My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1213 Three-dimensional Perspective (1/2)

"Above seven dimensions, it's beyond imagination."

Dr. Tao's words directly attracted the students present, and everyone immediately began to have some reveries.

Although the girls from the Yanzhi Gang felt that Brother Liu was like a magnet with a fatal attraction, they still resisted and turned their heads to look at the old professor on the stage.

After all, everyone is curious.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Dr. Tao said slowly: "Seven dimensions are an ability derived from the synthesis of three-dimensional living space, four- and five-dimensional timelines, and six-dimensional real interference - cause and effect."

"cause and effect?"

Hundreds of students hesitated for a moment, and then their expressions became dull.

This concept is not new either.

Commonly used vocabulary in Buddhism.

Some students raised their heads and shouted: "Professor, this isn't great, and it's easy to imagine! Isn't it possible to travel through time and change the past? For example, I traveled through the past and told myself that housing prices in Kyoto were going to rise. Traveling through the past, I told myself Lottery numbers, let me travel to the future and see what my wife looks like?”

Many students also laughed, "Yes, it is common in movies, traveling through time, reaching the peak of life, and marrying Bai Fumei, haha!"

But I saw a boy with yellow teeth, who said hoarsely: "If I could travel through time, I would first go to the freshman dormitory and give myself a big slap in the face when I learn to smoke for the first time, and tell him that smoking is harmful to health!"

"Then let's use your idea as an example."

Dr. Tao locked his eyes on the boy with a smoky voice and said with a smile: "You found your freshman self and gave him a profound lesson. He used emotion to make sense. He immediately decided not to learn to smoke anymore, so you returned Now, the fact are surprised to find that you are still addicted to cigarettes."

The students were stunned, "Why is this?"

Professor Tao paced back and forth, "Because even though you gave up smoking in your freshman year, you are still out of control in your future life, either because of a breakup, because of failing a class, or because of the instigation of your new roommate. 's learning to smoke resulted in no change in results."

The students were silent.

Professor Tao added: "If you want to really change the results, you must sort out the trajectory of time and find every inducement. This is like the veins of a leaf, with countless branches and countless historical revisions. You need to Change all possibilities."

"Just like smoking, the big slap you gave yourself will change in the future. The 'past you' will not go to bed, but run to the infirmary to apply anti-swelling lotion. But this is the change. You might just fall in love with the young female school nurse."

"Five months later, she got married and you fell out of love, so you tried smoking again and nothing changed."

Professor Tao's eyes flickered, "So, the real method is that you have to travel through the past countless times, go through every fork in the road, and guide things to the final result."

The more the students thought about it, the more it made sense and their eyes widened.

Someone said: "To change something as small as smoking, you have to go through the past countless times. Doesn't that mean you will tire yourself to death?"

Professor Tao raised his head and said: "This requires the ability to have multiple clones, step into multiple timelines at the same time, and track multiple results at the same time."

Liu Di was stunned when he heard this. Isn't this the ability of his own Time Halberd?

The ‘six-dimensional overlooking’ mentioned by the devil boy?

But I heard Professor Tao say: "As for the number of clones, the number '9' is the most appropriate. To create a simple cause and effect, it takes at least 9 times to travel. As the saying goes, nine nines return to one, which is not unreasonable. Mathematically speaking, The next digit of 9 will be entered into 10 and become a new cycle of 1 and 0, so a perfect result will be obtained!”

Brother Liu took a breath of cold air.

The time halberds in my mind have no roots and origins, they come out of thin air, and the number is exactly 9!

At this time, Brother Liu felt extremely enlightened.

At the same time, he also thought of a question that was terrifying to think about. He had been smoking since college, and he was very addicted to cigarettes. When he first joined the Yan family, he even smoked a pack a day.

But here's the thing.

When did I quit smoking?

Actually...can't remember?

But I heard Professor Tao say: "Strictly speaking, the true appearance of the seven dimensions is called - the causal weapon."

"You think that everything is developing according to the laws of nature, but in fact you have already been involved in the cause and effect of high-dimensional creatures!"

"Whether its intentions are good or evil, you don't know, but what awaits you can only be the results it arranges!"

The students present were all shocked.

And Brother Liu, who was in the center, was even more frightened.

According to what Professor Tao said, controlling the time halberd well is a causal weapon, and it is the scope of the seven dimensions!

Professor Tao's examples are very vivid on this point, and Brother Liu already understands it.

But it is inexplicably shuddering.

There is no doubt that there are high-dimensional beings in the universe. If they want to annihilate themselves, they don’t need to throw a punch or a sword. They only need to bury the cause and effect of death in their own lives. Everything is undetectable and impossible. avoid!

Using "killing without blood" to describe the causal weapon is simply an insult to it.

This ability is not weak at all!

Liu Di's eyes trembled.

Did the Eshi who wanted to kill himself plant a causal weapon on himself?

Is the high-dimensional summons that I mistakenly thought was a 'virus' also a causal weapon?

I was misled by Gu Gu Gu and then destroyed the 'virus'. Is this a causal weapon?

Also, the appearance of the devil boy?

Could it be that I have been caught in the causal weapon since I was born?

Logically speaking, I may not be alive until now.

How many events are caused by "causality"?

Emperor Jiu...

This code name flashed through Liu Di's mind.

'He' must be a creature in the seven-dimensional realm, appearing twice in his life.

'He' must also use causal weapons.

Could it be that they are fighting.

This seemingly routine life, behind which is hidden the battle between Emperor Jiu and other high-dimensional creatures?

From protecting oneself to quitting smoking?

And the timeline in front of him, which is moving slowly, is actually the lowest dimensional perspective even if the Sky Eye is all over the world!

Liu Di sweated slightly!

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