My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1411 The Birth of Gao Wei (1/2)

After the space was stitched.

Liu Di obtained the data here, and the Void City became a complete timeline.

The scene and details of the last attack of the high-dimensional civilization.

The decision and despair of the Mayan civilization in space.

Every conversation between Luo Bao and his grandfather.

As an observer, Liu Di saw everything and felt everything.


The whole incident became clear with this clue.

Just like following the vines, he saw everything about the so-called "high-dimensional civilization".

The monster with a height of ten meters is named Boyle.

Its forces are also known as cold-blooded scavengers.

With a few broken starships, they wandered in the universe, and they went wherever there was a large-scale battle.

When the war was over, they shuttled through the wreckage of the starship and searched for valuable items.

When they encountered important equipment, no matter whether it was damaged or not, as long as the general appearance was still there, they would dismantle it directly.

If they encountered a life that had not completely died in the wreckage, they would kill it directly.

Both cowardly and cruel.

In simple terms, it is a rag-picking existence in the universe.

As for what Boyle said - 'Before arriving at the Void City, its fleet had just escaped from a huge crisis and suffered heavy losses. '

Liu Di also saw the truth.

It was a bit ridiculous.

The battle that Boyle referred to was actually near the mechanical planet of Youfo. At that time, Liu Di mobilized tens of millions of warships to fight against the tens of millions of starships of King Titanium Heng in a circle and launched a destructive battle.

The scale of that time was so grand that it was rare in the entire universe.

Boyle hid tens of thousands of kilometers away and peeped, thinking that he had encountered the biggest fat meat in his life. The year Z1372 of the Universe Calendar was a super fat year.

At that time, the battlefield between Liu Di and King Titanium Heng spanned nearly one million kilometers.

When all the warships in a certain area were destroyed, Boyle couldn't wait to rush into the ruins!

Then it began to doubt its detection system.

And its entire life.

Why? ? ?

Looking around, there were only the wreckage of the white starship.

And the black starship that looked more advanced seemed to have disappeared out of thin air?

With this doubt, it continued to go deeper into the battlefield, but it also forgot where it was. When it came to its senses, its several shabby warships were actually in the gravitational range of the Tianlao Three Stars!

The attempt to steal the chicken failed and the rice was lost.

The several shabby warships were immediately attracted by the strong gravity and crashed towards Tianlao Three!

In the process, it was also seriously injured and its armor was broken.

In the end, it had to detonate its three starships and rely on the shock wave of the explosion to let its main starship escape the gravitational force of the Tianlao Three Stars.

At that time.

The explosion of its three shabby starships was like a spark that disappeared in an instant in the fire formed by thousands of Titanium King warships. It was so small that no one cared at all.

After that.

It relied on the broken main starship, floating in space, running out of energy, food, and dying.

Until that moment.

It was in that place, in the dark depths of an unknown coordinate or galaxy.

It found four floating balls.

It was only the size of a fingertip, crystal clear, and exuding a mysterious luster.

Boyle's many years of scavenging experience told it that this was definitely not an ordinary thing.

It mobilized the remaining resources to capture the four balls.

After repeated research, it discovered a shocking truth.

——These four balls, like knives, can cut space!

If these four balls are placed at the four corners of a square, a square entrance can be cut out!

And the inside of the entrance looks like a frosted space. It doesn't know what's inside, and it doesn't dare to enter.

But if an item is thrown in, the item will disappear completely.

No matter what kind of positioning system and signal transmission system the item carries, it will completely lose contact!

At first, Boyle thought this phenomenon was similar to a star gate.

But it is incomprehensible, what kind of technology in the universe can create such a simplified and tiny stargate device?

I am afraid that the legendary 9th level technological civilization cannot do it!

As the test progressed.

Boyle discovered the more incomprehensible function of these four small balls.

If only one entrance is opened and the item is thrown into it, it is equivalent to the item completely disappearing in the real world and never coming back.

But if in a very short time, two entrances with very short distances are opened with these four small balls, forming a channel-like effect.

Then the item will shuttle out again.

This seems to be the effect of the stargate.

In fact, it is not.

After this item passes through the "mysterious tunnel", it becomes intangible!

The naked eye can see its existence, but it can no longer be touched or damaged.

It seems to have entered another space.

It is not accurate to say that this space is parallel to the real world.

Rather, the two spaces seem to be fused together, but not in the same dimension.

Boyle has no idea of ​​the principle.

But he is keenly aware of a huge opportunity.

It can make a comeback with the help of these four balls, and even dominate the world.

In Boyle's mind, there is a vague concept of seven-dimensional creatures, which comes from rumors among cosmic creatures.

Seven-dimensional creatures.

Other species can be wiped out from the root, and the external effect looks like they disappeared out of thin air.

Boyle was inspired!

He improved the four mysterious balls, installed them on the micro-aircraft, and remotely controlled them through the device in his hand.

He then tested it.

He controlled the balls to fly in the air, and then drew a square entrance!

Objects or creatures "swallowed" by this entrance will disappear without roots or fate!

Boyle was shocked.

My era has come!

What cold-blooded scavenger?

This name is no longer worthy of my current strength!

From now on, my power will be called "high-dimensional civilization"!

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