My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1187 High Dimensional Master (1/2)

Brother Liu was a little awe-inspiring.

Awe arose in my heart.

But Jiang Lao's words are as if he didn't say anything. Who knows when this artificial intelligence will wake up?

for a long time.

Liu Di nodded and breathed a long sigh of relief, "The road ahead still needs to be explored by myself. Time has to be rebuilt again, and I need to continue to crack the high-dimensional virus."

A trace of bitterness flashed across Jiang Lao's face.

at this time.

Liu Di looked at the blue light on his body, "This quantum body is really a daunting technology. If I bring it back to reality, no one in the vast universe can hinder my path forward."

"What a beautiful thought."

Jiang Lao pouted, "The space we are in now is condensed by your mental power. It is just one layer of the universe, but it is far higher than the three-dimensional category. If the quantum body returns to reality, the three-dimensional world will It all collapses, like a shot put on a trampoline.”

Jiang Lao waved his hand, and the magnificent universe appeared in front of him, "Why can galaxies condense and form? Why do planets rotate around stars? Why do everyone have their own orbits? Why don't they collide with each other? Because order manages everything, and where does order come from? ? Because someone has customized these.”

Brother Liu couldn't help but think.

Many of the world's top scientists, such as Newton and Einstein, began to believe in theology in their later years.

In the eyes of outsiders, people sneered at them and laughed at them as crazy or evil.

But actually.

Their knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary people, and the conclusions they derive are shocking to the world.

They began to believe in the existence of a Creator.

Because, if it were not so, there are too many events that cannot be explained.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, are just afraid that their way of thinking will be exposed, so they instinctively protect themselves and start to retort.

Jiang Lao added: "I hope you can be in awe and recognize the fact that there are countless existences that are above you in this universe."

Brother Liu nodded thoughtfully, knowing very well what Jiang Lao wanted.

Jiang Lao glanced at the blue light on Liu Di's body and said, "Your consciousness space is connected to the universe. The moment you move towards the future, you are promoted to a six-dimensional existence. Your quantum body can only stay here. From now on, You can only use it when you go to the higher plane."

Brother Liu said silently, "I can't use it now, but it will be my trump card in the future."

Mr. Jiang also nodded happily, "After the duel with Eshi, you should also understand that there is another rule in the universe. Higher dimensions cannot attack downwards at will, but lower dimensions can go against the current. If they are not afraid of death, they can provoke everything. "

"You are only a sixth-dimensional person now, but you kill people below the ninth dimension."

Jiang Lao's words were a bit sour, "A person like Eshi can't touch you personally, and the things he sends can only be garbage. He can't enter the three-dimensional earth, so now you have a perfect protective cover."

Liu Di was suddenly confused, "But...Eshi had already attacked me and killed me just now."

Jiang Lao was suddenly startled, silent for a moment and said, "That's all your imagination, forget about him."


Liu Di looked at Jiang Lao, he knew that it was not an illusion, Jiang Lao was hiding something.

But at this time, Jiang Lao's pupils were trembling slightly.

When Eshi took action, someone helped him break the rules and tried to cover up the truth.

This is some evil 'Sovereign'.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lao used his quantum body to condense a sharp thorn on his fingertips and pierced Brother Liu directly.

But it was blocked by an invisible mask.

Jiang Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

After Brother Liu's 'death', the 'Supreme' who wanted to summon Brother Liu discovered these activities and restored the order of the dimension.

Behind Brother Liu, there is a competition between the two 'supremes', and it is going on.

At this time, Jiang Lao felt like a small boat swaying in the wind and rain. Every wave was beyond his power.

But fortunately, the kind-hearted "Supreme" is protecting Brother Liu.

Jiang Lao said fearfully: "In short, everything will be normal from now on."

Brother Liu looked at Mr. Jiang suspiciously, with the words "No secret can be hidden from me" written on his face.

Jiang Lao was a little uncomfortable, with a few words written on his face, 'I won't say anything'.

Liu Di looked at the vast and deep universe in front of him again. He pointed to a tiny corner of the universe. There was a piece of blue light there, which was the hometown of human beings. It was blue and crystal clear.

But the strange thing is that there are two 'earths' floating there at this time.

Brother Liu said: "What is that?"

Jiang Lao's eyes also glowed, "Your metaverse already has complete cosmic rules, so it reflects an entity. Of course, only high-dimensional beings can see this."

"There, you are the veritable creator, the apex of the dimension. Time goes forward and backward in a single thought. There is no need to build a long river of time."

Brother Liu smiled and said, "It's just a program."


Jiang Lao smiled foolishly, "Maybe... the 'supreme' in the universe manages us in this way."

Brother Liu was a little amused, and the word "matryoshka doll" suddenly popped into his mind. ’

Right now.

In the earth of Brother Liu's metaverse, suddenly a spaceship broke through the atmosphere and flew into the universe.

Liu Di smiled and said: "This is a game in the metaverse called 'Shenyu'. Players can explore space through it, which is something that cannot be done in real life."

Jiang Lao said meaningfully, "Game...? One day your players will explore the entire universe, then your virtual program will have to accommodate an entire universe."

Liu Di nodded, "That's right."

Jiang Lao said: "Let me ask you, for the residents there, what is the difference between that and the world we are in now?"

Liu Di was suddenly stunned.

But he saw Jiang Lao pointing to the metaverse earth, and a corner of it kept zooming in.

There was Haishi, under the twin towers, a blond young man, with a look of panic on his face, tightly grasping his hair.

He was even a little incoherent, "I...the world I'm in is actually a program?!"

Jiang Lao said: "Your apprentice, the kid named Moore, his consciousness was stripped away, you helped him disguise a world, but now it's not good, he discovered the truth."

Liu Di's heart trembled.

It was when he just "died" that the program went out of control.

Moor, he, can't accept all this!

Liu Di immediately frowned, "Some white lies...must be persisted."

The demon boy issued an order to the metaverse, quickly erasing Moore's memory, erasing the time and space when the garbled code appeared in the sky just now.

Moore slowly stood up, as if nothing had happened, turned his head and returned to his post.

Liu Di breathed a sigh of relief and gradually smiled.

The man in the white shirt would never have thought that this method was exactly the same as the two energies in the universe just now.

But Jiang Lao slowly turned his head, looked at Liu Di with a flickering look, and slowly said a few words, "Look, Gao Wei is dominating everything."

Liu Di looked back in horror.

It's terrifying to think about it.

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