My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1458: Endless Space (1/2)

Countless giant policemen were furious.

Just as they were about to shoot together and kill the man in black sportswear.

The ground shook.

Countless huge vines, as if they did not need a growth process, soared into the sky.

Wrapped around the ankles of giant policemen and hung them upside down in the air!

The silver-haired woman in a veil and holding a lightsaber jumped up again, laughing evilly, slashing with the lightsaber, and the policemen who passed by and slashed their arms flew across the sky!

The yellow light of the Utah array suddenly increased.

It could actually cover the Star Shield triangular frigate at an altitude of thousands of meters.

The dense power grid above the entire planet suddenly had a gap, and those warships began to short-circuit themselves, and their weapons failed!

But the propulsion systems of these warships did not fail!

The six-year-old boy named Liu Xiaodi stood on a towering ruin, pointed his finger at a triangular frigate in the sky, and then pointed at the ground.

But the frigate accelerated wildly and rushed to the ground like a meteorite!


In that area, nearly a hundred giant policemen were smashed into pulp!

Then, the little boy looked calm, stretched out his ten fingers, pointed to the sky, and then pressed down violently!

Boom boom boom!

A large crash site!

Every time the smash was made, at least dozens of giant policemen would be taken away!

The Tianjue team, like the local residents, had split personalities.

But there was no comparison.

Even Simlun was excited, holding a huge piece of broken wood, smashing a giant policeman madly!

But the next second, Simlun was punched away by the policeman.

He has always had bad luck!


But it was in the main starship.

Commander Kron looked at everything on the surveillance screen, his teeth chattering, "Adjutant Bo Ming, go and end them as soon as possible! A few clowns, they must not stop our journey!"

Boom boom boom!

"Die die die!"

Kunsang punched wildly, he didn't know how much potential his power had generated because of the awakening of his furious personality. In short, he punched down, and a figure flew!


The ground shook.

Kunsang suddenly froze. This time, his fist hit a chest, but the opponent did not move at all. Its chest was like titanium alloy, and its feet seemed to have grown thousands of miles of roots, firmly rooted in the ground.

Kunsang slowly retracted his fist.

But he saw that the metal button on the chest of the opponent's police uniform had been beaten into a thin piece of iron by his punch.

Kunsang did a backflip and fell back to the ground.

The giant in front of him, with white skin but a height of 12 meters, frowned slightly, revealing a trace of disdain.

This giant was the servile adjutant Bo Ming before.

It was not at the same level as the 20,000 giant policemen.

A sharp blade flashed, and Span rushed over, swinging the lightsaber wildly, and the police uniform on Bo Ming's chest was shattered. When the lightsaber chopped towards the head of the adjutant Bo Ming, it used its arm to block it slightly, but Span's extremely sharp lightsaber only cut the sleeve of its blue police uniform.

In the end, Bo Ming had given up blocking.

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Let Span's weapon chop at its face.

The lightsaber flashing with blazing light chopped at its fragile eyeball, but only left a white mark.


Bo Ming opened his mouth like lightning, swallowed Span's lightsaber in one gulp, and then chewed it up!

Span's eyes were full of anger, but he couldn't help being shocked.

She also retreated to the ground in an instant, looking up at the giant of the world with Kun Sang!

At this time, Bo Ming's upper body clothes were almost chopped off, falling inch by inch.

Revealing its muscular body, blue veins and blood vessels exposed, like steel bars entrenched on the surface of the body.

Its chest is 3 meters wide and thick, with dense muscles, and the whole person is like a white alloy cast!

Adjutant Bo Ming's mouth curled up slowly, and he whispered: "The bodies of our giant civilization are the most powerful even in the archives of the entire interstellar alliance. As for me, I am at the P9 level in the giant race. You can understand that... I can't be broken!"

In the distance.

The little bottle cap, who was curled up on the ruins with his legs hugged, was shaking more and more violently, with boundless fear in his eyes.

The huge sadness and silence in her heart had affected SDERS at this time, causing the diamond crystal between her eyebrows to become dimmer.

Adjutant Bo Ming raised his head slightly and glanced at the little bottle cap from a distance, "That organism may have a chance to hurt me, but unfortunately, she can't control her split personality. After I kill you two, I will go and crush it to death."

With a loud bang.

Bo Ming's huge body shot out like a cannonball!

Looking down from a high place, he punched Kun Sang with a punch. His fist had a huge range, and this punch covered both Kun Sang and Si Pan!

Although Bo Ming's body was huge, his speed was beyond imagination, and he actually left a fleeting afterimage!

Kun Sang crossed his arms.

But this overwhelming punch was unstoppable, causing him and Si Pan to tumble backwards!

The two fell into the ruins in the distance!

Kroang in the main starship shook his head slightly and seemed to have lost interest. He ordered into the communicator: "My famous adjutant, stop playing around and have fun. End the battle as soon as possible. At the next stop, we have to conquer the man who is all a brain." Nine continents of radio wave creatures!”

"Yes, Commander."


"You know Sister Bai Yi, right?"

"I never said her name was Gu Fan."

in the world of consciousness.

The red-haired girl and Brother Liu were standing on the floor, which was less than 2 square meters.

The two of them faced each other head-on and could clearly see each other's expressions.


Brother Liu replied.

The red-haired girl glanced at the outside world and saw her pregnant people being stunned, dragged, and many more, like corpses, piled in front of the starship's furnace.

I also saw the members of the Tianjue, who were being crushed by the adjutant Bo Ming.

The red-haired girl was silent for a moment, "I suddenly thought of it."

She raised her head and looked at Brother Liu: "Sister Bai Yi said that she put the missing chess a place outside the chessboard."

"Off the chessboard?"

Brother Liu's eyes flashed.

The red-haired girl nodded, "If you promise me to give priority to saving my people after we go out, I will tell you the location."

"Of course I want to know the location."

"But what does 'after getting out' mean? It seems we can't escape."

Brother Liu tilted his head and looked at the red-haired girl.

But the girl suddenly showed a faint smile, "Sister said, that position is called - Endless Chiyu."

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