My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1171 Space Master (1/2)

Crook smiled contemptuously.

"Look at how timid and fearful you are. I know that this creature has a natural intimidation. Even I dare not look directly at it. But after all, the master said that he is dead."

"It's a waste of time to confirm with you."

Crook put away the image on his wrist and looked at Rip proudly, "Now, let's talk about our vulnerable enemy."

At this time, in Rep's eyes.

Krook's shiny forehead reflected the sunlight slightly, and the five-pointed star shone brightly.

Rep's back was suddenly soaked with sweat.

What a creature!

Isn't that Brother Liu? !

It turns out that these green monsters can't defeat that kid!

This alien general doesn't know what he's talking about?

Holding someone else's flag on your head, you keep saying they are weak!

Do you know that you look like a Chinese mascot now, the ugly one!

It's just a piece of shit!

Rep calmed down and sighed heavily, "Only when I saw you in person did I realize how powerful you are, and I feel ashamed of myself! General, you don't know, but you are actually mistaken!"

Crook suddenly wondered, "Huh?"

Rep said with a tearful tone: "Actually, our European country is not strong at all. We have huge national debts, a sharp decline in population, we are strong on the outside and weak on the inside. The equipment in the military parade is all our weapons, and I am even worse. Everyone in the country is useless." Calling for my resignation!”

"I'll give you a suggestion. You should choose a more powerful country to display your ambitions!"

"I do not deserve!"


After saying that, Repp trotted towards the white palace!

As he walked, he shouted to his secretary: "I want to make a list. Please help me prepare it as quickly as possible and help me execute it. It's important to save your life!"

All the green men were stunned.

What is the welcome etiquette for people on earth?

Crook shook his head slightly, "I wanted to recruit some local aborigines, but I didn't expect them to be so evil. Forget it, we will execute the plan ourselves!"


The invisible battleship shines with a ray of light, and Crook returns to the battleship carrying the Chinese flag!

Lepp, who was hiding at the door, gasped for air and stared at the sky.

But at this moment, a silver rainbow came from far to near, quickly approaching the invisible battleship!

Rep's heart suddenly thumped!

I saw that familiar figure. This time he changed his clothes. He got a robe from somewhere. He stood on the silver shuttle with his hands behind his hands!

The next moment, the figure jumped up, landed on the invisible battleship, tore open a 'hatch' with his bare hands, and entered the battleship!

Rip breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, okay, I still have some time!


Brother Liu entered the battleship with great momentum, breaking through the isolation barrier all the way to the bridge!

General Crook looked back in shock.

But I saw the devil in the dream was close in front of me, and I also saw the colorful luster on his right hand!

Crook's pupils instantly enlarged!

He's not dead!

He still has the virus!

he came!

With a creak, Brother Liu pinched Crook's neck and made a sound like a rubber duck being crushed!

Brother Liu did not crush his bones.

But all the fear came together in an instant, and Crook fainted.


A slap in the face, and Crook woke up leisurely.

But when he saw his neck, it was already in contact with Brother Liu's shining palm.


He said something dryly and fainted again.


Liu Di's right eye flashed purple, "Don't faint!"

Crook took a deep breath and widened his eyes, "Don't kill me..."

I heard Brother Liu say in a low voice: "Who are you? Where are you from? What are you going to do?"

Crook trembled: "We come from the Gunma Galaxy. That planet is called B-2112 by you. We were born there, but our galaxy was swallowed by the Andromeda Galaxy. We fell into space and became spacewalkers... .Actually, other planets call us 'dwarf thieves'..."

"We are interested in the earth's environment and want to occupy it, or we want to 'borrow' some resources..."

Brother Liu frowned, "Borrow? Is there anyone who borrows things and returns them these days?"

Crook's body was shaking, "We won't borrow it any more. I'm leaving now and never coming back again!"

But Brother Liu stared at the five-pointed star flag on Crook's head, squinted and said: "When I drew this pattern for you, the river of time was collapsing, and then I reconstructed it. You are just three-dimensional creatures. In theory, after The world will be refreshed, and the cause and effect will not exist. How can this pattern be preserved? "

Crook trembled and said: "We have a master. She is a high-dimensional creature that can break the constraints of time. She placed us in a time bubble. She also adjusted our genes so that we are no longer anaerobic. Many years have passed. Later, we will come to visit you again.”

Brother Liu's eyes flashed, he turned out to be a lackey of a high-dimensional creature in the universe.

The next moment.

Brother Liu looked at the colorful light spot on his palm again, "Do you know about high-dimensional viruses?"

Crook was extremely horrified, "That's a toxin from the higher dimension. We don't understand it either, but any creature infected with it will die!"

As it said, it rolled its eyes, "Our master may be able to cure you! If you let me go, I will go back and beg our master to say good things to you, saying that he is our friend, and let the master help you treat him!"

Brother Liu's eyes flashed and he slowly released his palm.

However, Crook's neck was also stained with light spots the size of mung beans.

Crook glanced down and was instantly horrified!

It covered its neck and shouted wildly, "No! No! No! I don't want to die!"

But Wen Liu Di's eyes flashed and he said, "For the sake of your home being destroyed, I'll let you go. The virus spreads slowly. It's not too late to go back and find your master now."

Crook's eyes trembled. This little bit of virus infection seemed to have taken away all the strength from his body. He slowly approached the operating table, "Thank you... thank you... for letting us go."


Liu Di suddenly spoke and took out a small black ball from his arms. After the liquid metal on the surface faded away, the green creature inside was revealed.

He asked: "What is this?"

Crook swallowed, "It's an alien, a Nylona star. We stole it. You can use it as biological armor. It can grow and even cover a planet. It's given to you as a gift!" "

Brother Liu nodded slowly, "Go away."

Say it.

Brother Liu, leave this battleship!

But Crook, who was left inside, shouted frantically, "Return at full speed! Return at full speed! Go find the master, she has to save me!"

It doesn't know.

An Iron Emperor VII has already quietly sneaked into the spacecraft, deployed physical invisibility technology, and half-crouched in the battleship's cargo hold!

Brother Liu intends to let the Green Goblin go.

Be prepared with both hands.

One is to advance to higher dimensions and crack the virus by deducing the future.

If not.

Let’s see if the green men’s so-called ‘master’ can crack the virus!

After all, space is not out of reach for Liu Di.

Just keep trying, build more paths, and find the final solution.

That’s a smart move!


at this time.

Rep, who was in the White Palace office, dressed up at lightning speed.

Behind the desk, a bright red Chinese flag hangs.

A small flag was also erected on the desk.

Lanterns and red ropes hung from the walls.

And he himself changed into a Chinese Tang suit.

Holding a giant panda doll in her arms.

He was kneeling on the ground. In the small tea stove in front of him, a pot of Tieguanyin was boiling and two porcelain cups were placed.



He heard footsteps outside the door and immediately raised his arms and shouted, "Ah... I love China!"

Brother Liu pushed the door open, raised his head slightly, and looked at the fat blond man on the ground.

But I saw this fat man stupidly kissing the panda in his hand, "Ah... I love China!"



Rep pointed around and said, "My dear friend, are you satisfied with today's Chinese style decoration? I also made you some Chinese fragrant tea."

Brother Liu said in a low voice: "Only people from island countries kneel down to drink tea."

Rep held his forehead and pretended to sob, "I'm not kneeling down here just to drink tea. I want to admit my mistake, dear!"

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