My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1218 He came to reality (1/2)

"Comrade Dan Dingbao, to be honest, the dean recommended me because my academic achievements are completely different from before."

"Can you please stop calling me Dan Dingbao? I'll make the students laugh out loud, huh? Comrade Zhang Gou Sheng!"

But he saw that the old professor standing opposite Zhang Weiguo, whose face was red with anger, was also quite cute.

He pointed at the tip of Zhang Weiguo's nose and said: "Let's talk about professional knowledge. My paper on "Nicomachean Ethics" was recognized by professors in the entire college. Everyone knows that I am Dan Dingbao, no, I Ding Ming’s academic attainments are higher than yours!”

“Nicomachean Ethics?”

"Tsk, tsk."

"I understood it 70 years ago."

As Zhang Weiguo spoke, he put down a cardboard box on the table with a thud and curled his lips: "This is the paper I submitted to the dean a week ago. Take it to open your eyes."


Professor Ding Ming was stunned, "You weigh more than a hundred pounds, right? Do you treat me like a rag collector? How can a person write so much material?"

But he saw Zhang Weiguo staring with his hands behind his back, condescending, cold and ruthless, quite like the white-robed immortal Zhang Weiguo.

Professor Ding Ming was suppressed by this domineering spirit.

He opened the carton with a puzzled expression and looked through the materials one by one. Then his expression became more astonished and he kept gasping.

"In-depth analysis of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy?"

“Arthur Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation Argument?”

“What’s wrong with Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness?”

"Zhang Weiguo's reprint of "Thus Spoke Nutustra"? Wasn't this book burned and lost? You can actually reprint it?"

""Zhang Weiguo's 3.2 million views on modern philosophy""




"Zhang Weiguo, Zhang Goucheng!"

"How can you write so many papers and 3.2 million opinions?!"

"Are you still human?"

Professor Ding Ming suddenly collapsed.

This huge box is indeed full of papers, and a cursory look through them shows that they are all very rigorous statements and contain countless groundbreaking ideas!

In terms of academics, Zhang Weiguo is completely different from before!

But Zhang Weiguo said with dignity and dignity: "Dan Dingbao, I have told you 100 times. During my coma, I entered a place called the brain world and stayed there for 300 long years!"

"In my spare time, I used the knowledge in my mind to think hard about philosophical viewpoints. I thought about these papers thousands of times in my mind, broke through various obstacles, created various viewpoints, and memorized them backwards and forwards. So after I came back, I just printed it out."

"Oh, and the lost book "Thus Spoke Nutustra", I saw its author in my mind."

After Zhang Weiguo finished speaking, he spread his hands casually.

Professor Ding Ming was paralyzed on the spot.

He sniffed.

I am a philosophy professor. Although I am not opposed to theism, how do you want me to believe it?

Tell me you are talking nonsense.

You actually came up with the paper.

Do you believe me?

You kid said that there is a realm of consciousness, body, and brain, a nine-story continent, a tower of heaven, and a master of the brain realm called Emperor Ba...

Ding Ming looked up to the sky and sighed, finally speechless.

outside the window.

Across a short green belt, Liu Di chuckled, shook his head, and continued moving forward.

In the stands on the side of the playground.

This girl is wearing sportswear and has short hair, exuding youthful vitality.

She is sixteen years old, as young as a flower, with exquisite facial features, a pair of clear and bright eyes, and dots of freckles on both sides of her small nose.

A natural sense of beauty, a perfect beauty.

But at this moment, she held her chin with both hands and looked at the huge playground in boredom.

There were many handsome boys playing football on the court, but she couldn't find the slightest interest.

Adolescence is a restless age.

The heart of spring is stirring.

Every boy and girl has a perfect fantasy object in their heart.

But she didn't seem to be very lucky since Zhang was not there.

The standard for the object of my imagination is too high.

He is as handsome as a god and possesses incredible fighting prowess. He is a perfect blend of male pig feet from various movies, TV shows, and comics.

Thousands of advantages combined into one person.

As a result, Zhang is now absent, looking at all kinds of boys, they are all ordinary people, ordinary, indifferent, without desire, and love to death.


The worst thing is that Liu Di, who has cultivated his own aesthetic standards to become a god-level being, is still a "virtual character".

In reality, he might be a picky uncle.

Or maybe he is an online article writer whose waist has been scrapped and his hair is greasy. After racking his brains, his works are still watery.

"Oh... you may not be a foot-picking uncle, or you may be a writer of online articles, why don't you show your face?"

Zhang Zaizai remained seated, moved his toes, and turned his body towards the direction of the sun.

She saw the bustling crowd pouring in from the entrance to the playground, like a group of zombies.

What they were chasing was a figure with the sun on his back. The sun seemed to outline his outline, making him somewhat majestic.

Zhang Zai squinted his eyes, "...can't see clearly, the light is too strong."

But he saw that figure, without squinting, running directly towards him.


"Looking for me?"

Zhang Zai tilted his head.


The figure seemed to walk out of the light and into reality in an instant.

He was wearing a white shirt, with slightly long hair swaying in the wind, and his right eye flashed purple.

Zhang Zaibu's head shifted slightly by an inch, and then his expression froze completely.

But the man smiled like a warm spring breeze, "Ha, I didn't expect that your appearance in reality is exactly the same as in the brain world."

Zhang Zaibu's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It started beating wildly, and then it kept skipping more beats.


Your appearance in reality is exactly the same as in the brain world.

But Zhang Zaibu seemed to be unable to speak.

She was not prepared, and could not imagine that he walked into reality just like that, real and true, without any difference.

Like a prince in a fairy tale book, he suddenly turned around and then stretched out his hand like a gentleman.

Zhang Zaibu rubbed his eyes.

But Liu Di was already sitting beside him, looking at the playground in front of him in a relaxed manner, "You have been unconscious for such a long time, are you still able to keep up with your studies?"

Zhang Bu'er was stunned for a moment, "It's okay, my dad is a professor."

Also, this is not a question you should care about. You should ask me if I am doing well and how long it will take for me to reach the legal age for marriage.

The short-haired girl thought to herself.

But the girl in the distance looked like a zombie at this time, her body twisted, and she used her palms to tear her face and hair hard.

"Oh my God!"

"SSS-level male god is attracted to Zhang Bu'er again!"

"Why is it her again!"

"I am bigger than Zhang Bu'er in every aspect, why is this?!"

Zhang Bu'er and Liu Di sat quietly in the stands.

Liu Di felt like he had met an old friend who had not seen each other for a long time, and they were next to each other and understood each other tacitly.

But Zhang Bu'er was organizing his words and asked after a long time: "What are you doing here?"

Liu Di said bluntly: "I came to listen to Professor Tao's lecture."

Zhang Bu'er exhaled slightly, which was obviously not the answer she wanted to hear.


At this moment.

Professor Tao returned to his office, which was converted from a storage room. There were no windows, no technological equipment, only piles of calculation drafts and various books.

Professor Tao voluntarily chose this office because it was extremely quiet and he could concentrate on his research.


Professor Tao turned on the reading light on the desk, and the bright light illuminated the dark room.

But Professor Tao's face was a little pale.

He coughed a few times, but saw a pool of blood on his palm.

The old professor shook his head bitterly, accustomed to it, wiped the blood with a handkerchief, opened the drawer, and found a pile of small medicine bottles.

At this moment.

A black shadow suddenly flashed on one wall of the room.

Professor Tao was slightly stunned, and looked back. It was just a gray wall covered with his own manuscripts. Apart from that, there was nothing.

Including this 15-square-meter office, you can see the whole picture at a glance. There is nothing either. It is impossible for a second person to exist.

"Alas... I'm old and my eyesight is blurry."

Professor Tao smiled bitterly, poured out the pills and prepared to take them.


A black light appeared in the room out of thin air, like a blade cut out of black paper, very thin and very sharp.

It flashed away.


A blood mark also appeared on Professor Tao's neck.


The medicine bottle fell to the ground, and the pills scattered.

Professor Tao also fell down, his head and body separated.

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