This is a high-rise building adjacent to Rongteng Building.

The two figures looked up at the magnificent sky above them.

One person held his hands behind his back and raised his head, exuding an aura of controlling the world.

The other man had his hands hanging down and his face was dull.

The person with his hands behind his back is Brother Liu.

There are many gossips speculating whether the identities of Emperor San and Emperor Yi are related.

Simply, Liu Di finished recording the new song and let Di Yi appear on the screen through video means.

And he came here to meet Teng Hualong.

From one word to another, people will naturally differentiate between Emperor One and Emperor Three.

The sluggish person is Teng Hualong.

The picture on the giant screen made his face flicker.

Remember http:// in one second: He looked dull and stared blankly.

At this time, Chinese Internet giant Teng Hualong was like a little boy standing in the yard on New Year's Eve, staring at the fireworks.

In his heart, there was only an unattainable feeling.

After thinking about the knowledge in my mind, I couldn't understand how the phenomenon in front of me happened.

on the screen at this time.

The performance led by Di Yi with 99 singers has ended.

Di Yi's voice resounded faintly through the sky, as ethereal as a fairy, "Everyone, I would like to send you a song "Arrival". Thank you for supporting Di Yi, and thank you for supporting Gemini.

"In addition, I have been entrusted by Mr. Di San to announce good news for everyone.

"In order to facilitate everyone's life, Gemini app has specially updated a function collection section. Everyone is welcome to experience it!" "Di Yi said as the screen changed.

The main interface of Gemini is displayed.

What is different from before is that a section has been quietly updated at the bottom of the interface after 'Chat', 'Matching' and 'Personal'.

This is a Rubik's Cube icon, the name is - Magic Twins.

Everyone subconsciously followed Di Yi's words and clicked on this section.

But I found that 6 functions have been integrated into it! Twin Stage, Twin Live, and Twin Music have been moved here.

In addition, there are three independent icons that look like apps: Black Box Virtual KTV App, Magic Face Expression App, and Ticket Wizard App... There is also a line of words at the bottom: Rich functions are on the way... Some people can't help but be curious and directly Click on the function.

But I was surprised to find that each icon here has its own exclusive function! It's like independent software being gathered into the magic twins! There is a line on the introduction of these functions: Creator Industry Chain Member.

At this time, the live broadcast of the concert is still going on.

After experiencing the ‘Magic Twins’, many users returned to the live broadcast room and started barrage again.

"The function of virtual KTV is awesome! You can actually have online karaoke with netizens here?" "You can sing songs by God Emperor Yi together!" "The magic face is also good, you can make my expressions into various The little animals are so cute!” “Yeah, there are a lot of emoticons to be developed!” “The ticket wizard is also awesome, you can buy all kinds of tickets, movie tickets, concert tickets, and amusement park tickets!” It’s so convenient!” “This section of Magic Twins is great! It can integrate various functions. When it is improved, I will just install such a software on my phone! 666...” “Strongly request Magic Twins to update online movies and serials. "Novel, then I'll be satisfied, haha..." Di Yi laughed in the video, "The future will be exciting! Please enjoy the solo performances of 99 singers tonight." "Great!" "Have fun all night long!" In the sea of ​​singing, Di Yi's figure gradually blurred.

The audience had no time to feel disappointed.

The singing voice of a famous singer signed by Gemini sounded, and it was also beautiful and melodious, making hundreds of millions of viewers continue to be intoxicated! On the rooftop.

Teng Hualong also took out his mobile phone immediately and studied the 'Magic Twins' section repeatedly.

His expression became increasingly ugly.


In the end, Teng Hualong laughed at himself, "I admire Mr. Liu's mind with all my heart!" “At first, we used Twin Stage, Twin Music, and Twin Live to gain a huge customer base.

"Then we developed this magic section, integrating various excellent apps on the market, so that Gemini's functions will be continuously increased and optimized, and it will slowly become inclusive of all rivers!" "With so many users supporting it, you can turn any app into gold with your Gemini platform!" "As these users said, keep going like this until you have a complete feature set."

"All the software needs of Internet users can be found in your Gemini!" "One-click login, one-click operation, and your twins as a credit guarantee. Haha, it's convenient and fast. I'm afraid everyone can use it!" "Teng Hualong raised his head and said with a complicated expression: "I understand now that you, Emperor San, don't want to defeat me Penguin at all, you want to defeat every company on the Internet! "Teng Hualong slowly extended his thumb towards Brother Liu, "Excuse my blindness! Liu Di shrugged slightly, "Mr. Teng is overly praised. All this is just from the user's perspective!" "Mr. Liu is too modest!" "At this moment, Teng Hualong seemed to let go of his obsession and accepted the reality for a moment.

He glanced at Brother Liu who was standing with his hands behind his back.

Then he followed Brother Liu's gaze and looked at the grand live broadcast canopy in the distance.

He sighed again: "I have been involved in the field of technology manufacturing for many years, but the technology of this canopy..." "I can't see through it.

"Teng Hualong said, with endless dejection in his eyes. There is no need to doubt all this.

Di San or Liu Di, and the founder.

Their technology is beyond the reach of Penguins! "But..." Teng Hualong pondered: "No matter what, your founder is still a start-up company, and its strength is lacking in many aspects.

"For example, if your Magic Twins section wants to truly monopolize the entire mobile phone software market, it will definitely require the participation of countless start-up companies to provide you with functional products."

“This requires a strong business acquisition department to continuously help you negotiate and acquire shares in various emerging companies.

"After all, you can't let companies that have nothing to do with your own interests to join your twin platform, right?" Brother Liu nodded slightly, "Mr. Teng is right."

Teng Hualong finally showed a smile: "Judging from the technological products you revealed, you should also want to get involved in the field of technological manufacturing."

"I have a lot of experience in this area!" “First of all, you must have enough scientific and technological talents to continuously invent and create new products for you.

“Secondly, you need a lot of time and a lot of money to support their research and development, improvement, testing, and finally put them into the market and make profits.

Liu Di continued to nod, "Mr. Teng is right."


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