My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1249: The Son of a Poor Family (1/2)

"Looks like I should be honored."

Brother Liu inhaled slightly.

The control language of Yinshuo is not only a unique Mayan script, but the programming code is also a unique carry.

For a long time.

Liu Di only mastered the flying function of the silver shuttle.

Little did he know that this guy Yinsuo was a 'little undercover' who had been hiding beside him.

"But it's a pity."

"I am a failed hunter"

The armored female warrior laughed foolishly and said: "After my testing, I found that you are too weak. Your abilities only stay at the three-dimensional level, including the technology on the earth, which is also very backward... It is not enough to resolve the crisis. "

"Three dimensions?"

Brother Liu was slightly startled, "You Mayans have already touched high latitudes, or...your leader has evolved into high-dimensional life?"

The armored female warrior chuckled, "Don't expect them to help you."

Brother Liu sighed, "Then tell me, you have no power to fight back in my hands, why do you call me weak?"

The female warrior answered directly, "If you want to kill me, just kill me."

Say it.

Without any precaution, she turned around and walked towards the silver shuttle, but did not enter the cockpit. Instead, she climbed to the top of the silver shuttle. Feeling tired, she slowly sat down, with one leg straightened and the other bent.

She looked at the sunset in the distance and whispered: "The sunset on the mother star is so beautiful."

There was silence for a moment.

She slowly took off her mask, revealing a fair face. She was of European descent, with a tall nose, blue eyes, and a smooth chin. Only a trace of blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.

She placed the mask on her knees.

Under the setting sun, the orange sunlight dyed her silhouette, her sharp armor, her long golden hair blown by the wind, and her beautiful face.

"It's a pity that the ending will not change. All this is very short-lived."

She turned her head and looked at Brother Liu, "Kill me if you want. Those enemies behind deep space will no longer care about the duel between two specks of dust, let alone who loses and who wins, who lives and who dies."


It's silence.

The air is filled with the beautiful attachment of the armored female warrior to her mother planet.

And, extremely disappointed with the current combat effectiveness of the home planet.

She doesn't care about anything anymore.

It was as if he was ready to stare at the sunset and wait quietly for death.

"Although your method is a bit extreme, fortunately it is also out of justice."

"I won't kill you."

"Send you a message."

Brother Liu put his hands behind his hands and stared at the sunset as well, "Although ants are small, they can still destroy cause and effect. Even though the dust is light, everything has to wait for it to settle."

The female warrior on the silver shuttle paused.

Looking back at the young man in white, her blue eyes flickered.

It feels like this man exudes an unyielding will.


He is still weak.

Brother Liu did not stay any longer and turned back to the experimental cemetery.

But I heard the white-haired Taozi at the door say: "Brother, do you want to fight against those unknown enemies?"

"Well, that's for sure."

Brother Liu also turned his head and smiled: "Taozi, are you a high-dimensional creature? Are you willing to help?"

White-haired Taozi thought: "Double Galaxy gave me the ability to switch the flow of time, but I am not a high-dimensional life. I may not be able to help, but I can cheer you up."

Brother Liu nodded, "Come on... this is really important. With your words, I feel relieved."


Brother Liu pushed the door open and walked into the experimental cemetery. He turned his back and said, "Taozi, when you collect enough peaches, go home as soon as possible, okay?"

White-haired Taozi nodded, "Okay."


Brother Liu's voice came from a distance again, "Porphyrin! Take out all those bricks hidden in the peaches!"

But he saw Porphyry sticking his head out from a big box full of peaches, and said angrily: "You must not love me anymore."

Brother Liu went to the workbench and plunged into research.


It got dark again.

There is a breeze blowing in from the window.

There was a stack of diaries stacked on one side of the workbench, and the top one was blown open by the wind.

Brother Liu suddenly turned around.

That was Liu Zhengqing's diary, 99% of which were blank pages.

But at this moment, Liu Di clearly saw a line of words appearing in the pages of the book that turned by themselves.

Brother Liu stood up and picked up the diary, only to see pen words appearing on it.

It's as if someone is writing in another time and space.

‘According to Earth time, January 8, 2022. ’

‘I came to the asteroid code-named 2011U11W-158, which once passed over the Earth. Its core is made of platinum and is estimated to be worth more than 540 trillion euros. ’

‘February 12, 2022’

‘I came to asteroid 241, which has a diameter of 168.9 kilometers, is entirely composed of various metals, and is worth more than 9.58 billion euros. ’

‘Haha, recording this, it looks like I love money very much. ’

‘Actually, I am sighing at the magic of the universe. ’

'February 31, 2022...'

Brother Liu paused slightly when he saw this. There is no 31st in February.

However, the diary continued to write: 'I have spied a real high-dimensional creature. It is something I can't describe. It is powerful and omnipotent...'

'I suddenly regretted it. ’

‘My son, if you can see, I don’t want you to explore endlessly. The most precious thing is peace. ’

The words on the diary are written here.

Suddenly, a few drops of blood appeared, as if the writer was hurt, and blood was spilled.

Liu Di’s heart trembled.

This diary is a means of traveling through time and space. At the other end of the diary, it was Liu Zhengqing who was writing!

He was injured? !

Liu Di hurriedly turned the pages.

The line of words that appeared afterwards made him feel slightly relieved.

‘April 1, 2022...’

This is the time point one month after Liu Zhengqing was injured. It seems that he is not seriously injured!

But the following words are full of a strong sense of loss.

‘The grass and trees cannot produce the essence, the poor family cannot produce noble sons, the ants cannot produce gods, and the low plane will never give birth to the supreme. ’

Liu Zhengqing, who has created several breakthroughs and even once led Liu Di, is very depressed at this time, very depressed.

Liu Di paused slightly.

What on earth did his father encounter? !

At this moment, with a snap, the diary in Liu Di's hand fell to the ground.

Liu Di suddenly realized that he had not let go, and of course he had not received any attack.

Everything was normal, but the diary just fell from his hands.

Liu Di looked at his hands, but saw that his palms... to be precise, his whole body was flickering.

It became translucent for a while, and then became solid.

He seemed to be a projector screen, but the projector was intermittent, and he seemed to disappear at any time.

Liu Di was horrified.

He bent down and tried to pick up the diary on the ground, but found that his palm, like a ghost, penetrated the diary and couldn't pick it up at all.

At this time.

On the metal workbench not far away, the panel was shiny and illuminated by light, like a mirror.

The body of the eye monster "spectator" appeared again, and it grinned: "Haha, the real cause and effect has begun."

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