Teng Hualong finally found a glimmer of confidence! The smile grew wider.

He added: "Take the sky in front of me as an example. It is almost the most gorgeous and spectacular technological product I have ever seen in my life!" "But.

"Presumably its projection machine is also extremely complex and huge."

“So, even if its effect is so dazzling, it cannot be made into a product and sold to thousands of households.

"He still needs improvement and development!" Brother Liu continued to nod! "Mr. Liu, to tell you the truth, I, Penguin, have all the things you need!" "We have talents, funds, channels, and appeal among startups!" "Teng Hualong said this, paused, and said solemnly: "Mr. Liu, I want to cooperate with you.

"Liu Di looked away from the sky and turned his head to look.

Teng Hualong smiled quickly, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's not an acquisition! It's not a shareholding either!" "Huh?" Brother Liu asked in question.

Teng Hualong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I am willing to use the 10% of Penguin shares in the hands of me and several major shareholders in exchange for your founder shares!" Liu Di raised his eyebrows: "You have 10% of Penguin Group % of the shares in exchange for 10% of the shares of my founder?" Teng Hualong nodded heavily! He has mixed feelings in his heart! It hurts to take out 10% of Penguin's shares! Even he, the founder, only holds 8% of the shares! Of course, it is precisely because of this 8% that Teng Hualong ranks among the top 10 richest people in China! For a while, he even reached the top of the richest man list! Because, how huge are penguins? A super empire spread all over China! Tens of thousands of employees, hundreds of branches! Business covers dozens of fields! If compared with hard power, Penguin is indeed a tall building, while its founder is only three farmhouses.

However, it can only be exchanged at equal value! One can imagine.

Teng Hualong was so willing at this time.

Of course, Teng Hualong couldn't help but give in.

Because he simply can't compete with the Geminis! One day in the future, the penguin will be crushed by the twins and lose everything! but.

If Penguin could own a part of Gemini shares.

This will be completely different! Not only the benefits can be shared.

The most important thing is that we are from the same roots, so there is no need to kill each other! As for the 10% stake in Penguin, it is worth hundreds of billions! In terms of bleeding, this is unprecedentedly huge! In terms of price, I’m afraid no one can withstand this temptation! This is a huge gain in one step! With these.

Who is willing to work hard to start a business, start from scratch, and become stronger step by step? After thinking for a moment, Teng Hualong added: "Mr. Liu, just imagine, if your Gemini Magic Box gets help from my business department, how fast it will be enriched! How complete!" "Your technological creation, If you get the support of my scientists, how many creative ideas will you get, and how many times the speed of research and development will be accelerated! ""To tell you the truth, I am very optimistic about the founder, but the opportunity does not come often. If you develop too slowly! , will still be abandoned by people!" "You don't have time to prepare for this!" "If you cooperate with me, Penguin, everything will be different. With our help, the future of the creator will be infinitely broad!" Teng Hualong said! , the pitch gets higher and higher.

Magnificent prospects, irresolute bargaining chips! Can you, Emperor San, still be unmoved? "Haha!" Liu Di smiled faintly! "Mr. Teng, you said the acquisition of business units is important, right?" "I do! And it's not just a department, it's an investment company!" Teng Hualong was stunned, "You do, when did you get it? Where is it?" Liu Di chuckled and pointed at his feet: "Its name is Witness, and the three-story office building under our feet is their office address!" That's right.

The tall building where Brother Liu and Teng Hualong have been standing is considered the second tallest building in Haishi.

Across the street from Rongteng Building! It was exactly what Brother Liu bought before and used it as an office space for witnesses! Teng Hualong smiled helplessly: "But what's the use of just having an office address? Do you have talents? Do you have a team?" Brother Liu stretched out his arm behind Teng Hualong: "Of course, I'll introduce it to you. Witness CEO, Ms. Heidina!" Teng Hualong turned around and suddenly found a beautiful figure standing behind him.

This is a top-notch mixed-race beauty with long black wavy hair.

"This..." "Heidina?" Teng Hualong was a little dazed. As a business boss, he was naturally familiar with the entire Chinese financial circle. Heidina was famous. Not only did he know about it, but he had also done business with her.

"You, Hetina, the investment director of Fubo Capital?" "Aren't you usually so arrogant that even your boss, my good friend Mr. Hai, can't do anything to you?" "Didn't you say in dialect that no one can do anything to you?" Are you being influenced by this?" "Do you just want to do what you want?" "You are known as the Queen of Chinese Investment!" "Why..." Heidina looked at Teng Hualong with a surprised look. Smiling slightly, "Mr. Xie Teng thinks highly of me. I do claim to be a queen, and I do not like to be ordered around.

"But there is no way."

Heidina shrugged and looked at Brother Liu with a pair of beautiful blue eyes, "Who made me meet a real emperor?" "Ah...this..." Teng Hualong was even more surprised and said suddenly: "I said that there has been a big shock in the venture capital circle recently. Countless experts have resigned one after another, saying that they have all gone to a company with great prospects. Could it be... ." Heidina continued to smile and said: "Yes, those more than a hundred elites are downstairs at this time, and they are working with more than a hundred emerging Internet app companies! "Hiss! Good guy! This is a master in half of the financial world! Now they all obey the founder?" "Mr. Liu, when did you establish these?" "Teng Hualong asked in surprise.

“The day after we declared war with you.

"Brother Liu smiled slightly.

Teng Hualong was even more shocked! It turns out that his plan had already started! His strategy... gives him the upper hand! Finally, after 3 minutes, Teng Hualong stabilized his mind.

"Mr. Liu, as for the scientific research team, it must be gone, right?" Liu Di curled his lips, "There really isn't one.

"Sure enough! Teng Hualong breathed a sigh of relief! No matter how strong you are, you can't cover everything. There should always be some weak points! I have a chance! I heard Brother Liu say again: "No, because it's not necessary! Teng Hualong: "Ah?" Liu Di pointed at the huge canopy, "The original core of this device came from a junior student."

“I improved it a little bit and presented it all.

"And she was given a corresponding remuneration. She knew how to repay her kindness. She has signed a contract with my witness and promised that all future inventions will be sold to my witness first!" After saying that, Brother Liu looked at Teng Hualong with interest and said with a smile: "I still have a warehouse for such inventions!" ""At least thousands of these inventions, with just a few adjustments, shocked the world! "Do you still remember the second generation of Wang Wang Dog?" Her original inventor is named Zhang Xiaobei! "I...Teng Hualong didn't say half of his words.

It's like a chicken feather stuck in the throat!

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