My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1220 Fate is irresistible (1/2)

Police officer Tao Wutian had just rushed to the door.


His liver and gallbladder are broken!

"Teacher Tao!"

Snap! The notebook in young Mu Lie's hand fell to the ground, and he was in huge shock!

The other students who came together were completely frightened by this scene.

They gathered around the door and did not dare to enter. Many of them did not dare to look directly at the scene. Many girls cried out of fear and grief.

Police officer Tao Wutian rushed into the house with tears streaming down his face. However, as an experienced criminal investigation master, he always worked hard to overcome himself and did not touch his father's body.

His body trembled and he growled: "Don't come in, call the police!"

No one can see it.

At this time, Brother Liu's right eye was shining brightly.

He was frantically mobilizing surveillance around him, including facilities on campus, including the nearby Gemini Sky Eye, and all Gemini equipment within a 10,000-meter range!

Countless scenes and scattered audio flashed through Liu Di's mind.

Every angle, every corner!

He even mobilized Street View satellites in space!

That's right.

What people in the world suspect is that life is being monitored by various electronic devices... This is true!

It's just that his brother Liu will not invade other people's privacy at will.

Unless someone crossed the red line in his heart, like now, someone actually killed Professor Tao under his nose!

The next moment.

Countless monitoring results are gathered together.

Brother Liu was shocked!

There is no suspicious person, no one has approached this office, no murderer! ! !

Liu Di's eyes trembled.

This is impossible.

The next moment, smoke of various colors emerged from Liu Di's eyes, including the signal tower and the Gemini watches on the wrists of the students behind him, with the 'Molecular Future' module activated!

Follow various molecular trends and start seeing hidden details.

But it's a pity.

Everything is normal.

Nothing unusual.

In the past 24 hours, no one in the entire sea city regarded this office as their destination!

Based on Professor Tao's recent movements, no one was following him, and there were no shady transactions. Apart from his academic studies, he was not involved in any weird incidents.

From now on, Professor Tao will never appear in this office again.

All trends indicate that the murderer is invisible!

And Professor Tao had no reason to be killed!

How is this going!

Two scenes kept replaying in Brother Liu's mind.

Professor Tao, who was very tired during the break, returned to the office slowly - unlocking, entering, and closing the door.

Next screen.

The girl who came to call for Professor Tao - ran, opened the door, observed, screamed, and fell to the ground in fright.

Nothing else.

The middle time is exactly 15 minutes and 45 seconds.

Brother Liu scanned the entire room. Professor Tao was frugal and there was no monitoring equipment. Apart from the desk lamp, there was not even a second electronic device!

The office is also a warehouse remodel, and there are no windows!

15 minutes and 45 seconds, no data in the room!

Brother Liu caught a glimpse of the old-fashioned mobile phone in Professor Tao's pocket and hacked into it instantly.

There is a function hidden in all mobile phones, which is to automatically turn on the microphone at intervals and eavesdrop on 8-20 seconds of audio.



When Liu Di heard it, he only heard these two sounds, one was like a sharp knife coming out of its sheath, and the other was the sound of Professor Tao falling.

Brother Liu gritted his teeth.

Who is it?

What happened in this house.

But I saw police officer Tao Wutian, who was a little emotionally broken at this time, "My father has been teaching and educating people all his life, and he has almost never argued with anyone about who murdered him!"

Brother Liu looked cold and walked slowly into the house, constantly recording and analyzing the scenes in the house.

A series of blue apertures, lines, and rulers are formed within the viewing angle.

"There is no possibility of setting up a murder mechanism here."

Brother Liu looked in the direction where Professor Tao fell, "There is a wall behind him, and there is no possibility of shooting him from a distance."

"Please stop, don't destroy the scene again!"

Tao Wutian looked at Brother Liu, and at the same time growled toward the door: "Those classmates, don't look at them either, respect the deceased!"

Brother Liu's body also paused slightly. When he saw Tao Wutian, his face was filled with tears and his eyes were bloodshot.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and walked to the corridor, found a bench nearby, sat down slowly, and then closed his eyes.

His consciousness entered the long river of time, and the quantum body on the broken bridge suddenly activated.

He wants to find Professor Tao's "information soul" and have a face-to-face dialogue with the deceased!


In deep space.

The God of Death was walking slowly with a scythe on his shoulder, when he saw the blue body coming from the sky.

The God of Death had a complicated expression. He was about to speak, but was stopped by the blue light and shadow.

Liu Di looked closely at the half-corpse and half-solid old man and whispered, "Professor Tao?"

No one answered.

"Professor Tao?"

Brother Liu increased his volume, but saw that the old man had no reaction and his eyes were dull.

But the God of Death swallowed his saliva, pulled out a diary from his arms, and read seriously: "According to your quantum physics system, this old man's mental power is too weak and he has already lost his self-awareness."

Brother Liu frowned.

Then a Möbius strip was laid at Professor Tao's feet.

But Professor Tao's body became more illusory, passing through the Möbius strip and continuing to run forward.

Brother Liu was slightly startled!

The God of Death closed the diary and shook his head, saying, "Some people's karma cannot be changed."

Brother Liu slowly turned his head and looked at the God of Death.

The God of Death coughed dryly, "It is obvious that there are gods higher than you who have determined the karma of this old man..."

Brother Liu's eyes flickered.

But the God of Death sighed and said, "I have received so many dead souls, more than half of them died unjustly, and almost all of them have not completed their missions. Since they can't live... The most important thing for the living is to find the murderer, avenge him, and redress his grievances."

But Brother Liu was silent.

He bowed deeply to Professor Tao's back, and then flew away with a bang.

The God of Death took off his hood, trembling and wiped a cold sweat, feeling relieved.

Good luck.

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