My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1565 Final Punishment (1/2)


Brother Liu stood on Xianju Island again.

The breath is calm.

His eyes turned slightly, scanning the surroundings.

Kun Sang is not here, Xiao Bo Gai is not here, Tao Zi is not here, Tou Ba is not here, Liu Xiaodi is not here, and Gu Fan is not here.

They all died and were not resurrected. He just restarted the demon boy.

Brother Liu stared at Wen Zhiwu.

He will not let anger defeat reason.

Countless battle plans flashed through his mind, but every time those plans came to an end, a sharp blade seemed to appear in his mind, chopping up all the pictures.


Wen Zhiwu smiled and said: "Even the thoughts in your mind are part of my program, and nothing can be hidden from me!"

"How do you want to reverse the situation?"

"Creating hallucinations for me?"

"Want to lock me in a fake space?"

"Want to cover 'reality' with your Metaverse?"

“Want to turn the world of code into the physical world?”

"It's useless, everything is a program, everything is under my control!"

Liu Di's expression flickered repeatedly, and finally his face became gloomy and his teeth were clenched.

This is a feeling of being completely in control, with no power to fight back.

"Take another look at the world."

But when Wen Zhizu suddenly took over his body, his face was calm, showing a trace of reluctance, he pointed to the bottom of Xianju Island.

Brother Liu slowly moved his eyes.

But I saw that Xianju Island had changed its position unconsciously.

At this moment, a blue planet floats quietly below Xianju Island, like a sleeping goddess.

Brother Liu frowned, "Earth?"

Ancestor Wen paused for a moment and said slowly: "By destroying the Universe Heavenly Palace, you destroyed the sample we were closest to success in."

"Of course, the universe is just one sample."

"This Earth is the second."

"A prototype sample that is 7 billion years behind the universe."

"Once the technology to transform humans appeared on Earth, it was actually a big step forward for mankind in the field of genetic evolution, which contained countless possibilities."

"But you single-handedly stopped this evolution."

"Remember, you ordered the members of Ghost Island to destroy the transformation bases all over the world."

"So, the results of the Earth have also changed. They have not developed according to our settings, have deviated from the course, and cannot get the correct results."

"You even made the earth hide in the universe. You don't know yet that your 'Boundless', at this time, exceeds more than 60% of the technological civilizations in the universe. As a result, many rising civilizations have not conquered the earth. Included in the map of the universe.”

"This seems to have avoided the crisis and created a safe haven. In fact, it is such a pre-emptive defense that may have blocked the disaster that would cause human beings to disappear in an instant."

"So, our second sample was also discarded."

Speaking of this, Wen Zhizu sighed slowly, "Our original intention is to pursue the ultimate result of mankind, so in the past days, we hardly interfered with the world. Only in this way is natural evolution, and the result will be will be accurate."

Liu Di knew that Wen Zhizu and Wen Zhiwu had two different personalities. In contrast, Wen Zhizu had a trace of conscience in his heart and was very patient.

Liu Di endured the anger in his heart and asked: "Then why does the Witch of Wen still interfere with me and kill all my friends? Is it just to satisfy its perverted heart? He interferes in the entire universe like this. As a result, It can only lead to more confusion, but isn’t the cost even greater?”

Wen Zhizu turned around and looked at Brother Liu. After a long silence, he said, "Because at this time, Wen Zhizu no longer cares about the consequences."

Brother Liu noticed something was wrong and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"We have missed the opportunity to erase you. Everything will never go back to the past. The overall data is already flawed. In such a rigorous simulation experiment, we cannot tolerate any minor flaws..."

"So, not long ago, Wen Zhiwu made the final conclusion..."

"This simulated universe had to be shut down and re-established."

Wen Zhizu said slowly.

Brother Liu was shocked, "Close... this universe?"

But now.

Wen Zhizu showed a look of regret, and then his personality disappeared.

Wen Zhiwu's face appeared, and he roared ferociously, "I have to overthrow everything before, because all my hard work has been ruined by you. This is why I hate you so much!"

Brother Liu was stunned.

There was only one question lingering in his mind at this time, what does it mean to... close this universe? !

Wen Zhiwu smiled angrily and maniacally, "Brother Liu, now that you have endured countless sorrows, I have lost interest in playing with you. Let's welcome your final outcome!"

But I saw Xianju Island suddenly rising into the sky.

At this time, the entire world has no concept of distance.

Liu Di can see the entire 93 billion light-year universe with his naked eyes.

The next moment.

There was a rumbling sound in Brother Liu's ears, as if the world was beginning to collapse.

I saw that the farthest edge of the universe suddenly began to roll, time and space were completely chaotic, and then the universe curled inward like a black carpet.

The curling speed was very fast, exceeding all 'speeds'.

In the blink of an eye, the universe curled up to the star field where celestial bodies existed, but those celestial bodies, no matter what size, instantly shattered and turned into codes, and then those codes seemed to be deleted out of thin air.

Then, the universe curled up to the area with life.

The celestial bodies still shattered, and all the creatures in them died instantly, turning into consciousness codes, floating into the small bottle on Wen Zhiwu's crutch.

Wen Zhiwu's face had begun to become ferocious, "The only thing in this universe that is useful to me is this life data!"

At this time, Brother Liu no longer cared about what Wen Zhiwu said.

The whole person froze there, and everything was reflected in his trembling pupils.

In a flash.

Brother Liu saw that the universe and heaven were also destroyed. Whether it was Feng or others, they all died in an instant, their bodies collapsed, and countless consciousness data formed a long river and merged into the small bottle!


Brother Liu saw the destruction of the Mayan space city, the destruction of the home of the Mole Prince, the destruction of the planet with an average lifespan of only 14 seconds, the destruction of Proxima b...

Brother Liu was just absent-minded.

The universe has shrunk into the solar system.

Uranus and Pluto were destroyed, and the sun, Mercury, and Jupiter were all destroyed!

The universe is shrinking smaller and smaller.

Brother Liu looked up in horror, but saw that not far away, the moon of mankind was swallowed by the shrinking universe, turned into scattered codes, and disappeared.

Brother Liu's pupils suddenly expanded, and he looked at the earth under his feet, "No!!!"


Wen Zhiwu grinned, "Disappear, destroy, everything is the result of being abandoned by me, like garbage!"

"Brother Liu!"

"Open your eyes wide and look at your home on Earth!"

"All your kind, relatives, friends, and even your former enemies, everything you are familiar with, attached to, and miss will turn into ashes in front of you!"

"This is the final punishment I give you!"

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