‘Instruction: On May 8, assassinate Chinese scientist Li Weiguo.

''Reply: Refusal to execute! '' Zhao Hai, Chairman of the Command Gene Group,'' replied: Refuse to execute! ''Instructions...'' Brother Liu slowly touched the language code on the drawing book.

My mind is constantly translating! Because during the interrogation of the 7 of Spades, Liu Di combined the oral description and evidence, and with the implantation of the devil boy's consciousness, he mastered the translation method of the Book of Revelation! Sudden.

Brother Liu felt a strong anger coming from around him.

It was Yan Yiwen who was shocked by Brother Liu's actions! Remember http:// in one second and he actually found my password! Could it be that he knew the poker game and could understand the Book of Revelation? ! Yan Yiwen has murderous intentions! The right hand is slightly bent, forming a claw shape! At the critical moment.

Brother Liu suddenly turned around! The pupil of his right eye suddenly appeared, and a breath of horror burst out! Yan Yiwen's arms suddenly stiffened! In her eyes, Brother Liu's momentum suddenly became extremely huge! It seems to cover everything! Suppress everything! She only felt that this was irresistible! Or, as long as he has any wrong thoughts, he will be directly killed by Brother Liu with a brutal punch! Inexplicable.

Yan Yiwen, an international killer, just sat there, not daring to move at all! "Hmph!" Brother Liu snorted coldly, treating Yan Yiwen as if he was nothing.

Keep cracking the code! ‘Instruction: On June 17, the Chinese general Heishan will arrive at the Yan family manor and must be assassinated! ''Reply: Refusal to execute! ''Instruction: If you dare to refuse, you will never see the child again! ''Reply: Execute.

’ After reading this, Brother Liu turned to look at Yan Yiwen, his eyes narrowed slightly! Yan Yiwen's face was pale! Still dare not move! ‘Instruction: Assassinate the founder Di San on July 1st! ''Reply: Refusal to execute! ''Instruction: Assassinate Yan Hongxin of Yingzhi Group on July 2! ''Reply: Refusal to execute! ’ This is the latest instruction! Liu Di slowly put down his drawing book, his face as cold as frost, "Miss Yan, I really underestimate you!" Recalling the information about Yan Yiwen for the first time, Liu Di sighed: "It turns out you go there often Volunteering in a children's welfare home is actually to convey the killer's message! "And you dare to directly refuse the instructions of the poker club. You must have a high status in it!" "What surprises me the most is..." Brother Liu. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Yan Yiwen, "When did you have a child?" "As far as I know, you and Ouyang Fengyu didn't have children, right?" "And this child is still controlled by the poker club?" Liu Di said gently He clicked his fingers and said, "Since you have refused so many assassinations, give me an explanation and I will consider sparing your life.

"Although Brother Liu's tone was light.

But it was like thunder resounding in Yan Yiwen’s heart! Unprecedented horror! At first, she only knew that Brother Liu was very powerful! Stopped her from assassinating Montenegro! But...why would I be exposed! Why does he know about poker! Why can I understand the Book of Revelation! And it’s obvious that he’s not a poker guy! He knows too much! But.

Yan Yiwen was unable to muster the killing intent at this time! He is too strong! An impeccable feeling! Jingle bell...the alarm bell suddenly rang in the special care ward.

One of the doctors shouted in a panic: "The patient is on the verge of brain death, urgent help is needed!" Liu Di and Yan Yiwen's expressions both changed! Get up quickly! At this time, two hours had passed since the accident.

Brother Liu already knew it before he came to the hospital.

Mr. Yan suffered severe damage to the cerebral cortex due to cranial trauma and has fallen into a deep coma! Even after recovery from trauma, there will be a loss of conscious brain activity.

It is also commonly known as a vegetative state! And it is irreversible damage to contemporary medicine! Push the door open.

Yan Kaikai, Yan Xinxin, Yan Qingwen, and Duan Hua rushed out of the observation room and came to the hospital bed! The three daughters of the Yan family cried loudly for their father.

Duan Hua stood in the corner with a sad face.

Mr. Yan's head was wrapped in gauze, his lips were pale, and he lay unconscious on the bed.

"Doctor, please save my father!" Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin shouted desperately with hoarse voices.

After a doctor checked the situation, he shook his head in despair and said sadly: "If a craniotomy is performed, Chairman Yan will not be able to survive!" "Now we must find a way to keep the chairman alive, even if he is in a coma, we will not survive." There will be time to find a treatment!" The doctor looked at an instrument next to him, "But now, the chairman's brain activity is plummeting. If it is zero..." Liu Di looked at all this and felt sad. Endless! Mr. Yan is a kind man, why did he end up like this? "Demon boy, is there any way?" "No, unless I can upgrade to strong artificial intelligence and control nanorobots, I can repair his brain, but it will take several years.

"The devil boy said sadly.

Brother Liu frowned, "Have you found the information I asked you to check?" "Yes, there are 7 qualified people in total.

"We can only give it a try!" "Brother Liu gritted his teeth and stepped forward! The three daughters of the Yan family saw Brother Liu arriving.

His expression froze slightly.

But they were so filled with sadness and despair that they had no intention of caring about who was coming! Brother Liu came to Mr. Yan's bedside and asked the doctor: "Theoretically speaking, even a vegetative person has a certain degree of consciousness, but he just can't express it to the outside world, right?" The doctor was stunned, "Yes, may I ask you "Really?" Brother Liu waved his hand and shouted to the three girls of the Yan family: "Be quiet!" This loud shout made the three girls of the Yan family stunned and stopped crying instantly, "Brother Liu, you "What do you want to do?" "If you want Mr. Yan to have a chance of survival, please be quiet!" Liu Di said, gently lying in Mr. Yan's ear, and whispered: "Hu Wanwen..." Then, Liu Di I looked at the electroencephalograph next to me that was connected to Mr. Yan’s head.

Brain activity continues to decline! Liu Di frowned and continued to whisper: "Ding Yaowen..." The curve is still declining! Brother Liu shook his teeth, "Liu Manwen..." Suddenly! When Mr. Yan heard this name.

The eyelids tremble slightly! The falling curve of the electroencephalograph suddenly stopped! Then, slowly climb! Finally it stabilized to a steady state and fluctuated slowly! The doctor's eyes widened and he said with surprise: "This is simply a miracle. The chairman's thoughts have fluctuated and his brain activity has recovered!" Yan Kaikai stared at his tear-stained eyes and murmured: "Dad is saved. "?" The doctor said nothing.

He repeatedly checked Mr. Yan's condition.

"Unfortunately, although Mr. Yan's brain activity has recovered, he still fell into a deep coma!" "But there is hope that he will wake up one day in the future!" After a moment, the doctor said regretfully.

When the three daughters of the Yan family heard this, a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes.

A glimmer of hope hidden in despair! Liu Di said with a gloomy face: "There is a woman named Liu Manwen in Ward 305 of the Hengzhou Vegetative Adoption Center. Please take her over and let the old man stay with her. It may be beneficial to her condition.

"The old man has been looking for her for 30 years. This is his wish."

"After a pause, Liu Di said sadly: "She is also a vegetable.


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