My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1457 Nothing more than that (1/2)

Inside the Guardian Alliance's main starship.

The chemical furnace with a flame of 2500 degrees outside was burning fiercely.

Countless unconscious ghosts were piled in front of the furnace.

This huge combustion chamber is like a hell furnace.

And the temperature of Kepler-16b seemed to have dropped by 10 degrees.

It exuded an invisible chill.

Nearly 20,000 giant policemen, without a trace of expression on their faces, lined up in a battle line and took a step forward together.

"Unknown race."

"You attacked members of the Guardian Alliance and killed three warriors."

"You hindered the progress of the guarding mission."

"You have violated the Interstellar Alliance Treaty."

"Your name and image have been included in the Interstellar Guardian Alliance's crusade list for the first time."

"I declare that you are about to be arrested."

"If you resist, the Interstellar Guardian Alliance Star Shield Team has the right to execute you on the spot."

In the broadcast that spread throughout the new ball, there was a low voice, with a huge sense of oppression and cold-blooded ruthlessness.

And opposite these 20,000 giant policemen.

A man in black sportswear with a murderous expression stood in the middle of the road.

A silver-haired woman wearing a sand robe and holding a lightsaber leaned against a ruined wall.

A 6-year-old child sat quietly on a piece of rubble, revealing only his back.

A giant policeman at the front of the line slowly raised his head.

Its pale features no longer had the awe-inspiring spirit of the past, but instead flashed a hint of viciousness.

With a click, it opened the mechanical holster and covered the handle of the beam pistol.

These creatures, along with Kron, traveled across the universe and deceived the universe.

They themselves are giant civilizations, belonging to a half-beast and half-technological civilization, and their human-like characteristics give them extremely high intelligence.

And wisdom has taught them to be greedy, cunning, selfish, and unscrupulous.

The blood of the beasts makes them hide the most primitive ferocity and cruelty of creatures.

220 years ago, they requested to join the Star Guardian Alliance with a very humble attitude and an extremely sincere attitude.

But the old leader of the alliance at that time did not agree with their interstellar oath.

And seriously doubted their reliability.

But the giant civilization was not discouraged and declared that it would use the rest of its life to prove its loyalty.

They did it. In 30 years, they killed 20 interstellar bandit teams and assisted nearly 100 backward planets.

Despite this, the old leader of the interstellar alliance still did not agree with their oath.

Until the old leader died strangely.

The giants were extremely sad, and in just one month, they solved the case and arrested the interstellar killer who was killed in advance.

After the new leader of the interstellar alliance, Copechi Drew took office, he finally awarded the team the star shield badge.

Some people also suspected that the death of the old leader was related to the giant civilization.

But these people died silently in the following ten years.


This cosmic stragglers were named the Interstellar Guardian Alliance.

With the funding from the Guardian Alliance, they received warship supplies, unified warship paint, and unified the blue interstellar police uniforms.

They were full of vigor and ambition, and their ambitions grew secretly.

In a previous battle, they accidentally discovered the powerful existence of "planetary consciousness".

They fell into madness, wanting to pursue this power and turn it into a weapon they could control.

With the observation of Kaban scientists, they discovered the star Eliza.

But their style of doing things is-a decent reputation and a treasure stained with blood, none of which is missing, all of them!

At this time.

They don't want to pretend anymore.

Just three unknown creatures, just kill them.

"Our giant civilization has developed to this day, and our strength is no longer what you can imagine."

The leading giant policeman slowly took out his beam pistol, his voice extremely cold.


Its pupils shrank.

I saw a white plant similar to dandelion seeds floating and flying in front of me.

The giant policeman suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

He saw a girl in a flowery dress sitting on the top of a dilapidated building. She hugged her knees with her hands and her chin was tightly against her knees. Her eyes were full of pity and helplessness.


The diamond-shaped crystal on her forehead was shining slightly.

The dual personality aroused by the small bottle cap at this time was actually a period of time when she was closed in her heart.

During the days when she hid in the garbage dump, her world was dark and there was no light.

Her split personality was closed, silent, and fearful.


SDERS, a strong artificial intelligence in the biological field, acted recklessly.

The air seemed to be quiet.

Twenty thousand giant policemen stared at the white dandelion in front of them. It was soft and slender, like a kind elf.

Suddenly, a giant policeman took a slight breath and inhaled the tiny dandelion into his nostrils.

But the dandelion floated up along its respiratory tract, and suddenly melted, turning into black cells visible to the naked eye. After touching the giant policeman's blood, the black cells instantly multiplied by more than a billion times.

Within 1 second.

The giant policeman's blood turned black.

Another 1 second.

The giant policeman's facial features burst and spurted out black blood, and he fell to the ground with a bang!




Almost instantly, thousands of giant policemen fell down in patches like harvested wheat, and black blood was sprayed all over the sky!

The giant policeman led by him was shocked, "Bacterial toxin?! Seal the facial features!"

But I saw these giant creatures mobilizing their own unique system.

The wings of the nose suddenly contracted and fit together without leaving any gaps.

The elf-like ears also curled up instantly.

His eyes were like lizards, and two translucent eyelids suddenly popped out from the corners of his eyes on both sides and closed horizontally, covering his eyes with a protective shield.

Under their lips, such a film was also produced in their mouths. When they opened their mouths again, it looked like they were holding an egg in their mouths.

These giant creatures have been rampant in the universe for hundreds of millions of years and have evolved various defense mechanisms!

I saw the white dandelion floating in front of me, unable to enter my body.

The leader of the giant policeman laughed in a low voice, "That's all!"

But when it looks up again.

But he saw a size 48 foot appearing in front of him and kicking him in the face at a speed close to the speed of sound!

In mid-air, Kun Sang's body lay sideways, his expression so ferocious that he was spitting out words, "Die!"


The giant policeman's facial features were squeezed together in an instant, and then his body flew upside down.

But it hasn’t stopped yet!

Boom boom boom!

Kun Sang's kick was like an out-of-control rocket. All the fuel that could have supported a voyage of tens of thousands of kilometers was sprayed out in an instant. A whole row of hundreds of giant policemen were kicked hundreds of meters away by him!

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