My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1210 Beauty Justice (1/2)

At the entrance of Haishi Renmin University.

Two good-looking female students wearing student uniforms and mini skirts were sitting on a bench nearby.

The boys coming and going kept looking at their long white legs.

But the two girls were obsessed with operating the canopy watches on their wrists.

In the interface, there is an open Gemini chat group, the group name is 'Appearance is justice - Haishi Renmin University Appearance Gang. ’

Someone in the group said: "The list remains unchanged for thousands of years, but my male idol Kang Feng will always be number one."

The girl in a short skirt at the door replied: "Kang Feng may be eye-catching, but I'm tired of seeing him."

Someone in the group retorted: "The point is you can't get it."

The girl in the short skirt curled her lips, "Appreciating beauty is a state, you don't need to get it. You idiots in the group, please calm down and watch me, the senior inspectors of the facial affairs department, rediscover handsome guys for you. Once a huge handsome man comes to the world, , the small hotel at the school gate will become a place that you will always dream about."

Say it.

Two girls in short skirts narrowed their eyes and carefully observed the crowds coming and going at the school gate.

They say boys are dirty, but in fact they are just not good at pretending.

Scientific research shows that girls are more dirty inside.


"It's a pity that several grass trees in the school have been dug out by their roots."

"No man in this third of an acre can stimulate my nerves."

A girl in a short skirt sighed helplessly. The two of them looked at each other for a long time, but there was really no boy who could stand out.

Right now.

A figure appeared at the school gate, wearing a white shirt, followed by a cute little loli in a red skirt.

The duo of senior inspectors from the Yan Affairs Department suddenly narrowed their eyes!

"Based on my years of experience."

"This person is 181-183cm tall, weighs 72-75kg, has a standard figure, exquisite hairstyle, and refined temperament. He is unique among the crowd."

"It has great potential."

"Let me see his face."

The two girls in short skirts followed each other's footsteps from far to near, slowly moving their eyes.

The figure in the white shirt came closer.

The expressions on the faces of the two girls in short skirts suddenly changed.

From the initial skepticism, it slowly turned into surprise, then into shock, and finally into dementia, with drooling water.

"Oh my god."

"There is such a man in the world."

The bodies of the two girls were turned to stone.

The visitors were none other than Liu Di and Porphyrin, who were preparing to listen to Professor Tao's lecture.

Brother Liu saw the two girls' canopy watches flashing on their wrists, and thought they were loyal Gemini users, so he said hello with a smile, "Hello."

I am dead.

The two girls in short skirts suddenly felt that their brains were deprived of oxygen and the world was spinning. He actually talked to me. Happiness came from heaven and came too suddenly.

But at this time, Brother Liu and Porlin had already entered the small courtyard.

Only then did the two girls in short skirts react!

"Oops, let him run away!"

"Notify the organization quickly!"

The two picked up their canopy watches, clicked photos randomly, and sent various photos of Brother Liu's back to the 'Appearance is Justice' group.

"Alarm! Alarm!"

"The ultimate SSS-level situation, discovering an existence with incredible looks!"

"Based on my many years of experience as an inspector, I swear that if you don't look at this face at the cost of finding a man for the rest of your life, you will regret it in your eighteen reincarnations!"

"Sisters, gather at the school gate!"

The handsome, fresh and refined back, as well as the extremely shocking remarks of the girl in the short skirt, quickly caused an uproar in the group!

At this moment.

On the basketball court, Zhang's chubby best friend, who was not around, also received an 'SSS-level ultimate alert. ’

"Zhang is not here! Look at this photo!"

The fat bestie held her cell phone with a very surprised expression on her face and handed it directly to Zhang Bu.

Zhang Zai didn't care at all and waved his hand, "It's that good-looking guy of yours again. I've told you before that you shouldn't have unrealistic illusions and meaningless pursuits in your mind all day long."

"This time is different!"

"When I look at this little brother's back, he is completely different from those ordinary people!"

"No, let's go take a look together!"

The fat bestie’s hands were trembling.

"very nice."

Zhang Bu said without looking at his phone at all, "Although it's a bit childish, it's always good to have pursuits. I'll stay here to bask in the sun. Come on."

"If you're not here, then I'll go by myself first!"

The fat best friend said, grabbed her backpack, trotted towards the school gate.


Brother Liu was walking on the university campus and felt very relaxed.

Along an asphalt road, we finally came to an independent lecture theater.

This is where the lecture was held.

There is a notice posted on the roadside bulletin board, 'Tao Yuanshuang - "High Dimensional World Puzzle", starting at 2:30 pm on time. ’

Brother Liu looked ahead at the classroom door.

I saw an old man about fifty years old standing there. He was wearing a gray half-sleeved upper body and washed white trousers on the lower body. He was wearing a pair of old-fashioned myopia glasses and holding an old-fashioned handbag in his arms. 's diary,

It was Professor Tao Yuanshuang.

Liu Di thought to himself: "A true academic expert never has any gorgeous embellishments."

Before Brother Liu came forward.

I saw Professor Tao waving his hand from a distance, "Hello, classmate, let me register you first."


Liu Di was a little puzzled, and walked forward slowly, but saw that the old professor had already opened the diary, took off the cap of the pen, and lowered his head and said seriously: "This student, may I ask your name, which department you are from, and which class..."

Liu Di wondered: "Professor Tao, what are you doing?"

The old man raised his head and laughed, "Oh, that's right, what I am going to talk about is too obscure, and not many people learn it, so I record every student who is interested, so that I can continue to guide him in the future. For students who are thirsty for knowledge, mentors are very important."

After Professor Tao finished speaking, he lowered his head again and prepared to write.

Liu Di looked at the diary in Professor Tao's hand. It was double-sided, with dense physical formulas recorded on the front, and grids drawn on the back to record student information.


There are less than five people who have registered for this lecture today.

And now it is 2:25, and there are only 5 minutes left before the lecture.

Liu Di sighed in his heart.

Professor Tao is undoubtedly a qualified teacher.

However, in this impetuous era, there are too few young people who are willing to pursue unknown science.

At this moment.

Liu Di smiled, "Hello, Professor Tao, my name is Liu Di, the younger brother of younger brother."

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