My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1263: Facing the enemy alone (1/2)

The next moment.

I saw a sudden change on the surface of the green planet that broke through the atmosphere above China.

In a huge crater on the surface of the planet, two hatches slowly opened, revealing a black hole with a diameter of at least 500 meters!


A sharp roar came from the entrance of the cave, like the cry of a demon.


Countless black figures flew out of the cave entrance, overwhelming and dense, like a swarm of insects!

Brother Liu looked at each other.

But I saw that the black figure was at least the size of an adult. Behind it were four transparent, dragonfly-like wings. Its body was covered with pitch-black scales, its fangs were sharp, its mouth was drooling, and its eyes were pitch black without pupils. Let out a blood-curdling scream.

Porlin beside him was slightly startled, "I have seen these creatures! They are not the Reaper civilization, but the Bellerophonians. I call them Demonic Dragonfly People!"

"I see!"

Porphyrin clapped his hands, "The reaper civilization continues to plunder other people's planets, and then enslave the residents and use them as weapons!"

But I saw that the crater on the surface of the dark green planet was filled with darkness, and countless 'Devil Dragonfly People' spewed out and were gathering rapidly!

It is conceivable that the next scene is a scene of them running rampant and tearing the weak earthlings into pieces!

at the same time.

The communication systems of various countries were restored by the Reapers.

But it is only a communication system between leaders, and all combat readiness forces are still silent.

Someone shouted on the communication channel.

"No planes can take off, no missiles can be launched! All means of transportation cannot be used!"

"We are lambs to the slaughter!"

"Repeat! Repeat! We are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. This is an unprecedented dead end!"

Immediately afterwards, there was silence in the communication system.

The heads of state looked pale and didn't know how to answer!


The theatergoer not far away laughed ferociously, "Brother Liu, have you recognized the reality this time? You can't release all your power and can only watch helplessly?"

"I've told you many times that you can't resist cause and effect. Useless anger causes enemies to attack, and useless kindness causes you to dissipate!"

"Next, more than half of the human race will be slaughtered, your homeland will be occupied by the reapers and transformed into their wandering base, the men will become slaves and die in endless labor, and the women will be used by them. Come and combine with monsters to produce offspring.”

"Ha ha!"

“Like me, start appreciating it all!”

"In pain, savor your powerlessness!"

"Oh, right."

"Don't count on your time halberd anymore. It won't come back before the earth is occupied!"


Brother Liu's body was flashing crazily.

He glanced at Porphyrin, who had already sacrificed the bricks, and knew very well that the opponent's defense facilities were beyond imagination. Even a neutron bomb might not have the ability to shake the Reaper.

"Porphyrin, stay here."

After Brother Liu said that, he jumped off the roof and walked towards the reaper's huge chains alone.

Everyone could see that there was such a man in a black cloak, standing alone and facing the huge planet.

The heads of state were also shocked.

Did he go to face the alien planet alone?

He is the Fourth Emperor, but now the global network is down!

Does he need to rely on physical strength?

Only a few people know that Emperor Four and Emperor Five are the same person.

But so what?

Faced with such an enemy, what can Emperor Wu do? !

There are more and more ‘Devil Dragonfly People’ gathering in the sky.

Brother Liu came to the outskirts of Kyoto alone, directly under the planet. No one knew what he was going to do.

The voice of the reaper civilization sounded, "As a high-level earthling, we don't want to wipe you out. You are an excellent tool. Now, stop!"

Brother Liu turned a deaf ear.

But the crystal ball on the Reaper's observation deck was activated again.

A blue light swept out again, but this time, the power was much smaller than the global silence effect.

It only exploded 3 kilometers away from Liu Di.


The streetlight beside the highway in the distance shattered, and a piece of glass shard penetrated Liu Di's body.

But Liu Di's body was flashing rapidly, and the glass could not touch Liu Di's body at all. Instead, it pierced Liu Di's Mohist robe and hung on the crack.

With the slight reflection from the glass shards.

The theatergoer appeared again and said with a ferocious smile: "Not willing to give in? Haha, interesting!"

Brother Liu frowned, raised his hand to remove the glass fragments, but passed through it with one finger.

Brother Liu looked at the piece of glass in silence.

The arrogant and sinister laughter of the theatergoers echoed in my ears.

"Repeat, repeat! No planes can take off, no missiles can be launched! All means of transportation cannot be used! Ground troops are gathering and will arrive in 20 minutes at the earliest!"

In the earth communicator, there are still people shouting crazily!

The civilians had already gone into hiding.

Even for the security force in the Kyoto area, large-caliber weapons cannot be taken out because the electronic lock fails. They are afraid in their hearts. Although they are gathering here, the formation is scattered.

There are nearly one hundred thousand demonic dragonfly people in the sky.

At this time, they roared and rushed towards the earth, like a dense black mist!

On the huge ground, only Brother Liu stood with his head raised.


Liu Di caught a special sound between the flashes.

The sound quality was very old, like an old-fashioned walkie-talkie, intermittent, and with a rustling noise.

"Northeast Aviation School, No. 3985, 99 Gaolian, pilot, Qin Changhe, is about to reach the shooting position!"

Liu Di looked up in astonishment.

But under the blue sky, the '99 Gaolian' that was originally sealed in the museum broke through the air, and its silver body reflected the sun's light, which was extremely dazzling.

And the pilot was the 85-year-old Qin Changhe.

As an ancient fighter, the 99 Gaolian did not carry any network system or satellite system!

And its engine, weapons and other equipment are all independently hot-started!


Even when all signals are silent, it can still complete the takeoff!

And because of Liu Di's modification, until now, the functions of the 99 Gaolian are intact!

In mid-air.

The old man Qin Changhe looked through the cockpit glass towards Brother Liu and gave a standard military salute, "Commander Liu, I, Qin Changhe, joined the army once and will be a soldier for life. I have no choice but to defend my country!"

"But this time."

Qin Changhe said in a deep voice: "No. 3985, the sky falcon that never falls, will never return!"

As soon as the words fell.

This Jiujiu Gaolian fighter rushed towards the devil dragonfly man!

Then, the nuclear cannon hidden in the plane opened fire!

The sky was full of flames.

Hundreds of dragonflies were burned to ashes.

But the next moment, the fuselage of the fighter was surrounded by dense dragonflies!

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