Brother Liu slowly knelt on the ground.

His pupils trembled violently, his hands gripped the ground tightly, and he looked at the earth under Xianju Island with a bloodless face.

But he saw that the entire universe had shrunk to infinitesimal size, and the pitch-black vacuum area was only slightly larger than the earth.

Countless humans on the earth first saw the sun go out and the entire sky plunge into darkness.

Then all kinds of emergency lighting equipment came on, and people were stunned by this scene. They stood on the street, looking up at the sky, and they were at a loss.

Brother Liu saw many people.

The frowning Liu Entropy, Mr. Song standing in the Nanhai courtyard, the somewhat dull Lei Pu, and Duan Hua holding a thermos cup.

There are also the Geminis, Ajia, Nan Ruoyi, Haidina, Kuo'er, Moore, and Ruan Liangji.

There are also everyone from Ghost Island, Jianxu, Tuyuan, Tie Sansansan, Xiaotang, Lisa Fei, and 283 Tianluo warriors.

Several daughters of the Yan family also walked out of the villa, including Yan Qingwen, Yan Kaikai, Yan Xinxin, and Tiesi.

Mr. Tuo and a group of disabled orphans stood in front of the free hospital.


Mom located in Heshui Town.

As well as two of Liu's younger brothers, Da Zhuang and Zhang Qisheng, who smokes in reverse.


The shrinking universe begins to swallow the earth.

The seawater flows backwards and explodes violently.

The next moment, the shrinking universe, synchronized with the deathly gray in Liu Di's pupils, swallowed up everything bit by bit.

All the people on earth unknowingly shattered their bodies and turned into data. Brother Liu stared at the small blue snowflakes, flying into Wen Zhiwu's vial one by one.


The whole earth disappeared.

The entire universe shrank into a small black dot.

"The entire universe has been reduced to a singularity..."

In Brother Liu's eyes, everything seemed to have lost its color and turned gray.

Even the green Xianju Island seems to have turned into a mourning hall with only black and white at this time, without any life at all.

"why is that!!!"

Brother Liu's voice was trembling, and he seemed to be unable to roar anymore. He looked up to the sky, tears streaming down his face!

This moment.

A sentence popped into Brother Liu's mind.

At that time, he defeated Wang Mang.

And Wang Mang has a special ability caused by a genetic mutation, which is that he can dream about the future.

At that time, Wang Mang's hair was disheveled, and he gritted his teeth and said: "There, you can be regarded as an emperor, but what a pity! Your world was also destroyed! Destroyed by very powerful beings! They came from the sky! At that time, you were extremely desperate, Look up to the sky and cry, but there is nothing you can do!”

These words hit Liu Di's heart word by word. What's even more frightening is that it really came true.


Wen Zhiwu laughed, "Why? There are not so many reasons! Because I am the supreme, I am the administrator of this world! And you are just an ant! An ant!"

Brother Liu, who had lost everything, was heartbroken.

Even Brother Liu at this moment could no longer ignite any belief in fighting.

Wen Zhiwu was right, he was the supreme.

In this world of electronic simulation, as an administrator, he is... one of the most powerful.

Here, Wen Zhiwu is like himself in the Yuan Universe, subverting everything with a thought.

And Liu Di, as one of the programs, faced the closed system and had no ability to resist!


Wen Zhiwu smiled ferociously. Seeing Brother Liu in such a miserable state, he finally felt at ease. "About you, Brother Liu, why can you and your little devil boy still exist? Do you still remember the nine so-called essences of life?" Wei?"

"Zhizu Wen told you that it is a perspective that transcends the system code - an observer."

"You are outside the code world, so you are not destroyed yet."

"But, when I return to reality and completely reset the entire Origin Laboratory to zero, the original singularity will also collapse, and you will eventually disappear!"


Wen Zhiwu laughed wildly, and then his personality disappeared, and Wen Zhizu took over his body again.


Brother Liu knelt on Xianju Island.

Wen Zhizu stood aside.

And in the entire universe, only this small fairy island is left.

Brother Liu slowly raised his head and looked at Ancestor Wen, "Why are you still here?"

Wen Zhizu looked calm, "I said, I am the same kind as you, just a clone he built here. After a while, the Witch of Wen will return everything to zero, and I will disappear accordingly."

Brother Liu laughed sadly, "Haha...I see."


Brother Liu also slowly lowered his head and waited for death.


Beyond the electronic universe.

In a quiet underground base, the cool breeze blew.

Wen Zhiwu, who looked extremely slovenly, opened his eyes and slowly took off the consciousness helmet on his head.

He looked at the quantum computer in front of him and the very simple control panel.

Wen Zhiwu leaned against the back of the chair, looked up at the frost-covered ceiling, and sighed slightly, and then echoes came from the entire underground base, which was extremely empty.

Then, he showed a ferocious expression, with anger in his eyes, "I have spent so much time, but in the end I still fell short. Those ants, those rubbish, that brother Liu, it is not a pity to die!"

At this moment, Wen Zhiwu straightened up and looked at the red button on the control panel. He put his finger on it, and the biometric recognition was activated instantly, and the red button lit up.

Wen Zhiwu gritted his teeth and said: "It's over, just go to hell!!!"


Wen Zhiwu pressed the control button.

The entire control panel went out for a moment, and then a rhythmic light flashed little by little. This light lit up from one end of the instrument, went out again, and lit up again, indicating a reset.


Wen Zhiwu's face flickered, and he grinned: "Only I exist all the time. I have to cheer up and re-simulate everything!"


Suddenly, the underground base where Wen Zhiwu was located began to vibrate, and it was not just the laboratory that was vibrating, as if the whole world was vibrating.

"What happened?"

Wen Zhiwu quickly got up and mobilized the surveillance images of the entire base, but found that all the images were a ball of snowflakes, as if the signal had been lost.

Wen Zhiwu's expression was a little horrified, and he quickly took the elevator to the ground.

The ground of the entire planet was shaking.

"What's going on!"

Wen Zhiwu was a little panicked.

But the next moment, the sky of Wen Zhiwu's planet suddenly flashed with a regular blue light.

Then, the stars that filled the sky disappeared.

The originally dark night sky turned blue.

And on that blue background, countless codes slowly floated.

Wen Zhiwu widened his eyes, "This..."

The next moment.

Wen Zhiwu seemed to realize something, lowered his head and grabbed a handful of dust on the ground, only to see the sand flowing through his fingers, but as it flowed, the sand turned into blue codes and disappeared.

A thunderclap sounded in Wen Zhiwu's mind.

He quickly looked around, only to see those desolate, empty buildings begin to twist, and finally lose their "skin", turning into strings of codes, and disappearing.

Then, Wen Zhiwu saw that the universe in the distance was rolling back, shrinking, and would soon swallow him up.

Wen Zhiwu was stunned.

A terrible truth emerged in his mind.

His pupils suddenly shrank, "This... This... Why is this!!!"

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