's background information is pitifully small.

But with a powerful Mo Tong, there is no secret that cannot be dug up! The team that Tie Si has served in for 10 years is the top secret special operations force in China! The identity is secret, few people know, and the super special operations team that exists like a ghost-the Eastern Sword! Tie Si, who was preparing to attack again, was suddenly stunned.

The name of the Eastern Sword is not something that ordinary people can say! This is a Chinese SSS-level secret! There are only two possibilities for knowing the existence of the Eastern Sword! First, it is the military high-ranking officials of the entire Chinese three-star general level! But considering Liu Di's age, this is obviously impossible! Then... Tie Si was extremely shocked and was stunned for 3 minutes.

Suddenly, Tie Si laughed up to the sky! "Mr. Liu Di, I was still worried about you before!" "How could the dignified Tianluo take a few small thieves seriously!" This time, it was Liu Di's turn to be confused! Tie Si smiled and said, "Mr. Liu can mention the Eastern Divine Sword. I'm afraid there is only one possibility, that is, you, Mr. Liu, are also a member of the Eastern Divine Sword!" "The Eastern Divine Sword has always been divided into two major parts, the ground network and the Tianluo!" "I am Tie Si, but I am from the ground network group in the Eastern Divine Sword, and the Tianluo group that is admired by all the ground network soldiers, unattainable and difficult to approach, is probably Mr. Liu Di's old unit!" "Tianluo, a legend in the special operations army, the sword among the swords!" "Tie Si is blind!" Liu Di's mouth twitched slightly, "Hehe..."

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