Early the next morning.

The network engineers who came to work at the Creator Company on time.

Suddenly I saw several social products under Penguin being updated together.

A new feature titled ‘Find strangers with similar interests to you’ has been launched.

Penguin’s annual major upgrade - soul mate.

The employees of Gemini suddenly fell into gloom.

It's over.

Penguin is so fast that it has already updated a section with the same functionality as ours! And it is based on his original social software.

They already have more users than we do.

Combined with similar features, how do we win? m hasn’t waited for the founder engineers to study this ‘soul mate.

’ The announcement of the meeting came through the speakers throughout the company.

10 minutes later.

Employees No. 400 gathered in the conference room.

Whether sitting or standing, it is crowded.

But everyone was silent, as if there was a mountain peak pressing above their heads.

What makes everyone unable to calm down the most is.

A set of comparative data is displayed on the screen on the stage.

It is the comparative data of Gemini and Penguin social software.

Downloads, registrations, and activity are all updated in real time.

Penguin has a total of 900 million social users, while Gemini has less than 800 million users.

Just 10 minutes ago, after Penguin updated the ‘soul mate’ function, the activity increased significantly! It's only 9 o'clock in the morning, which should be a busy time for users, but Penguin's active users have reached 400 million! And it’s still increasing! You don’t need to look at it to know that they are all here for Penguin’s new features! If this continues, won't our twins have a miserable ending? ! "Ahem!" With a soft voice, Ah Jia, wearing a crisp suit, slowly walked onto the stage! Mr. Zhang is here! Everyone held their breath and focused their attention.

"Everyone, our company made a major decision the day before yesterday!" Ajia glanced at the entire audience and said in a deep and powerful voice, "That is to declare war with the Penguin Group!" "There is no doubt that this is a major decision for our company. Moment!" "So, in order to face and win this much-anticipated battle.

"Today I specially invited the real behind-the-scenes founder of our company and the creator of the Gemini core code, Di San!" "Ah Jia said, pointing to the audience with one hand! Di San! This name is popular all over the Internet. He is regarded as a super master by countless network engineers, but no one knows his true name. He is a genius in programming and business? He Coming? Everyone stared with wide eyes!

He is a young man wearing a white shirt and jeans, with slightly long hair that vaguely covers his right eye.

His handsome face was confused, with a light smile, and he was looking at everyone with his hands behind his back! His appearance...is somewhat beyond the expectations of a Gemini employee! in everyone's imagination.

Shouldn't he be someone who is slightly fat, wearing glasses as thick as the bottom of a bottle, and has greasy and sparse hair...? Aren’t top programmers supposed to be like that? Di San in front of me.

Very handsome, like a top traffic boy! And under his white shirt, his figure is also extremely graceful.

Under the gently rolled-up sleeves, the hard and bulging biceps are faintly visible! Is this figure also at the level of a bodybuilding man? I have never seen such a programmer! And he is also a programmer who combines a male god with a great god! Quite different from everyone’s imagination! Many female colleagues are a little confused! I forgot about the battle with the penguins for the moment! Heart full of peach blossoms.

I wonder...Will Di Sanda stay in the company in the future? I have to find a way to get him coffee... maybe, we can develop an office romance or something! Hmm... He's the type where a domineering boss falls in love with me... and some people recognize him.

Isn't this Mr. Zhang's classmate? Appeared at class reunion! It seems to be the focus of that party! All the Gemini employees looked directly at Brother Liu.

An idea flashed in his mind, and he gradually connected the figure in white with the photo of the three kings standing in the news.

The figure in the photo and the figure in front of me gradually merged! That's right! It's him, the legendary Emperor San! Bang... Bang... Bang... One person reacted first and was the first to applaud.

Gradually, the applause was like thunder! Brother Liu smiled softly.

Slowly come on stage.

After standing still, the applause suddenly stopped! 400 pairs of expectant eyes looked at him! He put his hands behind his back and looked at the screen behind him, focusing on the activity of the penguin software.

The numbers are still changing: 420 million... 430 million... "Tsk, tsk, Penguin Group is really no small matter!" "At this rate, I'm afraid it won't be long before all users are active!" "Very strong!" Brother Liu spoke slowly.

You can hear a pin drop at the scene.

The fact that I had just escaped for a minute struck again! What does Di Sanda mean by this sentence? Are you afraid? Do you feel like this data is too scary and the Penguins can’t beat it? If Emperor San is scared, why should we fight? But Brother Liu turned around with a smile on his face.

"I have to admit that Penguin is very strong. The foundation of more than ten years is by no means empty talk!" "It is difficult to defeat!" Everyone was still silent and the atmosphere was silent! "but.

"Liu Di casually moved a step to the right, revealing the other half of the data that was covered by him.

This is the data of Gemini.

Download users: 780 million.

Real-time active: 190 million.

“I believe that I can enter my founder’s company and be among the people in this conference room at this time.

"Everyone is one in a million!" "They are all the best among the best!" “However, everyone made a mistake at this time.

"Liu Di smiled, but he stared at everyone with a sharp gaze, "You have forgotten how good you are!" A thunder suddenly sounded in everyone's mind! Many people suddenly recalled the past! I used to be the network technology director of a listed company! I am a doctoral graduate of the Department of Network Engineering at South China University of Science and Technology! I developed an alumni network during my college years, which was popular throughout the school! I have unique ideas and unique visual graphic design, which is proud of everyone! I used 100% of my efforts to go from an intern in a small company to a human resources manager! I... Yes, I am very strong! One month ago, I was a little confused. I wanted a bigger stage to show myself, I wanted a more difficult challenge to prove myself, and I wanted to get in touch with higher Technology to improve myself! Suddenly, I received an email! An email signed by the creator.

It is just an unknown company.

However, its words touched me, and its prospects touched me.

Its future plans made my blood boil! Its broad prospects made me awed! At that moment, I was full of excitement! I thought it was a great fortune to receive such an invitation! I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work in such a company! What? Why do I doubt myself now? Doubt the creator? It is indeed as the emperor said, I almost forgot that I am also very strong! Even, the strongest!

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