My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1410 I am Seventh Dimension (1/2)

"Low-level creatures are only worthy of delaying my battle for 5 minutes."

A low and hoarse voice came from under the huge black helmet.

At this moment, a male warrior in silver armor walked out from the Mayan tribe standing under the square.

He raised his head and said fearlessly: "As the only remaining senior general of the Mayan Guard, I solemnly tell you on behalf of all the people that we will never betray our homeland!"


The huge creature snorted coldly and moved his fingers slightly.

A strange light suddenly lit up in front of the senior general of the Mayan Guard.

And then there was a scream of terror.

The general disappeared out of thin air!

"There are still 4 minutes and 40 seconds."

The seven-dimensional leader spoke slowly, and his voice was even colder.

But the Mayan civilization was silent.

The Seven-Dimensional leader smiled jokingly, "Learning to surrender is the only way to survive in the universe. Then, hand over your resource list to my subordinates first. Remember, I only have 4 minutes of patience left!"

On the main ship of the high-dimensional civilization, a small landing craft split off.

It slowly landed on the ground.

After the hatch opened, an armored creature with a similar appearance to the Seven-Dimensional leader, but much smaller in size, and only about 2 meters tall, walked out of it.

It relied on the deterrent power of its leader.

It approached tens of thousands of Mayan civilizations alone and unscrupulously!

At this moment.

Countless Mayan people gritted their teeth, and their eyes slowly touched the venom system on their arms.

But at this moment.

Behind the people of the Mayan civilization, a bright silver light lit up, and a disc-shaped aircraft slowly took off, and on the surface of the aircraft, a pretty figure stood.

She was tall and curvy. She took off her heavy armor and wore a tight silver corset. She was covered with a layer of silver gauze, and her wonderful figure was looming.

Her long silver hair was scattered on her shoulders. She was barefoot, revealing her snow-white jade feet, and the lightsaber in her hand pointed diagonally to the ground.

In the rippling air.

Everyone looked back in surprise.


She wore the oldest combat uniform of the Void Warrior!

Her face and figure were already proud!


Absolutely beautiful.

Like a pure but powerful goddess of war!

But at this moment, Span tapped her jade feet lightly, and the whole person soared into the air, making a gorgeous flip in the air, passing over everyone.

Then the light weapon in her hand was raised high, bringing a piece of brilliance, and slashed straight down!

Like a sudden appearance.

Before everyone could react at all, they saw that Span's lightsaber had already fallen to the ground.

In front of her, the two-meter-tall high-dimensional civilization minion, along with his armor and body, split from the center of his eyebrows, split into two, and fell to the ground with a bang, blood and intestines flowing all over the ground!

Span looked up.

There was not a drop of blood on the lightsaber.

She said coldly: "Maya Void Warriors can only die in battle, not surrender."


The seven-dimensional leader in the sky didn't care about his subordinate who was split in half at all, but was a little amused.

"You, a female organism, really have an indescribable beauty, although it doesn't meet the mating principles of our civilization..."

"But I can hollow out your internal organs, replace your bones with metal, and replace your spine with a bracket."

"Then make a perfect work of art."

"Finally put it on my spaceship for me to appreciate!"

"I think that by then, your empty expression will definitely allow me to appreciate it for a long time without getting bored."


The high-dimensional leader moved his fingers slightly, and several black lights split from the armor and shot straight at Span!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The next moment, there was a sound of metal clashing!

Span waved his lightsaber to block the black light. In an instant, Span saw that the essence of the black light was a few technological blades with built-in suspension and flight systems!

At the same time.

The silver aircraft hovering in the distance was also hit by the split technological blades, emitting billowing smoke and falling to the ground.

This aircraft is called LS9, which is the unique vehicle of the Thirteen Void Warriors, like a general's warhorse!

The one that crashed this time also has an earth name.

It is the silver shuttle that the man in the white shirt and the demon boy like very much.


Seeing the aircraft crash, Span lost consciousness, and his lower abdomen was pierced by a black blade. The blood was red, staining the sand robe red, and a strand of silver hair was also cut off!

She rolled and fell!

But the next moment, she used the lightsaber to support the ground and stood up again!

Anger gushed out of her eyes!


The Mayan civilization was heartbroken, and many people were already in tears, "Why is this happening?!"

"Killing you is a very cautious thing."

"I must protect your beautiful skin to the maximum extent!"

The seven-dimensional leader seemed to be ready to end the game, and his fingers swung slightly again.

But in front of Span, the void brush that made the entire space Mayan civilization shudder appeared.

That was the seven-dimensional ability that no one could understand!

"Evil man!"

"Stop it!"

But behind Span, there came a slightly childish roar, a ten-year-old boy in overalls, gritting his teeth and dragging a bunch of pipes, and I don't know when he walked into the battlefield!

"Aren't you just a seven-dimensional creature?!"

"My paradox weapon is specifically designed to break the seven-dimensional!"

"You die!"

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The little boy in overalls pulled the pipe hard, and then laid the pipe flat on the ground. He turned around and raised the extremely rough paradox pistol that looked like a toy!

The muzzle was pointed directly at the Seven-Dimensional Leader!

The whole audience was silent for a moment.

Grandpa Luo Bao was even more shocked, "Luo Bao! What are you doing, come back quickly!"

The body of the Seven-Dimensional Leader in the sky was also slightly stiff.

It was also silent for a moment, then raised its huge palm, supported its forehead, and burst into crazy laughter!



"I have been fighting in the universe for a long time, and I have never encountered such a ridiculous civilization!"

"Is this a cub?!"

"What is that thing in his hand called?"

"A paradox weapon specifically targeting me?"


"This performance is ridiculous! Too ridiculous!"

The Seven-Dimensional Leader was shaking with laughter, "I can even reduce the slaughter by 20% again because of the joy brought to me by this performance!"

At this time, Xiao Luo Bao was also shaking all over, holding the paradox pistol in both hands, with bloodshot eyes.

You laugh at me!

You laugh!

My paradox weapon is ridiculous, but it has worked before!

Although it has only a 1 in 700,000 probability, but I, Luo Bao, will keep pulling the trigger until you kill me!

If the paradox works, you may disappear out of thin air and never recover!

Luo Bao had tears in his eyes and glanced at the Void Warrior beside him, "Sister Spahn, Luo Bao will protect our homeland with you!"

Span's beautiful eyes showed an unspeakable grief. She held the lightsaber and wanted to get up, but the bloody holes in her abdomen were draining her strength every moment, making her weaker and weaker.


Luo Bao screamed!


He pulled the trigger!

For some reason, the crisp sound of the collision seemed to spread throughout the world.

The Seven-Dimensional Leader's heart tightened for no reason, but the next moment, it found that its body had not changed at all.




The Seven-Dimensional Leader laughed wildly again, "It's really a joke, too ridiculous!"

Luo Bao frowned and his eyes were bloodshot.




He pulled the trigger frantically.

The Seven-Dimensional Leader just laughed even crazier, and felt that if he really failed here, there was only one possibility, that is, he would be laughed to death!

In its eyes, whether it was the beautiful female warrior or the child who claimed to be able to defeat the Seven-Dimensional creature, they were like worms twisting in a fire, with their lower bodies burnt, and the only thing they could do was struggle!



The smile of the Seven-Dimensional Leader froze slightly.

Because he felt that the time around him seemed to slow down.

Behind the little boy who pulled the trigger, a figure suddenly moved sideways. He was wearing white clothes and looked at him expressionlessly.

The little boy who pulled the trigger, including the dust flying in the air around him, seemed to be slowed down 10,000 times.

Only the white-clothed creature could surpass everything, and frowned slightly.

At this time, Span.

also saw a scene.

Liu Di appeared behind Luo Bao out of thin air.

Everything around was still, nothing could move, even the saliva sprayed by Luo Bao was still floating in the air.

In Span's eyes.

The man in the white shirt smiled at him warmly, gave him a thumbs up and said, "It's beautiful today."

The man in white looked back at the Mayan civilization residents, and rubbed Luo Bao's motionless little head.

He stood on tiptoe again and took a look at the crashed silver shuttle.


His brows were furrowed like ravines.

Span only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and everything returned to normal.

There was no shadow of Liu Di in front of him.

And Liu Di's series of actions just now seemed like an illusion, and it happened within 0.0001 seconds.

Luo Bao beside him didn't feel anything unusual, and continued to shout: "The 11th shot!"



But the chin of the Seven-Dimensional leader suddenly raised high, as if he was hit by a huge force, his head shattered, his fangs splashed out like darts, and he vomited blood to the sky.

Even their ten-meter-tall bodies were lifted 5 meters off the ground, rolled in the air, and fell heavily on the deck.

This blow did not threaten its life, but it revealed its true face.

Its head was covered with black scales, and its facial features were like those of a hell monster, hideous and terrifying.

It got up and said in horror: "What happened?!"

Luo Bao also looked at his paradox pistol in disbelief.

It... doesn't have physical damage? !

But the seven-dimensional leader finally found the reason, stretched out his claws in the air, and pointed at Luo Bao's back with trembling, "It's you! You dare to sneak attack me?! I am a seven-dimensional creature! I will launch a causal weapon to wipe you out from the root!"

Luo Bao turned back in shock.

But he saw the Earth brother in a white shirt standing behind him calmly.

Little did he know.

The purple grid in Liu Di's right eye now belongs to this area of ​​the NGC4013 galaxy. The space has been stitched and the smoke has dissipated.

Cause and effect, hidden truth, everything is extremely clear.

He said: "I'll give you three chances. If you can't get rid of me, I'll get rid of you."

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