My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1170 The General Arrives (1/2)

"Huh? Late?"

"That's due to the lazy and selfish emotions of you humans!"

"But the residents of our planet do not have such useless emotions in their hearts. They only have the ambition to conquer the universe and the ruthless desire to kill!"

The little green man raised his head and looked up at the sky, "The blue sky on Earth looks so weird, even disgusting!"


There was an inexplicable vibration in the sky.

There was a faint trembling sound of boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Vaguely, Rep saw a huge battleship in the sky, beginning to loom. It had activated some kind of stealth technology, but its outline could still be seen because of the fluctuations in the thermal airflow.

Like a glass battleship.

Long and narrow, extremely huge, it stretched across the sky, completely covering the white palace below.

Rep was excited.

This battleship is twice as big as the one I saw before!

General Crook, it's coming.

Rep was so excited that his eyes filled with tears.

In front of such a huge alien power, Brother Liu is just like a little ant. He can be killed with one shot and cannot waste the second one.

And what's most important?

It’s that Hua Xia, that old man Song!

That technologically backward country is completely a stumbling block for our European country, smelly and hard!

Now, they can no longer hinder my pace.

Such vast land, so much cheap labor, and so many rich resources will sooner or later be captured by our European country!

Compared to defeating Brother Liu, this is a real gain!

Soon, there will be only one country like mine in the world!

Those Chinese soldiers who thought they were brave and mighty could only bow their heads when they saw me!

And those Chinese diplomats who curse without using curse words and make me have a heart attack should shut up!

My, Lepp,'s path to dominance is unstoppable!


But I saw a straight beam of light falling from the battleship in the sky!

Like some kind of technological teleportation device, four figures appeared on the ground!

Those were four skinny green men.

But the first one was obviously majestic and taller than the others, with a height of 1.2 meters!

Rep strode forward!

From a distance, he smiled and said: "Just by looking at your aura, you can recognize it. You must be General Crook!"

Say it.

Repp stretched out his hand and wanted to use earth etiquette to shake hands with General Nakluk.

But he saw this 1.2 meter green man, wearing a technological helmet. His face could not be seen clearly, but his movements were very arrogant and he ignored him completely.

Rep took back his fat hand in embarrassment, scratched his head and said with a smile: "General, welcome to your first visit to the earth. Under your feet is my powerful European country!"

A cold voice came from General Crook's helmet, "This is not the first time I've come to Earth, idiot."


"You have just learned the Earth's native language, English, and are not very proficient yet."

"The word idiot is not used to describe me. Those with yellow skin are idiots."

Rip sneered.

But I heard General Crook say: "Stop talking nonsense and make a list of enemies."


"It's really fun!"

Rep waved his hand, and the secretary unfolded a world map, in which a rooster-shaped area standing proudly in the east was drawn with a red note, and a skull was also drawn.

Rep pointed to the 'rooster', "This is it! To the east of the earth, there is the weak China. That is where we dominate the earth and conquer the first territory!"

General Crook nodded slowly, stretched out his hand to touch the helmet, and with a sneer, the helmet unfolded in layers and retracted around his neck.

It looked at the map carefully.

Its appearance is almost identical to that of other Green Goblins, except that its forehead is a little special.

Rip glanced at Crook's face.

Suddenly he froze, as if struck by lightning!

Your complexion will turn white in just one stroke!

His body began to tremble, and he pointed at General Crook's forehead tremblingly, "What is your pattern...?!?!"

But I saw that Crook's forehead seemed to have been engraved with a pattern using some kind of laser technology. The frame was square, with five five-pointed stars, one big and four small, surrounded by stars!

? ? ?

What the hell? !

Isn’t it the Chinese flag?

what's the situation?


General Crook looked away from the map and looked at Rep with his huge eyes.

Of course it wouldn't say that this was the last time it visited the post-apocalyptic earth, where it was beaten to a pulp by a man in a white shirt, the entire army was wiped out, and it was caught while escaping, and then embroidered on its forehead.

Crook, with the Chinese flag on his head, pondered for a moment and said slowly: "This is my war mark. At that time, I encountered a powerful enemy, but I would rather die than surrender. Although it is a bit shameful, I will It stays and inspires you all the time.”

Rep was stunned.

Have you ever had a fight with China? !

The national flag has been engraved on his forehead, why would he rather die than surrender?

But he saw General Crook slowly touching the Chinese flag on his forehead, "Don't worry, that was a long time ago. The master has given us a reminder that the powerful enemy has been infected with the deadly virus and no longer exists. No one can do it now." hinder us."

Rep's heart seemed to be on a roller coaster, with ups and downs.

"He no longer exists?"

Rep's eyes rolled, could he be the ancestor of China?

Mozi, Laozi and the like?

In those secret files, they are almost super-gods?

But, they have indeed disappeared for many years!

But at this moment, General Crook's face flashed with worry, "To be on the safe side, let's confirm it."


It pressed the device on its arm, and a blue projection appeared. It was a picture, in which there was a young Chinese man wearing a white shirt, with slightly long hair and a purple light flashing in his right eye.

Crook said: "Rip, you should have never seen this creature?"


Rip took a breath, stepped back 3 steps, and his pupils shook.

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