My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1214 High-dimensional existence (1/2)

"There are high-dimensional creatures, so there are naturally high-dimensional spaces."

"That is a place we cannot see, touch, or understand. It may be parallel to us, or cover us, and it affects reality all the time."

Professor Tao said slowly.

This made Liu Di think more and more that in this clear world in front of him, there are other spaces overlapping, and incomprehensible battles are also taking place.

At this time, Liu Di's idea is to find the lost time halberd.

Without this weapon, he is actually a hard-core three-dimensional life.

"Of course."

Professor Tao glanced at Liu Di at this time, "Don't plan to travel to the future to see your own "fruit", because under the premise of your lack of ability, you can't see any truth. The causal weapons of higher dimensions will cover everything at any time, and the entire timeline will be messed up by you, like a ball of wool played by a cat, and it can never be straightened out again."

Liu Di was slightly stunned.

And the students in the audience were also silent for a moment, thinking that Professor Tao's thoughts were very novel, and there was a mysterious power looming in it, which was very interesting.

But it was just "interesting." ’

Because everyone is just watching the show, they just think that these things will never happen to them.

In fact, this is a contradictory mentality, because even if the ‘causal weapon’ really happens, the person involved will not know!

At this time, Liu Di, with a heavy face, asked: "Excuse me, Professor Tao, what is the eighth dimension?"

But Liu Di's question was immediately drowned out.

A male student laughed and said: "Professor, I have to say that your theory is really interesting, but it doesn't look like a university course at all, but more like a science fiction story lecture!"

Some students also said: "Professor, you are so powerful, is there any way to prove the existence of high-dimensional space? Or, can you call a high-dimensional creature out and show us?"

"Yes, professor, please show it!"

"If you let me see it with my own eyes, I will major in your class for the rest of my life!"

Liu Di was a little helpless, but he could understand that the high-dimensional world is too far away and too unrealistic for ordinary people.

99.9% of people only believe in established science and only believe in what they see with their own eyes.

Little do people know that, from a high-level perspective, the eyes of humans are no different from those of blind people.

However, Professor Tao slowly pushed his glasses and said in a deep voice: "I will talk about the eight dimensions later. I can prove the existence of higher dimensions. Let me tell you a case first. Lisa Randall, a physicist at Harvard University, do you know her?"

Some students immediately began to show off their knowledge, "Yes! After death, the soul will lose 21 grams. This concept was proposed by her!"

Professor Tao nodded and continued: "Lisa Randall once did a nuclear fission physics experiment in the laboratory. As a result, she found that some particles disappeared out of thin air. These particles neither left energy nor transformed into other substances. They just disappeared inexplicably."

"According to According to the existing laws of physics, matter cannot disappear out of thin air. "

"So, she believes that these particles are likely to have entered another space, a hidden dimension, such as the fifth dimension."

"This is suspected evidence of the existence of a higher-dimensional space."

"It is worth mentioning that although humans are three-dimensional creatures, the human soul is at least a five-dimensional existence."

The students were silent for a moment, and then said: "This example is not convincing! It's all speculation!"

Professor Tao closed the notebook in his hand. All this seemed to be within his expectations. He said in a deep voice: "Then I will show you a reality."

But Professor Tao slowly walked to the back of the podium.

People only then noticed that at this time, two huge curtains were hanging on the back wall of this classroom, like the curtains before the theater opened, covering the entire wall.

Professor Tao stood in front of the curtain rope and looked at the students in the hall. "I ask you, why are the patterns on religious walls all complex and symmetrical? Such as the ceiling of European churches? Such as the lotus of Buddhism? Such as the Taoist Bagua?"

"Why are the paintings of Western abstract painters a mess of ink, but can they make those rich people spend a lot of money?"

The students were confused.

I don't know!

No one has ever thought about this question!

But Professor Tao said in a deep voice: "I believe that everything in the universe is designed by a high-dimensional existence. They created everything for some reason."

"Of course, high-dimensional life does not want us to see any multi-dimensional space, so we have been confined to the walls of the brain. This is a cage of consciousness."

"But the design of the universe, that kind of profound symmetry, exists in our brain in some way."

"If you break through the limits of the brain, you can see a corner of the high dimension!"

"I will give you a chance to 'escape the brain' now."

As he said, Professor Tao ripped open the huge curtain behind him with a bang!

The whole wall was painted black in advance, and a detailed pattern was drawn on the whole wall with chalk!

This tiered classroom covers an area of ​​1,000 square meters. The wall is eight meters high and at least 10 meters wide, full of patterns!

Some of the chalk marks are twisted, some are at right angles, extending from a point in the center, forming a seemingly irregular but extremely symmetrical pattern, like some kind of alien totem, or like radiating text.

The students' eyes were wide open.

They were deeply attracted by this huge pattern.

Everyone saw a triangle, and then one inside another, and finally overlapped, constantly expanding or shrinking in all directions.

Then, there was a glow in it.

It was like an illogical abstract world.

Finally, people saw a shadow appear in it, a shining human figure.

He was extremely bright and stood quietly.

The students were shocked!

Professor Tao said: "According to religious explanations, these geometric figures can stimulate the visual nerves, thereby activating the images in the brain to guide people to see God."

"Some scholars also say that this is a kind of visual illusion, similar to a kaleidoscope."

"But the truth is."

"This can awaken our consciousness and see the real high-dimensional space."

"Remember, consciousness exists above five dimensions."

Liu Di was also stunned.

The magic boy was quickly analyzing these patterns. It seemed that there was some visual hypnosis effect, but in fact, this pattern was thousands of times more complicated!

Theoretically, such a complex pattern cannot make human attention focus!

Moreover, the data of the demon boy clearly showed that at this moment, Brother Liu's subconscious was fully mobilized and his mental power was extremely surging.

A chill ran through Brother Liu's heart.

Is this the truth about the human brain?

Imprisoned five-dimensional creature?

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