My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1221 Tao Wutian (1/2)

Haishi Renmin University.

Sirens blared and lights flashed.

In just 10 minutes, the Haishi Special Police Team arrived and immediately blocked the scene. They also blocked nearby traffic roads and launched an investigation.

In Professor Tao's office, the body had been covered with white cloth.

The sudden death of a well-known professor naturally alarmed the top police officials.

At this time, Duan Hua gently patted Tao Wutian's shoulder and said, "Xiao Tao, my condolences, I promise to use all resources to solve this case in the shortest possible time."

Tao Wutian nodded and replied hoarsely, "Thank you, sir."


He walked towards his father's body, "My name is Tao Wutian, no criminal can escape from my hands..."

When he said this, tears fell silently, "What's more, he killed my father... I want to catch him personally."

Tao Wutian wiped away his tears, put on white gloves, cheered up, and began to carefully explore the situation in the house.

"The deceased's neck was cut off with a sharp weapon... and he died on the spot."

"At present, it seems that there is no metal residue in the wound..."

"The murder weapon should be a very strong, very sharp metal. Judging from the wounds and blood spatter, the length of the murder weapon is one meter away... How was he brought to the scene?"

The forensic doctor reported quietly from the side.

A police officer from the evidence department said: "Only the fingerprints of Professor Tao and the girl were on the door handle... There were no other footprints in the house, and no hair or other residue was found."

Tao Wutian listened quietly and gritted his teeth and said: "There is no perfect crime in this world. He will definitely show his flaws. There is no case that I, Tao Wutian, cannot solve..."

He picked up a magnifying glass, knelt on the ground and searched inch by inch.

At this time, a police officer from the Network Section entered the house holding a PAD, "I have obtained all the surveillance footage from all around, Commander Duan, Captain Tao... To put it simply, there is not even a fly flying in this house." Came in."

Tao Wutian, who was half-kneeling on the ground, froze again and his eyes were a little dazed. Then he squeezed the tears from his eyes and said, "A secret room murder case? It doesn't matter. I have solved it many times!"

But in fact, he felt a little desperate in his heart. Various conclusions were mixed together, and there was no breakthrough in this case!

"I also claim to be able to escape..."

The young police officer's voice was choked up and he continued to search on the ground!

Duan Hua sighed slightly, with a very unbearable look on his face. He turned around and walked out of the house, going straight to the end of the corridor.

Looking at the man in a white shirt sitting on the bench with his eyes slightly closed, he said, "You are already here, why don't you help me?"

Brother Liu opened his eyes, which were also a little moist.

"Professor Tao Yuanshuang was killed under my eyes, I'm sorry, but the murderer..."

Immediately, Brother Liu seemed to squeeze out a few words between his teeth, "I will make him disappear into ashes."

The man in the white shirt got up and returned to Professor Tao's office.

Tao Wutian turned around, "Don't wait for me..."

But it was Duan Hua who stretched out his hand to stop him.

Brother Liu squatted down and lifted up the white cloth of the corpse. He knew in his heart that the flesh, blood and neck and shin bones would be cut off instantly. This weapon was almost as sharp as liquid metal.

No ordinary human criminal.

Conventional reasoning will not do.

Brother Liu came to another place, directly picked up Professor Tao's head, closed his eyes, placed it on his neck, and then covered it with a white cloth.

The police officers around were slightly surprised. This was a scene of severe damage.

But Duan Hua stopped them silently, showing his unreasonable trust in Brother Liu!

Tao Wutian's arms trembled, secretly thinking that Brother Liu didn't understand criminal investigation, and at the same time, his heart ached. He had long wanted to put his father's body back together, but... he finally endured the pain and closed his eyes. Thank you.

When Brother Liu raised his head, the devil boy sent a reminder. There were some pills scattered under the desk beside him.

He grabbed the pill bottle.

"Oxycodone acid sustained-release tablets, late-stage cancer drug."

Including Tao Wutian, the surrounding police officers were slightly startled.

Professor Tao's information flashed in Liu Di's eyes, "In the late stage of liver cancer, according to the extent of the disease, Professor Tao should have been overwhelmed, comatose or died a month ago. He is alive today and can still give lectures. This probability Less than 0.1%!”

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

Professor Tao has been fighting the disease?

Is this the fate that the God of Death said?

It's not that simple!

There must be someone else involved!

Seven-dimensional cause and effect...

Brother Liu closed his eyes and his thoughts were unclear.

At this time, Tao Wutian could no longer calm down and cried bitterly, "I am busy working every day, but I don't even know that my father has this disease!"

Brother Liu opened his eyes.

Nearly 10 palm-sized Gemini drones flew outside the door, releasing blue light to scan and model the entire room.

Many police officers sighed.

Who is this guy?

The next moment.

Brother Liu found more than a dozen invisible cutting marks on the wall. If he didn't look carefully, he would have thought they were just ordinary wall scratches!

Liu Di narrowed his eyes, "This is the splash mark of the sword light. It comes from the collision of two sword lights. Is there someone fighting in this room?"

Brother Liu was stunned.

The elusive murderer comes and goes without a trace, leaving no trace.

However, the information in front of me explains.

The murderer wasn't the only one at the scene, there was actually a fight!

Brother Liu was a little confused.

Is he some kind of cyborg, or a person with special abilities?

Can he be invisible?

This is not right. Even if he is invisible, he still has his own mass and kinetic energy. How can he escape the monitoring of the future molecules after he walks out of the house?

At this time, Duan Hua saw Liu Di frowning and asked, "Is it so difficult?"

Liu Di had to admit, "Some of it is beyond my cognition."

What can be beyond my cognition?

A high-dimensional life has taken action? !

Liu Di's head was buzzing.

Liu Di walked forward and flipped through Dr. Tao's notebook. When he turned to the last page, it said, 'Ten-dimensional life should not be discussed or written, but I can't bear it, so I just share it with the students quietly. They must be interested. '

This is Professor Tao's handwriting.

Liu Di frowned and turned the diary forward.

The contents of nine dimensions, eight dimensions, etc. were all written by Professor Tao, and they were similar to what was said in class.

Suddenly, Liu Di turned to the page of 'two dimensions'.

A picture came to my mind. When Professor Tao wanted to explain the three-dimensional space, he was interrupted by students.

But I saw the diary wrote: 'I know very little about two-dimensional space, but I know that they are not as simple as 'paper people'. They must have thoughts. They may not understand our three-dimensional volume, but at least they can feel something similar to light source. The closer they are to the object, the brighter they will feel the object. '


Liu Di's face changed slightly.

He turned around and looked at the white reading lamp on the desk.

Then he looked behind the three or four police officers at the scene. Their shadows were reflected on the wall, intertwined with each other, and slightly bent at the corner of the wall, which looked a little weird.


Liu Di saw that the shadow behind the police officer Tao Wutian seemed to be inconsistent with the movement of the body, and moved slightly!

Liu Di's brows suddenly locked!

At this moment, the man in a white shirt standing with his hands behind his back whispered: "Please go out and wait for me."

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