My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1248 Hunter (1/2)

At this moment.

Liu Di's right eye flashed purple.

His body almost teleported, slid ten meters, came in front of the female warrior, and punched!

At the moment of punching, Liu Di kept reducing his strength, from 100% to 80%, and then to 50%, and finally, only released 10% of his strength!


The female warrior's body flew backwards, rolled several times in a row, and plowed a gully on the ground.

But the next moment.

The female warrior seemed to grit her teeth and stood up, "Is that all? Very weak!"

She sprinted again, and the mode of the lightsaber in her hand was adjusted again by her, and she actually split into 3 slender sword bodies, and then like a soft long snake, it turned into a sky full of sword light again, slashing!

Liu Di still faced it calmly, and said calmly: "High-speed photon technology, no matter how much you strengthen it, there are traces to follow, and there is no possibility of ever touching me."

In the gap of the sword light.

Liu Di threw another straight punch, releasing 9% of his power. With a loud bang, the female warrior flew backwards.

But the next moment.

The female warrior, who was supported by some unknown force, gritted her teeth and stood up again. This time, she held the long sword with both hands.

Liu Di clearly saw that the female warrior pressed a switch on the hilt of the sword. At this time, the long sword changed color and became red. The volume increased by more than three times. She stimulated all the reserve energy. In the sword body, photons collided at high speed, brewing destructive power.

She jumped up, and from the ground, her body seemed to be higher than the height of the sun.

Then she chopped down with a sword!

Unexpectedly, Liu Di put away the liquid metal at this time and slowly put his hands behind his back.

The red long sword came with a huge pressure in an instant.

But just when the sword was about to touch Liu Di's forehead, the lightsaber suddenly trembled, and then suddenly turned into red particles and dissipated in the air.

The armored female warrior slashed down heavily, but was shocked to find that only a protruding hilt was left.

The scene was extremely quiet.

Liu Di has an ability.

He merged the DNA of the pharaoh under the pyramid of northern Egypt, and the external effect is to control light.

The essence is to interfere with the trajectory of photons.

The lightsaber in the female warrior's hand is a technology that condenses photons.

Different paths but the same origin, just what Liu Di wants.

At this time.

Liu Di raised one hand, and the fingertips condensed into a thin dagger of liquid metal, pointing at the female warrior's mask.

The female warrior's body was frozen.

It was also at this time.

There was a faint trace of blood under her mask.

Her chest was heaving, and she was silent for a long time, and suddenly threw the hilt in her hand to the ground.

She slowly stood up. Even if things had come to this, she was unwilling to compromise in the slightest. She said: "Kill me, everything will be destroyed sooner or later anyway."

But Liu Di exhaled lightly and put away the sharp metal on his fingertips.

From the beginning, he had made a judgment in his heart that this armored female warrior must not be the ‘cause and effect of the destruction of the earth’ as the monster in the mirror said.


She is of blood, a real earthling.

And her family is the Mayan civilization, whose technology surpasses the times and even crushes all the races on earth.

A bug in the history of earth science and technology.

In the era of slash-and-burn farming, some races had already begun to observe astronomy before their intelligence was fully developed.

And the coffin of their king, Bagal II, was empty, but the surface was engraved with space suits and aircraft patterns.

Liu Di said slowly: "The Mayan civilization is the greatest civilization in the history of the earth, without a doubt. The solar calendar, Mayan arithmetic, and stargazing methods have allowed you to master countless laws and secrets of the future."

"It is precisely because of this that you have seen terrible disasters."

"So, during the most prosperous period of civilization, your king took a small number of people and flew into space, either to continue the fire or to find a way to solve the disaster."

"In the process that followed, you recreated a base in space, constantly updated technology, and completed genetic modification, and your life span was greatly extended, so..."

"You should be a Mayan ancestor who returned from the universe."

The armored female warrior paused when she heard this.

Before this, she seemed to have lost all hope and did not intend to explain anything, let alone explain anything.

But she did not expect.

The man in front of him guessed his origins exactly.

"Two questions."

But Liu Di took two steps forward slowly, "First, what kind of disaster did you predict? Second, the Mayan text on your chest means 'hunter', what are you going to hunt?"

The armored female warrior paused again.

This man analyzed the situation in a few words, and the questions he asked were even more direct, without a trace of dragging.

But Liu Di said again: "Oh, there is a third question, why do you want to kill me?"

After that.

Liu Di looked at the female warrior with a different look.

The female warrior was silent for a moment, sighed for a long time, and finally said: "Although we are stationed in the universe, we have always been thinking about our mother planet, but at the same time, we know very well that our mother planet is very fragile, so can't survive 1630 Una moons..."

Liu Di's expression paused.

The demon boy immediately began to search. 1630 Una moons are the timekeeping algorithm in the Tzolkin calendar of the Mayan civilization.

In short, it is this year.

"A powerful cosmic force will destroy the earth."

"And me as a hunter."

The armored female warrior said: "It's because our space base cannot be relocated, because such large energy and mass movement will only accelerate the exposure of the earth."

"So, we hope to find a new awakening force on Earth to resolve the disaster from the source."

"Sixty years ago, my search failed, so I activated the dormant system."

She looked at Yinsuo, "But my landing craft has been recording the energy fluctuations of the earth. Not long ago, it analyzed the results. You are currently the most powerful creature on the earth."

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