My right eye is a god-level computer

119. Emperor Three will appear

The 5th floor of the Mass Hall.

Hedina woke up in a daze.

I squinted at the sunlight outside the window, which was a bit dazzling.

I looked around again and saw a big soft bed! "omg!" She quickly covered her chest! what happened? Lost your virginity? My head hurts! She touched her clothes and they were all there! impossible! Men don't have a good thing! Check your underwear again...they are all in good condition too! Look at the sheets again, no traces! Is there really such an upright man? who? Hetina slapped her forehead! Yesterday, I... talked to Mr. Liu of the Founder Company... that charming, handsome, domineering, and insightful man... I drank n cups and won't go home tonight! Why do I add so many adjectives to him? Didn't she sleep with me? Depend on! What's wrong with me? Hey...why do I think this way? What I like is women! But...Heidina is a little disappointed! She stood up unsteadily and suddenly saw a glass of water and a note on the coffee table.

Drink water and pick up the note.

Gee, even the handwriting is so domineering and domineering! Why should I praise him again! ‘Miss Hetina, when I say I want you, I mean I want to invite you to run the Witness together.

''If you think I can be trusted, then the first step is to invest in these three start-up companies, Black Box Virtual KTV App, Magic Face Emoticon App...' At the end of the message, a lifelike flower was drawn with a blue ballpoint pen. Flower - dovetail flower! Heidina’s favorite flowers! Eh...smug! Hetina wrinkled her nose after reading the message.

I am the investment director of Fubo Capital! Fubo Capital is China’s top investment bank! I am the queen of investment! Are you having a hard time talking to a stinky man like you? witness? Do you have your office address? Do you have financial support from the bank? Cut... Hetina said, carefully folding the note.

Then he picked up the phone and said, "Hey, it's me. Help me contact the founders of these companies. Well, they are Black Box Virtual KTV App, Mo Yan Expression App..."...Ding Dang Dang Dang! Buzzing... In the experimental cemetery, hundreds of workers are working together.

Under the arrangement of the devil boy.

Efficiency is almost maximized.

One job after another with almost no time difference! Liu Di stood in the field.

Looking at the scene in the house, I kept thinking about the changes in the appearance I had conceived.

We are now halfway through the process.

It will be completed within 3 days without any mistakes.

The decoration workers were very surprised.

How could anyone live in a place like this? How could such a large space be transformed into a residence? weird! Large machine tools and various high-tech equipment are constantly being transported in outside the door.

It surprised them even more! Is this going to build a production line? The owner of this room wants to sleep with the production line? weird! Looking at the handsome young man in white.

They signed a confidentiality agreement and didn't dare to ask.

In my mind, I only thought of a night with lightning and thunder, and a suburban laboratory that could produce Frankenstein! Bang! A huge machine tool suddenly got stuck in the doorway, unable to move.

I saw a 17-8-year-old one-armed boy slowly walking forward.

Using one hand, he lifted a corner of the machine tool that weighed several densities with one hand! Easily boasted that it had passed the ditch! All the workers were shocked! After the one-armed boy finished helping, he lowered his head and said nothing, and returned to Brother Liu again.

"Xiao Xia, keep a low profile.

"Yes, brother."

"Brother Liu looked back at the young man with a resolute face.

Her eyes rested on his empty arm.

He said thoughtfully: "After the production line is completed, I will start researching some machinery, and then I will give you a gift.

"Thank you, brother, I don't need any gifts."

Xiao Xia pondered for a moment, "I just want to find my enemy as soon as possible and then pay for it for my brothers and sisters."

"Brother Liu looked at Xiaoxia.

Feel compassion.

He nodded slightly and said: "It's okay, I'll help you kill him.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak... Under Brother Liu's feet, the vigorous dog crawled over quietly.

There is a motorcycle helmet-like device on his head.

It's cute to be naive.

Brother Liu smiled softly and picked up the helmet.

‘Ding Anran, 2020.4.3 Human Body Consciousness Linker (Failed)’ This student is really a talent.

Can something like human consciousness be connected? Brother Liu was a little suspicious.

Demon Boy: "Theoretically, this is not impossible, especially when people's consciousness is off guard.

This little thing has a lot of potential, let me study it slowly! "good.

Brother Liu raised his head slightly.

As soon as my mind moved, surveillance pictures suddenly appeared in the field of view.

This is a single-family villa.

Surrounded by gardens.

A beautiful young woman with a plaster bandage on her shoulder is holding a showerhead and carefully watering the flowers in the yard.

She was still humming a song.

The eldest daughter of the Yan family, Yan Yiwen.

International killer ‘Phantom’! Brother Liu has been observing her for several days.

Her assassination attempt on Montenegro failed.

Her husband Ouyang Fengyu was ruined and was punched by Brother Liu into dementia! but.

This figure looks like nothing happened! Live as usual and recover as usual! No contact with anyone, no next move! She is someone who leaves no trace online.

It is inevitable that Brother Liu will be a little suspicious! The perspective changes.

Another picture appears.

Ouyang Fengyu was locked in a bedroom in the villa.

There was almost no damage on the body.

He sat by the window, looking at Yan Yiwen in the yard and giggling! Although he was suspected of embezzling public funds and attempting to kill for money! But these were all internal affairs of their family.

Old Master Yan did not sue him, so he was naturally not put in jail! Ouyang Fengyu, who was once a romantic and handsome man and held a high position in Yingzhi Group.

Now he looks like this.

Although he deserves it.

But the gap is too big! Could it be that Yan Yiwen doesn't care about Ouyang Fengyu's fate at all? How can this be the appearance of a couple? Brother Liu shook his head slightly.

When the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it! Then, Brother Liu took out his phone and called Ajia.

"Ajia, how was your rest?" "What rest? I was so restless! You don't know what the Internet thinks of us now! The comments from professional organizations are all one-sided, thinking that we have no chance of winning!" "And you suddenly gave the employees a holiday, which made me nervous. I was afraid that the morale of the employees would be weakened!" Liu Di smiled lightly, "It's right to be nervous. Only when you survive in desperate situations can you unleash the strongest power!" "Ajia, please make notifications. The company will hold a collective meeting tomorrow morning! I will attend in person!" Ajia was suddenly happy, "Really?" "Of course, but... don't mention my name anymore. My title is very simple. Just use - Emperor San!"

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