My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1262 Harvester Civilization (1/2)

The technology of the Harvester civilization has reached a level that humans cannot imagine.

In a very short time, they scanned the state of the earth.

Through technical screening, the mainstream network of the earth was determined and directly destroyed.

Global paralysis.

But the watchtower on the Dyson sphere slowly adjusted its orbit, moved its position more precisely, and aimed directly at the capital of China.

At this time, Liu Di stood on the top of a tall building.

He could actually feel directly that there were more than a dozen eyes looking at him from a distance.


Liu Di heard a friction sound in his ears, like the distorted sound produced by the rapid rewinding of an old-fashioned tape recorder.

The next moment.

Liu Di heard a passage of words in his ears, which was like a kind of air sound wave transmission. The other party was talking directly to him hundreds of kilometers away.

At first, the sound was a bit jerky, one word at a time, and they were unrelated.

Liu Di knew that this was the words of the Harvester civilization.

However, it seemed that it had just begun to learn the earth language, but at a very fast speed.

This is not difficult to understand. They can destroy the earth's network in an instant, and naturally they can also read the knowledge in it in an instant.

"Do you know? Because of you, we can find the earth."

Those jerky voices finally combined into a sentence.

Liu Di was shocked!

"Earth time, 469 days ago, you launched a high-energy beam into the universe."

"It alarmed our 17 detectors. In the vast universe, we activated the Garo positioning method, through 40 million tangent circle angles, hundreds of millions of positioning beams, and finally locked the position of the earth."

"This is really a high-quality planet."

"It is very suitable as a new colony planet."

The voice said slowly.

But Liu Di's heart was booming.

I have launched a beam into the universe?

In an instant, his memory reversed and recalled a scene.

Not long after obtaining the Pharaoh's DNA, he studied Liu Zhengqing's consciousness particles and didn't understand why this thing could exceed the speed of light.

In anger, he merged 100% of the Pharaoh's DNA and fired a strong beam of light towards the M31 Andromeda Galaxy, 2.2 million light years away from the Earth.

At that time.

A straight beam of light rushed straight into the starry sky.

Even in the bright starry sky, the light did not dissipate, but turned into a thinner and thinner light until it could not be seen by the naked eye.

It even caused a great shock in the field of Earth's astronomy.

A layer of sweat oozed from Brother Liu's forehead.

Is this all because of me?

At this moment.

On the window of the power distribution room on one side of the roof, the figure of the spectator appeared again, and it grinned and said two words: "Cause and effect."

These two words resounded in Brother Liu's mind like a thunderclap.

The voice of the Harvester civilization sounded in Liu Di's ears again, "We once thought that there was powerful life on Earth, so our 'Black Meteorite' detectors kept scanning your so-called China, but we didn't expect to find you here."


"You disappoint us so much, you are very weak."

"Not only you, but all the people on Earth are very weak. There is almost no difference between you, and you are all weak individuals."

"And your technology...all your large-scale defense weapons, unexpectedly, only destroyed our detectors."

"It's ridiculous."

Sweat gathered on Liu Di's forehead.


"Don't worry."

The voice of the harvester sounded again. In just one minute, they were already very proficient in the Earth language. "Since you have a high-level brain, and have a certain degree of creativity and organizational discipline, we will not kill you all."

"You are lucky."

"Usually, if we take a fancy to a planet and the creatures on it are too low-end, we will directly eliminate them."

"But if they are useful, we will stay and use them as slaves."

"The area of ​​the earth is very large, and the construction of the Dyson sphere requires you ants."

Liu Di clenched his fist slightly, but because of the rapid flashing of his body, he couldn't even feel his palm.

"Of course."

"Before enslaving you, we must first defeat your will."

The harvester civilization said again: "Those backward communication devices under your feet are what you use to transmit information, and the leaders of your earth are hiding behind these devices?"

Liu Di frowned slightly.

It refers to the video call equipment of the Huaxia Security Bureau, which has lost the signal at this time.

The next moment.

Those screens lit up slightly, and even the screens in the streets and alleys around the world lit up immediately.

The heads of state, who had already become "blind", and the residents of the world were all stunned.

But on the screen, the scene of China's Kyoto was seen - a huge dark green planet was suspended, and several thick iron chains were nailed into the ground.

Just this scene made everyone tremble.

Powerful alien life has landed on the earth!

But the next moment.

Several figures appeared on the screen!

Their main torsos are similar to those of the human body, with four limbs and standing on two feet, but the length of the limbs is almost the same, and their bodies are wearing tightly fitted light blue armor.

Only the face is exposed.

But they have no facial features, their skin is transparent, and there are several blue lights flickering back and forth in their heads, as if they were imprisoned fireflies. That should be their brains, or some kind of solid consciousness.

Liu Di was horrified. Their life forms are completely different from humans!

But the creatures of the Harvester civilization broadcast to the whole earth, "Next, witness the destruction of your homeland with your own eyes, witness our strength with your own eyes, and finally surrender to us!"

This voice.

Echoed throughout the earth!

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