My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1420 The Origin of 16b (1/2)

But human scientists believe.

There is no such celestial body as black dwarf in the universe.

Because the entire 13.7 billion years of the universe's lifespan is not enough to give birth to it.

It should exist in theory.

Whether it is a black hole, a neutron star, or a white dwarf.

Before they are formed, their predecessor stars either experience a big explosion or a big collapse.

Leading to a sudden change in structure and form.

They will die in a very short time and become corpses.

The "fourth corpse" black dwarf is different.

It does not have so much energy to give itself a gorgeous "funeral".

It will be like a piece of charcoal, slowly extinguishing over time.

From glowing and heating, it becomes dim and then gradually cools down and becomes cold, and most of the body turns into ashes.

Its death is like withering, lonely and slow, and not at all noticeable.

This requires a very long process.

It may take 20 billion years.

Therefore, the legendary black dwarf should not appear in the 13.7 billion-year-old universe.


3 billion years ago, a black dwarf appeared in the Kepler-16b star field in front of everyone, which was not in line with common sense.

It was formed by the three small stars in the Kepler-16b star field.

It seemed to end its life early by relying on its own power.

The black dwarf it formed is likely to be the first and only black dwarf in the universe.

It continued to wither and evaporate, turning into a small core, floating between two stars.

But the wonderful thing is that death and rebirth are really constantly transforming.

This small core, because of its own gravity, began to absorb the surrounding gas clouds and interstellar dust. After a long 2.8 billion years.

It actually reunited into a planet.

And this planet is Taozi's home.

Today's Kepler-16b.

Its core is a black dwarf, with the pride of a star, relying on its own gravity to resist the other two stars, realizing an '8'-shaped orbit, and traveling comfortably.

Moreover, its surface also breeds life.

I have seen the past and present of Kepler-16b.

Liu Di nodded slightly, in awe. The ordinary universe always breeds ups and downs.

"Before I entered, I already felt the extraordinaryness of your hometown."

Liu Di glanced at the black-haired peach, "Let's go, go to your hometown, and hope to wake up Eliza in the process."

When Tianjue approached Kepler-16b, the distance was only 3,000 kilometers.

Liu Di's expression was obviously paused.

I just felt my brain buzzing.

It was as if the air was full of invisible fluctuations, and this fluctuation would not affect other things, but seemed to affect the brain specifically.

Liu Di looked back at the members.

But I saw that Kunsang and others all felt the abnormality of the brain, and then shook their heads vigorously.

And the handsome young man Simlun, he knelt on his knees directly, his expression seemed to be more painful than others, and for a moment, a trace of black air flashed in his eyes.

But Black-haired Peach said, "Don't worry, this is the norm in my homeland, at least for hundreds of millions of years."

Kun Sang was puzzled, "What was that just now? My consciousness seemed to be confused for a moment, as if I was hypnotized."

Black-haired Peach said, "The two stars in my homeland are not ordinary stars, they are also magnetars."

Liu Di nodded silently.

He checked the two stars that he had ignored.

"All stars have their own magnetic fields, large or small."

"This is because there is constant plasma movement inside them, and they have conductive power."

"Star spots are areas of strong magnetic activity on the surface of stars."

"This phenomenon also exists in the sun of our Milky Way. On Earth, this is called sunspots."

Liu Di explained the situation to everyone, and then narrowed his eyes.

The two stars in Kepler-16b in front of him have magnetic fields that are beyond imagination. I am afraid that they are the ceiling of the star field. If they are larger, only neutron stars can match them.

At this moment.

Brother Liu suddenly saw the materialized magnetic field in the blazing light of the two stars, like yellow arcs, interlaced with each other, and completely enveloped Kepler-16b.

Brother Liu was a little surprised, "It's materialized? Such a strong magnetism?!"

Black-haired Taozi nodded slowly, "The good news is that this special magnetism will not produce actual force. You don't have to worry about the metal objects on your body being sucked away like encountering a super strong magnet. The two magnetic stars will not interfere with our actions."

Everyone on the Tianjue nodded slightly.

But it was the black-haired Taozi who said, "But everyone's brain activity can actually be understood as a kind of bioelectric wave. On your earth, there is a medical observation technology called brain waves, right?"

Everyone suddenly realized what the black-haired Taozi was going to say.

Black-haired Taozi said faintly, "These two stars will affect our brains."

Kun Sang widened his eyes, "In other words, once we enter your hometown, it's like putting our heads in a microwave oven. Who knows if we will turn into a ball of paste?"

But Liu Xiaodi frowned and said: "This should have no effect on Kun Sang, after all, his mind is full of mud, but for others, this is a huge obstacle, which will definitely affect the action... This is really bad news."

"That's nothing."

Black-haired Taozi shook her head, "The bad news I want to tell you is that our entire planet has nearly 10 billion residents, all of whom have split personalities. You should be prepared."


Kun Sang and his friends widened their eyes.

10 billion split personalities? !

What kind of scene would that be?

Then the place we are about to go to, isn't it a super mental hospital? !

Liu Di stroked his chin.

Taozi's dual personality comes from this.

It is the masterpiece of this dual magnetar system!

It constantly affects the brains of local residents

And Taozi's physiological structure is extremely similar to that of humans.

That is to say...

Liu Di suddenly laughed and said: "The most interesting thing is that if we stay on this planet for a long time, we will soon be able to get along with the local residents, because...the whole planet is full of patients."

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