My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1421 Refugee Planet (1/2)

"It's kind of exciting."

"Are we wandering madly on the edge of becoming mentally ill?"

Tianjue has landed on the surface of Kepler-16b!

Kun Sang was thinking casually, but was glared at by the black-haired Taozi!


The hatch of the Tianjue slowly opened, allowing air to communicate, and the ship's gravity maintenance system was also released.


But it was Kun Sang who threw himself on the ground, "Oh my God, it's such a strong gravity!"

The diamond-shaped crystal on the forehead of the small bottle cap flashed slightly, helping her resolve gravity.

Spann also gritted his teeth slightly, relying on his strong body to resist gravity.

Liu Xiaodi seemed to have guessed this situation a long time ago, and the Utah array released a pale yellow light.

Only Kun Sang was caught off guard.

Brother Liu stepped forward casually, "The core of this planet is the skeleton of a star. Even if there is not much left of it, the gravity it releases must be at least 110-120 times that of the earth."

Liu Xiaodi carefully analyzed: "This also shows one thing. The residents living on this planet have completely adapted to this kind of gravity. Their bone density and muscle density will exceed our imagination."

"Their movement speed may be similar to ours, but the kinetic energy contained in them is probably 300 times that of ours."

"That is to say."

"All the residents of this planet are supermen!"

"If you tap us lightly, your bones will be broken and your tendons will be broken."

Liu Di nodded in agreement.

This kind of physique is not much different from the first stage of my new humanity!


Everyone scanned the scene in front of them.

Very confused.

The city's technology level is estimated to be around level 4.

Buildings, streets, and urban systems are all much more advanced on Earth.

The buildings are all pale white and very technological.


The city is deserted.

Although this star is about 7 times the size of the Earth, Taozi previously said that she has 10 billion people.

Based on this inference, it shouldn't be as cold as it is now.


The entire city is riddled with holes, the streets are full of craters, and the buildings are also damaged. Many buildings seem to have been penetrated by laser weapons, and household furnishings can also be seen in them.

There are also crashed aircraft on the roadside.

There are houses with thick smoke in the distance.

It's like a war-torn city, but completely devoid of residents.

Kun Sang, who finally got up, was suddenly startled and said nervously: "Taozi! You came back late! Your home was invaded by the enemy, and all the people were killed or taken away! I have to say, this plot is really uncreative. ! I guessed it!"

"Don't yell."

The black-haired Taozi said very calmly: "This is also the normal state of our planet."


Kun Sang scratched his head, "Normal? What do you mean?!"

Right now.

Kun Sang suddenly felt a cloud of yin coming from behind!

He turned back suddenly!

But he saw a creature half as tall as a man standing behind him!

It only wore a pair of underwear, its skin was pale white, and there were a few sparse silver hairs on the top of its head. Its facial features were similar to those of humans, but its eye bags were so huge that half of its face had droopy eye bags, and its eyes were bloodshot.

This guy looked very much like a malnourished old human man, but he was also indescribably weird and spooky.

It looked at everyone blankly.

Then he slowly turned his head and saw the black-haired Tao Zi.


"is it you?"

"You're back!"

"These are your friends!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Hurry up!"

"Friends, hurry up and hide in the crypt with me, the ghost tribe will come to sweep you away soon!"

"It's safe to hide in the crypt!"

"Friends from far away, let's go to the crypt to sing together!"

It immediately hugged Kun Sang's waist and pulled him back hard.


Kun Sang looked at Tao Zi from a distance, "What's going on!"


The power of the old creature was surprisingly huge, and it was a direct blow to Kun Sang.


"Excuse me!"

"My friend from afar, are you okay? Let's go sing in the crypt together!"

Kun Sang's head was stuck in the soil, "..."

But Brother Liu chuckled and walked forward a few steps: "Okay, Uncle Xiong Shansheng, the ghost tribe is indeed coming. Time is running out. We will follow you to the crypt!"


"It must be like this!"



The weird old man who took a few steps forward suddenly turned around and said, "How do you know my name is Xiong Shansheng?"

Liu Di shrugged and said with a smile, "I guessed."

The weird old man was really not in his right mind and actually believed it.


The weird old man led everyone through the narrow streets.

While walking, he looked cautious, showing his head in advance and scanning the street in front of him. If there was any disturbance, he would immediately hide, or hide in a corner, or get into a trash can.

What shocked everyone the most was.

Brother Liu was actually cooperating.

The man in the white shirt narrowed his eyes slightly and followed the old man squatting behind the garbage.

Kun Sang glanced at the deserted city and hesitated.

"Is it effective so quickly?"

"The three powerful emperors are the first to bear the brunt and have gone crazy?!"

The black-haired Taozi in the crowd said nothing. Looking at Brother Liu trying his best to cooperate, his eyes flickered and he felt a little moved in his heart.

For mentally ill people, non-discrimination is the greatest respect.

The crowd passed through half the city.

I saw all kinds of messes on the road. Almost no building had its doors or windows intact, and they had all been violently vandalized.


Everyone came to an underground entrance.

After many twists and turns, we came to a secret space similar to an underground garage.

This place is tens of thousands of square meters in size.

At least nearly 10,000 Kepler-16b residents gather here.

They were shabby and shivering, including men, women and children, as well as mothers holding babies in their arms.

Everyone's eyes were filled with fear and helplessness.

The old man named Xiong Shansheng said: "This is one of the million refuges for our residents. Stay with everyone and survive this night."

Tianjue was stunned on the spot.

These creatures...

It looked too much like a human being, except that the skin was pale and wrinkled, with many frostbites, burns, and various wounds.

The bags under each of their eyes are extremely large, and the exposed whites of their eyes are all covered with red bloodshot eyes.

Just so crowded in the dark.

Especially like the refugees on earth who are escaping from the cruel war.

Even Kun Sang suddenly felt a little sad.

The ghost clan the crazy old man said is true!

They are persecuting these residents!

Kun Sang clenched his fist and looked at Brother Liu, "We have to take care of this matter!"

But Brother Liu looked at everything very calmly and did not respond.


An old man named Xiong Shansheng danced and shouted: "Taozi is back, everyone come and sing!"


A little refugee girl raised her dirty face, looked at the dim light on the roof, and softly hummed a song.

'my hometown...

Beautiful and peaceful...

Its name, we remember it in our hearts...

We don't understand why...'

The little refugee girl sang with an ethereal and beautiful voice.

Gradually tens of thousands of refugees began to sing along.

'Suddenly one day...

Evil ghosts have invaded our homes...

Scholars say they are another kind of life form...

We can't see them...

I can't even touch them...

But they already live in the castle not far away...

They are destroying our homes every day...

Stealing our supplies...

Greedy and cruel...

Good things are gone forever...

We can only hide in the dark tunnel, like mice and cockroaches, lingering...'

Thousands of people sang together.

The sound is huge.

Kun Sang listened quietly, clenching his fists tighter and tighter, feeling overflowing with sympathy, and even tears appeared in his eyes.

Kun Sang said: "What the hell, they are singing about their own experiences! I can't stand it anymore, I have to take care of this!"


The old man Xiong Shansheng, pretending to be a conductor, suddenly clenched his fists and signaled everyone to silence!

His eyes rolled around and his ears pricked up.

"No, the time is up, the ghost tribe is coming!"

"Everybody be quiet!"


Just listen to the sound of rumbling vibrations on the ground, like thousands of troops passing by.

Wisps of dust also fell from the ceiling of the bunker!

The atmosphere became extremely tense in an instant!

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