Mr. Yan closed his eyes slightly.

His expression was peaceful, as if he was asleep.

The indicators of various instruments have also gradually stabilized.


There is no telling when he will wake up.

The attending physician, who had been unable to calm down, couldn't help but ask, "Sir, how did you do it? I have never seen this phenomenon in the history of medicine!" His tears had dried up and he was in a daze. The three daughters of the Yan family, who were looking at their father, also slowly turned back.

Everyone in the room looked at Brother Liu.

“Mr. Yan’s brain was seriously injured.

“It turned out that his consciousness was gradually dissipating.

Liu Di looked at Mr. Yan with an indescribable expression, "But a person's willpower can often override the body."

"The name I just read aroused Mr. Yan's hope of living!" "Liu Manwen, this woman is the love of my life, but for some unknown reason, the two got separated, and Mr. Yan has been looking for her for half his life!" Liu Di's eyes flickered, "Now that I have found her for the old man, it naturally gives him the motivation to live. One day in the future, the old man will even wake up because of her!" "Mr. Yan values ​​affection and righteousness and is loyal to love. This is his self-rescue!" Yan Qingwen looked a little confused and said, "But how do you know this?" As his daughters... we haven't heard anything from our father.

“The old man misses the love of his life all the time.

"It's just that you didn't realize it. You sons and daughters have done something shameful!" Brother Liu looked at Mr. Yan and was a little moved: "Yan Yi Wen, Yan Si Wen, Yan Qing Wen, which name doesn't express his longing for Wen?" "Mr. Yan has never married. All his children are adopted with good intentions. He should be keeping his promise and has been waiting for Liu Manwen!" "The expressions of the four girls of the Yan family froze instantly! Brother Liu knew everything! He never revealed it! "Then how did you find this woman? Yan Qingwen suddenly asked.

"The Internet, and your own thoughts!" Liu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, "Mr. Yan has been a business giant for many years, and even the people he can't find naturally have strange identities!" "So, I searched for all the people who lost their mobility. , and a woman whose name contains the word "文".

"Because I believe that if Mr. Yan is so infatuated, the other party will never be a woman with a heart of steel. If she is still alive, the only possibility is that she has no way to reply to Mr. Yan!" "Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

The four daughters of the Yan family slowly looked at the old man sleeping peacefully on the bed.

A pang of regret surged into my heart.

My father has raised me for so many years.

But I didn’t even understand the old man’s thoughts clearly! Not as good as Brother Liu, an outsider who stayed at home for less than a month! Several doctors and Duan Hua shed tears.

Even they never thought of it.

The normally high-spirited richest man in the sea still hides such a touching love story in his heart! "Alas..." Duan Hua sighed tremblingly: "I really can't imagine what kind of miserable parting it was that caused the two of them to separate, and what kind of weird fate it was that made them meet like this in the end!" Yan Kaikai With tears streaming down her face, she looked at Brother Liu and choked with sobs: "Thank you, Brother Liu.

"No need!" "Di Liu clearly remembers that Mr. Yan has donated nearly 2 billion in his lifetime and is a well-known philanthropist! He said solemnly: "Mr. Yan has accumulated virtues and done good deeds throughout his life. It is my duty to help him! "Everyone sighed! If it weren't for Brother Liu's observation and analysis that ordinary people would do.

I'm afraid this secret will be buried forever! Everyone looked at Brother Liu with eyes full of admiration! Full of gratitude! Even Duan Hua was deeply impressed. Brother Liu's insight and thinking ability were ten times better than those of top detectives! After a long while, Yan Qingwen wiped away her tears, looked at Brother Liu and said, "Brother Liu, I hope you don't mind, I have a question to ask you.

Yan Qingwen paused, "Where were you when my father had a car accident?" Duan Hua looked stern when he heard this, "Qing Wen, what do you mean by this?" Yan Qingwen said nothing and took out his mobile phone, which showed a surveillance video.

An out-of-control cement truck hit a luxury car and the scene was extremely tragic.

However, this video has been processed.

An eye-catching red circle encloses an imperceptible figure in the distance of the highway.

The man was tall, wearing a white shirt, and his face was blurred.

He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

It wasn't until he saw the car accident that he waved his arms and turned around to leave! then.

Yan Qingwen took out another mobile phone with a broken screen.

A text message can be faintly seen in it: Brother Liu, I want to meet you and have a chat. Please agree.

This is Mr. Yan’s mobile phone.

Yan Qingwen's eyes turned to stare at Brother Liu, "Brother Liu, can you explain?" Everyone came back to their senses.

Brother Liu's clothing is a white shirt that has remained unchanged for thousands of years! Plus that text message.

This is indeed a bit strange! But Duan Hua reacted first and said quickly: "Qing Wen, don't make random guesses. I have already contacted you. This was an ordinary car accident. The truck driver confessed that he was distracted for a moment and caused a disaster! "But Brother Liu frowned and shook his head! "No, it's not an ordinary car accident!" "Of course, this figure in white is not me, and you all know him. His name is - Qiu Beiming!"

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