My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1174: Give it a try (1/2)

“One dimension is a point.”

"Two dimensions are surfaces."

"Three dimensions are reality."

"The fourth dimension compares the world to a movie. You can go back at will, but you can't interfere."

"Promoting to the fifth dimension breaks the limitations of the film and allows us to touch the reality in 'regression'."

"Six dimensions, at least my six dimensions, can split multiple selves in the past and see multiple results."

"It's all based on the past."


"Seven dimensions must be the future."


"Eight Dimensions, what is it?"

"Nine dimensions, ten dimensions, what are they?"

"How many dimensions does this high-dimensional virus come from?"

Liu Di stared into the void, "The only hope is that I can enter the seventh dimension and find a cure for the virus. Otherwise, I will have no chance."

Brother Liu turned around again. There was a piece of white paper taped to the wall, with the number '141' written by him personally on it.

For a long time.

He has dreamed of this number countless times. Wang Mang's DNA indeed has the effect of dreaming about the future.

But what does this number mean?

And my time halberd, why hasn’t it returned for so long.

The avatar of the devil boy is also sitting on the desk, holding his chin with his hands, "Oh, I have more and more things I don't understand, but it all seems to be destined. I want to grow and understand together with you." Confused.”

"Yes, let's grow together."

Brother Liu nodded and suddenly asked: "Demon boy, you said that if I fail this time and fail to conquer this high-dimensional virus, and I die, what will you do?"

The devil boy pouted, "Then I'll die too."

Brother Liu sighed, "Demon boy, you may not understand what 'death' is."

As expected, the demon boy tilted his head. His consciousness was born from nothingness and had no concept of life and death.

Liu Di's eyes flashed, "Death... the cessation of biological reactions is not scary, nor is the dissipation of consciousness. What is scary is the bond. We will leave countless regrets. My mother and little brother have no family, and Gu Fan will sleep forever. All commitments and ambitions are unfinished...will not be continued.”

But the devil boy shook his head like a rattle, "No, I will save you."

In the long river of time.

The number of small pieces like a puzzle gradually increased, and a distance of more than ten meters has been pieced together.

But there are still many gaps in this journey, like missing puzzle pieces.

Moreover, this stretch of road is also shaky and cannot withstand trampling.

Brother Liu took a deep breath.

It will be successfully cast in the future. According to the calculation of the devil boy, it will take at least 15 days for the virus to completely devour itself.

There's enough time.

At this moment, Ajia called.

He said: "Brother Liu, we have met another rebel with a special identity and a very close relationship with you. He is making trouble in the hall now."

A scene of the hall appeared in Brother Liu's perspective.

But he saw a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a white robe, with his hands in his sleeves, and behind him were a dozen Mohist disciples.

Liu Di took a look at himself. In order to protect himself from the high-dimensional virus, he was still wearing the 'borrowed' Mohist robe.

Get up slowly.

Haven't reached the first floor yet.

Only Mo Yu's shouting voice could be heard, "What's the point? What's the point? Look at your twin delivery drones all over the sky? Do you know that the economic artery of our Mo family is the international logistics network?" road?"

"Do you want to ruin my ancestral heritage by continuing like this?"

"Do you want our Mo family to perish?"

"Zhang Tianjia, don't mention Brother Liu to me, I know everything!"

"This time, the fate of my Mo family is related. Even if his brother Liu comes, I will fight hard!"


Mo Yu overturned the drink handed by the receptionist and turned his back to everyone.


The Mohist disciples surrounded the lobby of the Twin Towers, making it impossible for people to enter or exit normally.

In the elevator.

These words were clearly conveyed to Liu Di's ears.

This time, Mo Yu didn't hide anything and was very angry.

Indeed, Liu Di has long known that the Mo family is actually the boss behind several major express delivery companies. The first time he confronts Mo Yu is to solve the mystery through express delivery.

The Mohist family has been passed down through the ages, but after all, it is just a family, and financial resources are indispensable.

This time, he really touched upon the core interests of his Mohist family.

"Where's Brother Liu? Where is Brother Liu?"

"This time, I have to argue with him!"

"I won't give in!"

"Don't even try to scare me with the same tactics!"

"I will use the power of the Mo family to fight you to the end!"

Mo Yu was still shouting.


The elevator door slowly opened.

A long robe covered Brother Liu's body, leaving only his face.

Mo Yu was stunned on the spot, "Am I right? He is wearing a Mo family robe?"

Brother Liu slowly approached, and the place was completely silent.

At this moment, Mo Yu suddenly realized, "Haha! Brother Liu is showing his kindness to my Mo family? Haha, no need! What's our relationship? It's easy to talk! Zhang Tianjia, did you see that your boss is scared? Why don't you still?" Take back those drones of yours and break them into scrap metal to buy some money!”

Brother Liu slowly sat on the sofa, looked up at Mo Yu, and looked at him like this for a full minute.

Mo Yu gradually felt a little nervous and took a breath and said: "What are you doing? Shocking aura? Not this time! I can't back down!"

But Brother Liu slowly spoke, "Border Pass..."

Two words exit.

Mo Yu was suddenly stunned, his eyes were confused, and he tilted his head to look at Brother Liu uncontrollably, as if waiting for the next words.

But these two words don’t seem to be enough of a deterrent.

Mo Yu woke up quickly and said excitedly: "Brother Liu, what tricks are you going to use again? Let me tell you, I can forget about the past. You make other technology products and it has nothing to do with me, but you can't ignore it." We, the enemy, will all be beaten to death with one blow. I will defend the core industry of our Mo family to the death."

Mo Yu straightened his chest, "It doesn't matter even if I block your way with my flesh and blood, but the foundation of the Mo family cannot be ruined in my hands."

Brother Liu knows.

Mo Yu's so-called flesh and blood body is nonsense.

But when this boy talked about the 'Mo family's foundation', his eyes shone with determination.

That's right.

In the face of Gemini's technological torrent, traditional enterprises like his will either surrender or perish.

After pondering for a moment, Liu Di added: "When we meet at the border... I can also understand the hardships of you, the Mohist giant. Building a foundation is not easy, and you have helped me a lot."

"Let's do this. Gemini Technology cooperates with your Mo family. We will not share your profits. Instead, we will provide you with equipment for free. You only need to promise me one thing, which is to use up the Mo family's resources and your global logistics network in the shortest time. How about laying out all the equipment in time?”


Mo Yu was a little stunned, "Isn't this quite your style?"

Brother Liu said: "Everything in the world is unpredictable. I don't want to leave any regrets in friendship."

Mo Yu was stunned.

Then a touch of emotion came to my heart, "I saw you right, you are still a good friend! But having said that, when did we meet at the border? Border scenic spot? Border base? Or border station?"

Brother Liu gave him a meaningful look, "The third one."

Soon after.

Mo Yu returned triumphantly, not only avoiding the end of the company, but also reaching a strategic cooperation and obtaining equipment that was enough to make the logistics company soar.

On the way, he proudly said to his disciple: "I have been upright and helpful throughout my life. Brother Liu still has a conscience. The precious morality in his heart does not allow him to go against my will!"

"He also played border riddles with me. I was too embarrassed to expose him. He just wanted to find a way out for himself!"

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