My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1557 A World (1/2)

Brother Liu thought for a moment and suddenly realized something, "Could it be that... you are... a human being who returned from the future timeline?"

Wen Zhizu paused, "So... right?"

Brother Liu doesn't understand.

‘So right’ again?

What does ‘maybe’ mean?

Liu Di hesitated, grabbed the white piece again, and prepared to make the move.

But Wen Zhizu asked again: "What have humans simulated using computers? Mathematical formulas? Mechanical drawings, architectural drawings?"

"By the way, there's something you should know."

“In 2014, scientists from the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Europe connected 8,000 computers, used our universe as a sample, created a simulated universe 350 million light-years wide, and digitized it for 13 billion years. Numerous unexpected deductions took place.”

The chess piece in Liu Di's hand was hanging in the air again. What Wen Zhizu said was a real incident.

If Wen Zhizu is really from the future, then 2014 is the past that the two of them have experienced together.

Brother Liu's expression gradually changed, and he asked in confusion: "What on earth do you want to say?"

"I just wanted to express a small, inconsequential, little... little secret that won't change anything."

Wen Zhizu suddenly stared at Brother Liu, with a hint of pity in his eyes, "The earth, solar system, galaxy, and even the entire universe you live in are all fake and the product of electronic simulation."

"Of course, that also includes you, your family, your friends, Liu Xiaodi, Kun Sang, Gu Fan..."

"And your opponents, those alien civilizations, theatergoers, and Esha, are all groups of self-aware...programs."

"You are just the life you think you are."

The white piece in Brother Liu's hand was still hanging in the air, and then there was a thunder in his head, and his expression was like rainy weather, with the storm constantly changing.


After a long time, Liu Di suddenly laughed, somewhat disdainfully and madly, "Destroy my mind?... Do you want to make up this bunch of nonsense to destroy my mind?... You want to tell me, what I firmly believe in Is all this fake? You are the supreme one, but this method is really low-level!"

Wen Zhizu was very indifferent, "As you can see, my habits and preferences all come from the earth. Even my appearance, language, and writing all come from the earth."

"This is not a disguise, this is my real habit, because I am indeed from Earth."


"You and I are from the same 'Earth', but we are not from the same 'Earth'."

Wen Zhizu looked at the linear universe in the distance, "Because my earth suffered a disaster in the 117th era. At that time, mankind, after 9.9 billion years of development, became the sole overlord of the universe. But it still became extinct for unknown reasons.”

"But before that, the people on earth built a cosmic simulation system, which has a one-to-one replica of the entire cosmic ecology. People will not enter. All life is simulated by codes. Its original purpose of existence is to observe the development of living things. ”

"After the demise of humanity, this system will still operate autonomously."

"Everything about you is derived from you!"

Hearing this, Liu Di's body trembled slightly, his eyes full of stubbornness, "Still talking nonsense!"

"Is this so hard to accept?"

Wen Zhizu's voice was still calm, "In your universe, humans have created games that are almost as fake as real ones. Even when decorating a room, the scene must be simulated in advance with 3D renderings, and in a relatively advanced programming world, There will be autonomous artificial intelligence, such as your waiter..."

"Then, in human civilization 9.9 billion years from now, why can't there be simulated universes and simulated life forms in order to obtain experimental data?"

"Even you yourself have done something similar, that is, the T6 continent in the brain world. Didn't you also let it develop on its own? It's just that their evolutionary route is completely wrong and they became a brain in a vat."

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Your world is just a sophisticated sandbox left by future humans."

"You, Brother Liu, are not even a biological entity."

Brother Liu's mind suddenly exploded.

But Wen Zhizu said again.

"Twin Yuan Universe, you did it, right?"

"Don't your great disciple Moore, who lives in it, also feel that he is a living person?"

These questions were like huge waves, rattling Liu Di's mind.

In the end, Liu Di still squeezed out three words through his teeth, "I, no, believe it!"

"Do not believe?"

Wen Zhizu stared at the white piece in Brother Liu's hand that had not fallen for a long time and smiled.

"You've been into a black hole before, right?"

"Do you know why it can turn all matter into information, and why you can see naked space particles in black holes?"


"Because black holes are the cache of the entire simulated universe, used to regularly clean up unnecessary information."

"And what you call 'spaceon' is just a quantum storage unit in this system. You can understand it as...memory, and what it releases is what you call space."

"As for the inside of the black hole, its original setting is that no 'people' will ever enter, so you can see the exposed space sub-area because the producers were lazy and did not attach a skin to it."

"And why can't this world travel faster than the speed of light?"

"Because the speed of light is the upper limit of the calculation of the entire simulation system. Beyond it, you will only see a universe with chaotic logic."

"Why is the smallest unit in the world the Planck length?"

"Because that is the smallest display unit of the visual system in the electronic universe."

“Why can’t humans understand the existence of consciousness?”

"Because the human body is just a set of 3D models, but consciousness is a more advanced information data."

Wen Zhizu said, pointing to the linear universe ahead, "About this, you should have discovered some clues before. The information content of the two-dimensional world is relatively small, so storing it saves memory. The big logic behind this is , what you call a 'linear universe' is just a periodic archive of the entire system."

"And that God of Death. His duty is just to collect 'biological information' data on a regular basis. Of course, he also thinks that he is an independent individual."

There were faint cracks in the worldview in Brother Liu's mind.

But Wen Zhizu was still smiling and continued: "Have you never thought about why the time river you simulated through electronic code can take you through time? The conclusion is obvious, because the entire world is code."

Wen Zhizu slowly raised his head, and at this moment, the seven time halberds were separated from Liu Di's mind uncontrollably and were suspended quietly in mid-air.

"These things are your creations, but in fact they are equivalent to cursors that can hover in various codes. Wherever they hover, time begins."

"Also, why does the vast universe only have 118 elements?"

"Because the entire electronic universe is based on the human cognitive system."

"There are also those so-called rules, such as high dimensions cannot target low dimensions, because this is the basic guarantee for the reproduction of the weak."

"After all, if you raise a glass box of ants and want to observe their ecology, how can you let them kill each other?"

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