My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1188 The fate of this old man (1/2)

Jiang Lao said quietly: "In the Yuan Universe, you can do everything you want, including who you promote and who you summon. There is no reason to say so."

"I can do everything..."

Liu Di was thoughtful, then turned around and held Jiang Lao's hand. Due to the isolation of the dimensional barrier, the two people's hands were not really held together, but this action still made Jiang Lao stunned.

Little did I know.

Jiang Lao was stunned for a moment, and the two 'earths' in the universe suddenly switched places without anyone noticing.

Brother Liu said: "Thank you Mr. Jiang for teaching me. I am going back to reality and continue my own journey. Goodbye."

Brother Liu couldn't help but backed away slowly and waved his hand slowly.

Looking at the dazed old man, Liu Di knew that Jiang Lao knew almost nothing about his secret, but he taught by words and deeds and worked hard to explain a concept to himself.

——There are people outside people, and there is heaven outside the sky. The universe is huge, but you are very small. Only by working hard and being in awe can you protect yourself.

Jiang Lao was a little stunned and added: "Be careful with Eshi, who knows what other tricks he has."

Brother Liu nodded.

The consciousness returned, leaving only a quantum body, standing proudly in the chaos.

And Jiang Lao's eyes dimmed for a moment, his spirit no longer existed, and a kind of overwhelming loss filled his heart.

He slowly turned around and looked into the distance.

Porphyrin walked up to him, tilted his head and said, "Mr. Jiang, what happened to you? Your body was hollowed out?"

Mr. Jiang sighed heavily, "Brother Liu's fate has been entangled in countless twists and turns. The future will be full of ups and downs and colorful, and I..."

Porlin suddenly felt the heaviness in Jiang Lao's heart, "Jiang Lao, when Brother Liu said that '141', you said that you also saw your own destiny. What was it?"

Jiang Lao put his hands behind his back and said, "I still don't know who created you and the Demon Boy, but the Demon Boy's memory contains much more new human annotations than you do."

"As a new human being, there is a huge gap between me and Brother Liu."

"I saved Brother Liu because it was a kind of 'arrangement'."

"The quantum body that I have painstakingly researched, Brother Liu was able to master it instantly. This is actually a timely help to make up for a key link."

Porlin stared with big eyes, "Lao Jiang, what exactly do you want to say?"

Mr. Jiang sighed and revealed his cloudy eyes, "Porphyrin, what the hell... It's Brother Liu's patch, 'written' by someone... It's like a software update, it's insignificant but indispensable. patch."


The devil boy is a program, and I am also a program.

Porphyrin was confused, even a little lost himself.


The real name was Jiang Xiu, an old man who was also a new human being, also assisted by artificial intelligence, had gained countless opportunities, and had served in the military all his life.

This time there was no lamentation of injustice, no collapse of faith.

Instead, he hid his ambition silently in his heart.

He smiled and said: "Humans should fulfill their responsibilities. If they are not strong enough, they will have to fight against the fate of heaven. We are born as 'patches', so we should be good at 'patching', with green leaves lining the flowers, Brother Liu's I am here to watch the road to glory, and I am obligated to do so when you need me.”

Porlin raised his head, "What do you mean you're alone?"


But he said Brother Liu.

He woke up slowly, and the warm sunlight shone on his body through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, creating a warm current.

At this moment.

All the equipment under Gemini returned to normal, and the core program was beating with a blue light. This was quantum-level computing power, and the efficiency of all equipment increased dramatically.

The Gemini programmers were surprised to find that the originally elusive core program had been upgraded again. They imagined that the algorithm ceiling they might be able to touch in their lifetime flew directly into space. Out of reach.

The tie reappeared around the waiter's neck.

Power restored to Experimental Cemetery.

Liu Entropy's trident suddenly erupted with blue light, and its shape changed from three to four. The entire team was amazed.

Molecular future plans all over the world suddenly accelerated and their efficiency increased a hundred times.

The demon boy said in surprise: "I have integrated quantum technology and advanced to a higher level. I am currently at the sixth level of strong artificial intelligence!"

Brother Liu looked back at the long river of time.

The place was originally defeated by the 'high-dimensional octopus', but at this time, in the chaotic void, countless colorful light spots were flying, condensed into pieces of puzzle pieces, reuniting the long river of time in the blink of an eye, and even extending 3,000 years into the future in an instant. meters, and is increasing in real time.

At the end of the long river of time, the blue quantum body is constantly being pushed forward.

But Jiang Lao and Porlin were nowhere to be seen.

Brother Liu felt like a dream.

He died, then resurrected, and fought against Octopus, Bandai Armor, and the Giant Baby of the Universe.

Control the powerful quantum divine body.

All of this is like a dream, it is difficult to tell whether it is true or not.

Jiang Lao and Porlin are very mysterious, kind and interesting.

I don’t know when I will see them again.

Liu Di took back his perspective from the long river of time, and his consciousness returned to the office again.

Suddenly, I felt that my face was covered by a huge shadow.

It was as if there was a black gem swaying in my view, and I could smell a milky fragrance at the same time.


Brother Liu was startled and shrank suddenly.

But he found a little girl of seven or eight years old wearing a red puffy skirt and a ponytail, sitting on his lap, staring at his right eye with her big black eyes.

"Po Lin!"

"Why is it you!"

Liu Di exclaimed!

But the little girl in the red puffy skirt was also a little panicked and covered her mouth.

But the next moment, she was still sitting on Liu Di's lap, lowering her head, rubbing the corner of her clothes, and said with a red face: "What a coincidence, my name is Po Lin, and I will... stay with you in the future!"


Po Lin hugged Liu Di's head, put her little face close to Liu Di's face, closed one eye, and stared at Liu Di's right eye, "Where is the demon boy."

Liu Di's expression was dull, and he felt that he was caught by a sticky monster!

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