My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1175 Heading to the Future (1/2)

Mo Yu left with a smile.

But the strength of the Mo family, accumulated over thousands of years, is intricate and complex, like a giant, hidden in the world.

After getting the twins' equipment, they were like a spark that set the prairie on fire. The logistics network all over the world replaced the equipment in a short time, and many remote areas were instantly covered!

This move greatly accelerated the globalization process of the molecule in the future!

Sure enough.

Leave a line today, so that we can meet again in the future.

Liu Di was still sitting alone in the conference room of the twin building.

It's not that he didn't want to visit his mother, nor did he not want to see Liu Xiaodi. He also missed the brothers on Ghost Island.

But Liu Di just watched them quietly through the surveillance screen.

He was afraid that the high-dimensional virus would be accidentally passed on to others.

These are his closest relatives and friends. If that were the case, he would be swallowed by guilt.

Sometimes, some things must be borne by oneself.

The twin smart devices all over the world constantly make everything steam up colorful smoke. In Liu Di's eyes, the earth is like a dazzling firework, quietly blooming.

At the same time

These "smokes" that only Liu Di can see are constantly gathering in the code world of the demon boy. The smoke is "absorbed" and finally condensed into pieces of puzzles to construct the long river of time.

The long river of time in my mind has extended for nearly 100 meters.

Liu Di was a little surprised, "Is this world really made up of information? Otherwise, how can the future be constructed, and how can the past be reproduced by the demon boy? Do we really exist?"

At this time.

It is ten days later.

Liu Di's consciousness appears in the long river of time.

He is standing at the real time point, January 18, 2022, 12 o'clock.

Behind him is the 13.7 billion years of the universe.

In front of him is a 200-meter long river of time. With the continuous improvement of information, the road surface is solid enough.

That is the future.

Liu Di stands at the intersection of the past and the future.

Compared with the past, the short road ahead is one ten-thousandth, insignificant.

But no one knows how much preparation Liu Di has made to build this road. Even the incidental effect has promoted the technology of the entire earth to a whole level.

"Will I be the first earthling to step into the future?"

"Maybe not."

Liu Di took a deep breath and slowly raised his feet. This moment has finally arrived.

He even hesitated for a moment before slowly lowering his feet.

In the dark, Liu Di felt that there was a wall of time in front of him, which was penetrated by himself.

At this moment.

Countless pictures flashed in Liu Di's mind.

Although the time halberd has not returned and cannot be thrown, normally, Liu Di cannot see the content in the long river of time.

But this time is different.

Because this future is deduced by the demon boy.

Time and space can be turned into pictures, reflected in Liu Di's mind.

Liu Di "saw" that in those pictures, like the mirage of the city of the future, seven days of sunrise and sunset flashed in an instant.

Liu Di said in awe, "My step is the seven days of the future."

Liu Di took another step.

Another seven days of sunrise and sunset.

It's only 14 days, and the sea city will not change significantly. It's just that countless details are evolving naturally.

The molecular movement observed by the twin equipment also produces subtle changes.

"Time is a unit of measurement, and it has no meaning in itself."

"It is just used to record the process of molecular changes."

"For example, a person's metabolism, the corruption of a fruit..."

Liu Di exhaled slowly again, "At this moment, I understand the meaning of this sentence from my own perspective."

Liu Di continued to move forward.

One step in seven days, he walked faster and faster!

He 'saw' the completion of the maglev rail, the demolition of the abandoned building, the sprouting of grass and trees, the death of an old man, and the birth of a pregnant woman.

He saw the evaporation of seawater, turning into a huge dark cloud, and evolving into a thunderstorm night.

The clock of the world has been sped up, innovation is introduced, everything grows, and things that are unchanging will be born and die quickly.

A grand bell seemed to ring in Liu Di's mind, and a new world opened up.

Liu Di suddenly stopped.

There is still a 50-meter long river of time ahead, and then there is another cliff.

Brother Liu rarely feels fear, but he does now.

"I am almost done with this section of the road."

"Have I advanced to the seventh dimension?"

"If not, I have no time."

Confusion appeared in Brother Liu's eyes. He knew nothing about the higher dimensions, and the entire earth knew nothing about them.

There is no so-called clear 'cultivation system' at all.

Brother Liu slowly raised his arms and rolled up his sleeves, and what came into view was a colorful scene.

It is hard to imagine that this deadly, high-dimensional virus that makes aliens tremble is so gorgeous.

That's right.

Even though Brother Liu is now a consciousness similar to that existing in the brain world, the high-dimensional virus still follows him like a shadow and cannot be shaken off.

That's right.

The brain world is nothing more than five dimensions, how can it get rid of things above six dimensions?

Brother Liu looked down at the light in his hand, his eyes fell into a sluggish state.

Although I can see the past and present lives of everything on Earth, why can't I see through this high-dimensional virus?

It is no different from before.

It still devours slowly and is unstoppable.

Liu Di's breathing was a little rapid, because he felt a kind of despair!

The voice of the demon boy came, "Liu Di, calm down, look carefully, this virus is different from before!"

The demon boy's shout pulled Liu Di's thoughts back to the main body.

He raised the back of his hand in a daze, held it in front of him, and his pupils suddenly trembled!

But he saw that the colorful light on the back of his hand had become three-dimensional at some point!

It has 11 layers!

Each layer is a different color, like a piece of colored glass, one covering another!

If you look from above, it is a colorful spot of light.

But at this time, it seems to be 3D analyzed, revealing its original appearance!

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