The students left the lecture hall in an orderly manner.

Liu Di also gained a lot and walked slowly.

Professor Tao's son, Officer Tao Wutian, finally caught a glimpse of time and stayed in his seat and began to doze off.

And beside Liu Di, in addition to Bo Lin, there was also the boy named Mu Lie.

Liu Di inadvertently glanced at Mu Lie's notebook.

He was slightly surprised.

But he saw that this boy's notebook was full of dense words, and the ink was not dry yet. Not only did he write down Professor Tao's lecture content word for word, but he also made a lot of annotations and personal ideas.

Brother Liu touched Mu Lie's head and smiled, "A promising young man."

Mu Lie raised his head, his expression very serious, "Teacher Tao is right, the younger generation should shoulder the responsibility of scientific exploration. My dream is not only to become a high-dimensional life, but also to mass-produce high-dimensional life. At present, I have found a manufacturing method below five dimensions. To be precise, someone has already started this work."

Brother Liu was slightly surprised and said playfully, "Oh? Who is it?"

A faint light flashed in the clear eyes of the young Mu Lie, "The creator, Emperor San, I can see clearly that his molecular future technology is actually to use the trend of molecular movement to deduce the future. This is five-dimensional peeping!"

The boy clenched his fist, "If he is righteous, then everything is easy to say. If he has evil motives, I will make his secrets public and even bring him to justice."

"My first step is to sneak into his company after graduation!"


Brother Liu was even more stunned.

But he never thought that this teenager could see through so many essences?

He is still a junior high school student...

"Then you should do your best."

Finally, Liu Di gave Mu Lie a heartfelt encouragement.


The five-dimensional and six-dimensional in Liu Di's mind are just the opposite of Professor Tao's conjecture, but as Professor Tao said, this is not important. The high-dimensional world itself is an existence that breaks the rules, not to mention the weak order?

What Liu Di cares about is his next stage, the seven-dimensional, causal weapon.

At this time.

Liu Di has walked out of the classroom, but saw the smoky boy who wanted to travel through time to quit smoking before, hiding in the corner, using the break time to smoke.

"You are really addicted to smoking."

Liu Di shook his head, but was suddenly attracted by the cigarette box in the boy's hand.

Three Towers brand cigarettes.

Some images flashed through Liu Di's mind. The last time he smoked was this brand.

That was when the long river of time collapsed and the earth was at the end of the world. He found a box of sealed cigarettes in the bank safe.

He was very confused at the time, so he smoked one.

Countless thoughts flashed through Liu Di's mind in an instant.

If being ‘forced to quit smoking’ is a cause and effect, then I was breaking the cause and effect at that time.

What is extremely coincidental is that.

At that time, Brother Liu was also trying to break the cause and effect of ‘the end of the world’.

The whole world was out of control.

The cause and effect weapon that made me quit smoking also ‘failed’.

When you think about it carefully, it makes you daydream.

This moment of thinking made Brother Liu directly split the world in his mind into two parallel lines.

One line is reality, and the other line is cause and effect, which interfere with each other.

And the cause and effect line is a ‘chain’ formed by countless closed circles connected together.

But if any one of the links breaks, it will also affect the whole body.

In other words.

Although the cause and effect weapon is powerful, if you have to find a weakness for it, that is, as long as you ‘successfully’ break one of the key points, it will fail completely.

The premise is that it is ‘successfully’ broken and the cause and effect are covered.

This requires imprinting the entire timeline in the mind to ensure that the action will not be subverted twice. How easy is it?

Brother Liu shook his head at this time.

I haven't figured out the seventh dimension yet, but I've already thought of a way to crack it. Could it be that I need to do a 'dimensional attack'?

Brother Liu was walking on the asphalt road on campus.

There were tall sycamore trees on both sides of the road. The sunlight shone through the leaves and onto the ground, making it very mottled.

Brother Liu slowly turned his head.

But he saw a crowd of girls in short skirts behind him, as many as a hundred people.

It was a break between classes, and the members of the Yanzhi Gang immediately revealed their fangirl natures and followed the SSS-level target!


Even if Brother Liu had a low EQ, he understood something at this time.

"Brother Liu, if you walk into a dark alley, will you be torn to pieces? The mate-seeking characteristics of living things are, in a way, also a superpower."

At this time, the 3D image of the demon boy appeared. He turned his back, sat upright on the carpet, eating popcorn, and watching the TV in front of him. The clip being played was 'Zombie Rising'.

Liu Di sighed, "My face has at least helped Professor Tao attract a lot of students. Let them go. I'll take them back to the classroom later."

At this time, Mo Tong pressed the fast forward button.

In the picture, it was a hunting team that threw out a pig leg and led a large number of zombies into the trap.


"Let's go see my two old friends."

Liu Di continued to walk, and the zombies behind him, no, they were beautiful girls, continued to follow.

The teacher's office of Hai City People's University is very beautiful, with a huge floor-to-ceiling window, allowing a clear view of the scene inside.

But there were two guys who ruined the atmosphere and were arguing loudly.

They were two teachers in their fifties.

One of them, Liu Di is quite familiar with, the brain world T-one area, the three-wheeled vehicle god of Sanshan, the white-robed immortal Zhang Weiguo.

He is Zhang Zaibu's father, and he also told him that he is a professor of philosophy at Hai City People's University.

But at this time, he is already wearing a Zhongshan suit, without a white beard and a long robe, wearing myopic glasses, and combing a decent black short hair.

"Zhang Weiguo, I don't accept it. Why did the dean recommend you to be promoted to senior teacher?"

"Dandingbao, don't shout here. The dean recommended me because I am excellent. You don't accept it?"

"Don't call me Dandingbao! That was my nickname when I was a child! I am a university professor now! I am 56 years old! Don't try to get close to me, I just don't accept it!"

Liu Di stopped to watch, and smiled playfully in his heart.

Zhang Weiguo and his colleague are actually childhood friends for many years. At this time, they had an argument because of the promotion of professional titles?

However, Zhang Weiguo is Zhang Weiguo after all, and he still looks arrogant and even a little bit lacking.

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