My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1209 Acquaintance (1/2)

The space was quiet for a moment.

The voice said out of thin air: "But sir, he is insignificant to you, but to us, he is a high-dimensional creature, and I have no way to kill him."

Eshi raised his head slightly.

A shining star floated behind him, and a beam of light illuminated the wall opposite him.

However, two dark shadows appeared, kneeling on one knee, worshiping Eshi!

This is exactly a two-dimensional plane creature!

Really like a shadow that can only live within walls!

Eshi's eyes flashed, "Give you the ability to break through the plane."

Immediately, Eshi stretched out his hand and pointed at the shadow of the wall. The wall was like water, producing ripples. In front of the two shadows, cracks appeared and finally shattered.

Both figures were stunned.

Ershi said: "Let me see your abilities."

I saw two figures standing up in a daze, but they were both dark silhouettes, and only their outlines could be seen.

One of them seemed to be a big man with solid muscles, wearing tight clothes and a sense of explosive power.

The other one is a very slender and tall figure with a long gown draped on the outside and long beautiful legs.

Both of them had three slender samurai swords on their waists.

The muscular man walked slowly, but only along the wall, like an old-fashioned shadow puppet show. He walked to the corner of the wall, bent his body, and appeared on the other side of the wall.

at this time.

This wall faces the vastness of the universe.

A space meteorite the size of a truck floated slowly.

But when he saw the silhouette of the big man, he flicked his fingers and unsheathed the samurai sword on his waist. The cold light that flashed immediately was also a black silhouette.

The scene is like a black and white ink painting!



His sword light broke through the two-dimensional plane, and silently cut the black meteorite in half, with the blade straight and flat!

The two black two-dimensional silhouettes were also extremely shocking at this time.

They never thought that their ability could break through the plane!

For tens of thousands of years, whether it was a meteorite floating quietly or a speck of dust in the sky, it was an existence that was beyond their reach!

But he saw Er Shi chuckle, "There are restrictions in high dimensions. Brother Liu knows that I can't do it myself, but he will never think that the person who can take his life is a creature lower than himself!"

But I saw the strong black silhouette, excited and frightened, kneeling on one knee, "Thank you for the opportunity, sir, I will definitely complete my mission!"

Ershi's low laughter echoed, "Jiang Xiu, Brother Liu, I hope you can remember from now on that the ignored are the most deadly!"


At this moment.


Brother Liu was in Yinsuo and put the bloody head into the storage box.

Also quite helpless.

But he heard Porphyry say: "Aidou! Don't you want to know about the high-dimensional path? Mr. Jiang's most outstanding student is about to start classes at the university! I should have left all Mr. Jiang's notes to him!"


Brother Liu instantly became interested and immediately searched for information.

An image of an old man about fifty years old slowly appeared.

‘Professor Tao Yuanshuang, a well-known Chinese physicist and astronomer’

‘A staunch supporter of high-dimensional theory. ’

‘At 2:30 p.m., a lecture will be held at Haishi Renmin University, titled - “Unraveling the Mysteries of the High-Dimensional World”’

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

Then I discovered that this lecture was free and open to the public, but judging from the online registration, there were only a few people in the audience, no more than 10 people.

Brother Liu looked at Professor Tao's photos.

Suddenly, I discovered that in one of the photos, Professor Tao was holding a cowhide diary with ground corners in his hand. The title was ‘High Dimensional Records’ and the signature was ‘Jiang Xiu’.

Liu Di suddenly realized that Jiang Lao's notes were indeed in his hands.

Although we are in the age of online information, scholars who are over fifty years old are still willing to record information in the most original way.

Liu Di sighed, the real top secret always has a strong fragrance of ink.


The concept of a high-dimensional world is still too nonsense in the eyes of real humans. As a result, Professor Tao's classes are sparse and no one is interested.

Brother Liu exhaled slightly, "The time is just right. I must listen to this class."

Porlin said shyly: "I'll accompany you."

Brother Liu smiled helplessly.

And the location of this lecture, Haishi Renmin University?

There were also two old friends of mine there, just catching up on old times!


At this moment.

Haishi Renmin University.

On the basketball court, the tall and handsome men's basketball team was sweating profusely, making beautiful passes and shooting, and the score crushed the challengers from other schools.

On the stands nearby, various youthful female classmates looked at their male idols with rosy eyes and shouted, "Come on!"


The whistle blows and the game is over!

The Haishi Renmin University team won a complete victory!

Captain Kang Feng, who was wearing uniform No. 23, wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned his head slightly.

The heartbeats of many girls immediately exploded!

"Kang Feng is so handsome!"

"Goddess Kang Feng!"

"Kang Feng, I can give birth to a monkey for you!"

At the same time, many girls rushed forward, some handed over white towels with love letters, some handed over drinks, and some just handed over themselves!

But Kang Feng, who attracts thousands of people, seems to have no interest in these girls.

His eyes were fixed on the short-haired girl holding her chin with her hands in the stands.

Kang Feng stretched out his five fingers, smoothed his hair back, and came to the short-haired girl without squinting.


Kang Feng smiled and said, "No, how do you think I played basketball?"

The short-haired girl looked at him and smiled innocently.

Kang Feng put one foot on the step and struck a handsome pose, "Haha, if I win this game, I will probably be selected to the city basketball team. I will be very busy then."

The short-haired girl looked at him and smiled: "Then what do you want to do now?"

Kang Feng nodded coolly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Well... let's go see a private movie?"

The short-haired girl looked around, and various girls were casting jealous glances at her.

She pondered for a moment and smiled softly: "Many people care about whether you are cool or not, whether you are handsome or not, whether you can fly high, and whether you have a great future. I am the only one who is different. I don't care about you."

"Stay where it's cool."

Kang Feng's smile solidified, "Uh... you!"

But when he saw Zhang was no longer a classmate, he had a ruthless look on his face, and finally had to leave in depression!

at this time.

A fat girlfriend wearing glasses wiped her saliva and said angrily: "Zhang is not there! You jealous little goblin! Do you know what you just did? You rejected us The No. 1 student of Haishi People’s University!”

Zhang Zai shrugged, "Look at how you look like you have never seen the world. If you don't go out for a walk, do you still think that everything in front of you is the world?"

"Let me tell you, Kang Feng's looks are nothing short of scum compared to a guy named Liu Di."

The fat bestie’s eyes were shining brightly and her saliva was flowing out, “Does such a handsome guy still exist?”

Zhang Zai also thought for a moment, "Well...actually, I met Brother Liu in that virtual world. As for his real appearance...forget it, people must learn to remember the good things, and the truth can be ignored."

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