My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1558 About You and Me (1/2)

Liu Di was already standing there in a daze, his whole body numb.

The impact of all this was simply too great, turning the world upside down, and shattering cognition.

Is the world really just a program?

A legacy from future earthlings?

And all future people are extinct?

Liu Di turned his head inch by inch like a machine, looking at Wen Zhizu, then who is he...?

"About me..."

But Wen Zhizu looked at the undecided chess piece in Liu Di's hand with a hint of smile.

"That day..."

"It was the 1558th day of the 117th era of the real Earth."

"According to your understanding, that should be the Earth 9.9 billion years later."

"I remember this time very accurately, because at that time, I had been working in the underground base for 120 consecutive days, and during this period, I had never been to the ground."

"I stretched my body and prepared to go to the ground and breathe a breath of fresh air."

"When the elevator reached the ground and the door opened."

"I saw the silent earth like a ghost."

"There was no figure."

"My kind, all disappeared."

"I fell into panic."

When Wen Zhizu said this, his pupils trembled, "My first reaction was that they all immigrated and abandoned me?"

"At that time The human beings on Earth are extremely powerful, and their territories are divided by star regions. "

"I turned on the communication system, calling over and over again, sending signals from one star region to another."

"No one answered."

"The life of the entire universe seemed to have evaporated out of thin air."

"Everything was silent, leaving only the basic, infinite energy to supply everything."

"I didn't give up so easily, I searched for a whole year!"

"Finally, I recognized the reality, and I was the only one left in the entire universe."

"Then, I collapsed."

"Another whole year."

"I don't understand, what kind of power, silently, destroyed everything, what kind of civilization can have such a powerful ability?"

"The most miserable thing is that I am the only one left."

"Loneliness and despair fill my whole body."

At this moment.

Wen Zhizu's eyes were moist and his lips were trembling. He looked at Liu Di, "I only had one thought left at that time, that was to end my life."

"But the moment I raised my gun, I saw the instrument in front of me."

"HD69830 Origin Laboratory."

"That's what I said, the universe simulation system."

"At that moment, I gave up the idea of ​​ending my life!"

"I decided to re-simulate a universe, starting from the singularity, simulating a universe one to one. I want everything to develop in the code and let it gradually catch up with the real time!"

"Then, I want to find the cause of death of all creatures in the universe through observation."

"The moment this thought came up, a fire ignited in my heart, and I had to do it!"

"Even if I die, I have to see the truth before I die!"

At this time, Wen Zhizu, who was looking at Liu Di, gritted his teeth slightly, "I think you also understand that in the real earth, in the 117th era, my job is a scientific researcher working in the 'HD69830 Origin Laboratory'."

"Didn't you ask me before, am I ten-dimensional? Am I the Supreme?"

"Now I will answer you."

"My identity is very simple, I am the administrator of the entire universe."

"I just move my fingers lightly, and no one can escape the logic I have formulated!"

"So, the eleven dimensions you imagine are absolutely impossible to exist!"

"As for the various dimensions below the tenth dimension, they are just the abilities derived from some code life, which is constantly approaching the truth of the code universe."

At this time, Liu Di was like a clay sculpture and his face was pale.

Finally, he understood the meaning of Wen Zhizu's "I guess so".

Moreover, every word of Wen Zhizu pierced into Liu Di's brain like a steel nail, nailed there, impeccable.

But Wen Zhizu slowly blinked his eyes, the tears in his eyes disappeared, the tragic look disappeared, and he smiled again, "Of course, the 'Wen Zhizu' in front of you is not a living human being. To be precise, I am just a string of simulation code like you."

"And my brother Wen Zhiwu."

"He is the real manager who stands outside the system."

"Our consciousness is interlinked, but relatively independent. My existence is just an electronic consciousness set up to go deep into this world and better manage this world."

At this moment.

Wen Zhiwu's face loomed.

Liu Di realized that Wen Zhiwu's expression was not some kind of viciousness, but full of disdain, disregard, and impatience.

The way he looked at everything was administrator looking at boring code, without any emotion, without any warmth.

And then.

Wen Zhizu's expression dominated, "I am different from Wen Zhiwu. I was born in this world, and this is my home, so I can treat you equally, empathize with your experience, observe you, look forward to your encounter, and now, I can patiently explain all this to you."

At this moment.

Liu Di's hand holding the chess piece trembled slightly.

He glanced at Gu Fan in the peach blossom forest from a distance.

It seems that Gu Fan already knew these secrets in advance, so... what she meant was that there was really no need to resist this time. No matter what you do, it can't compare to the quiet and satisfying enjoyment of "this moment".

Liu Di breathed heavily.

He turned back slowly, gradually calmed his mind, and then picked up the white piece and stretched it towards the chessboard.

It was Wen Zhizu's words "about you" that made Liu Di's hand suddenly pause.

"About you."

"Liu Di."

Wen Zhizu said: "Your existence is a paradox in the system. You travel through time and leave your DNA in the past, and then you are cloned by Mo Yu. You are not the original code, you are a BUG, ​​and slowly wander outside the system."

At this time.

Wen Zhiwu's face appeared, and he said ferociously: "Do you know what BUG means? It's a bug in English! Ant! Its source is a moth that got into the computer! It caused a short circuit and destroyed an entire program!"

Liu Di frowned.

But Wen Zhizu appeared again and said calmly.

"You created 119 elements, the Qi Ao elements, which is also a bug."

"You blocked the information collection of the God of Death, which is also a bug."

"The electronic singularity you created is a range bug, which melted my program and covered it."

"And your so-called nine-dimensional ability is actually an observation perspective that overrides the code."

"The universe heaven you destroyed is the secondary microscopic sandbox in my electronic universe. I wanted to use it to reach a lifespan of 10 billion years in advance and witness the disaster in advance."

"Eshi did a good job."

"But you killed him."

"'Universe Heaven', a sample that I have devoted a lot of effort to, was destroyed by you."

Wen Zhizu paused here.

Liu Di saw that Wen Zhizu looked like a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a lot of white hair mixed in his slightly long hair.

The next moment.

Wen Zhiwu appeared and roared: "So, I will make you pay the price, the most painful price in your so-called real world!"

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