My right eye is a god-level computer

$109.Academic achievements

“Just give me the procedures.

"Ajia reluctantly took the information handed over by Xie Yuanzheng.

Brother Liu also nodded lightly.

The procedures for civilian helicopters are quite complicated, and Xie Yuanzheng was able to complete all the procedures in less than two days.

It must be that brains, connections, and efficiency are all indispensable! I really saw it right! It would be the biggest pity to miss this kind of talent! All the graduates from the Department of Business Administration stared blankly at Brother Liu's enigmatic smile.

Terrified! What is the identity of Brother Liu? ! Can you afford a private jet? Remember http:// in one second: Isn’t he useless? But... these other assets can be faked just to save face.

This plane... I'm afraid it won't be ready for leave early, right? "Shout, it's so lively!" Another voice of praise came from the elevator! Li Weimin, the president of Haishi University, and Professor Wang Yuankui, the university tutor of the listed students, walked out of the elevator! When the two of them saw this scene on the rooftop, they couldn't help but be stunned! "Tsk, tsk, these students are really getting better and better every time!" The two regained their composure and strode over.

A group of students couldn’t understand it again! Professor Wang is invited to attend the class reunion, so it’s natural for him to come! but.

Principal Li Weimin is here too? Haishi University is one of the top ten famous universities in China! Principal Li has been the principal for 9 years, so his status is self-evident! He is a national ministerial cadre! He is also one of the top ten economists in China! He became famous very early and is famous internationally! Countless large companies want to hire him as a platform or as a strategic consultant.

But he rejected them all! Principal Li doesn't like fame and fortune, he just wants to study academics with all his heart! Hardly willing to attend any events! But today? He actually came in person to a small reunion of Class 02, Class 3, Department of Business Administration? Although it is true that we are all students of Principal Li.

But Principal Li has taught thousands of such classes for decades! Never heard of him showing up once! When something goes wrong, there must be a monster! Under the doubtful eyes of everyone.

Principal Li walked straight to the stage as if there was no one around and his eyes were eager.

He held Brother Liu's hand tightly! Principal Li seemed a little excited! Lips trembling slightly! Everyone was quiet for a moment! "Brother Liu, I reported the patent you gave me to the Huake Academic Achievement Committee yesterday!" "Although it will take some time for the formal evaluation results to come out.

"However, the reviewers in the group were shocked after seeing your patent solution!" "They all agreed that your three patents are definitely worthy of winning the Huake Award, and they are from Jin Huake!" "Principal Li Weimin Li was a little excited and incoherent at this time, "Brother Liu, you know, in all these years, I have never seen such an outstanding student as you, never seen such an outstanding and talented student like you! "You are my greatest pride since I have been teaching for 20 years, and also my greatest pride since the establishment of Hainan University 70 years ago!" "Hua Ke Award? It is also the Hua Xia Scientific Invention Award! The graduates who were listed were surprised when they heard this! This is the highest invention patent award in China! It is the dream award of all scholars engaged in scientific research! This is the Hua Xia Academic Award The highest recognition in the world! No matter who can win a Huake Award, even a bronze medal, it will be enough to honor the ancestors! Moreover, being recognized by the Huake Award shows the economic value of this patented technology. There is no doubt that every technology patent under the Huake Award can create a billion or tens of billions of technology companies! However, there have been less than ten Huake Awards in history! And the highest record is none other than Yin Huake!

Brother Liu is actually expected to win Jinhuake? And three at once? Everyone present was inexplicably shocked! They are all students from Haishi University, and each of them has had the dream of obtaining Hua Ke! Even if your own invention and creation can be shortlisted for the Huake selection! They still remember.

During my school days, a senior student proposed a set of new modern economic management theories.

As a result, I was shortlisted for the Huake selection and finally won the Academic Contribution Award! Although it is just a contribution award, it is still far behind Tonghuake! but! That senior girl was spotted by major companies immediately! Before I even graduated, I received a job offer with an annual salary of tens of millions! That is already a mythical existence! But now...the crippled brother Liu is seen by everyone.

Can you actually come up with three patents that are expected to be obtained by Jinhuake? This is incredible! No wonder even Principal Li Weimin came in person! Brother Liu’s ability is too strong! These three patents will definitely make his future unlimited! I saw Li Weimin trying hard to calm down his emotions.

He said slowly again: "Brother Liu, for the time being, I regard your other three patents as the trump card to win the Nuremberg International Invention Award this year!" "According to my judgment, the remaining three patents shocked the world. The invention world is no problem!" Dean Li said this.

There was an exclamation of exclamation again from the scene! Nuremberg International Invention Prize.

A thunderous name! A dream within a dream! Huake belongs to the top awards at the Chinese level.

Nuremberg, on the other hand, belongs to the international level! The reputation of the winner will be promoted from national to international! If the inventions produced by Jinhua Science and Technology can generate tens of billions of dollars.

So as long as the technology that won the Nuremberg Prize is used properly, it is possible to create a 100-billion-dollar group! Everyone is speechless! It turns out that this is Brother Liu! For the past three years, I have been keeping quiet and focused on research and development.

Then, come up with 6 top inventions to shock the world? This brainpower, this knowledge, this endurance, this tolerance, it's a bit scary! Situ's mother Li Yuexiu has no culture! At this time, she slowly came back to her senses.

She knew that the cost of a helicopter was very high! Liu Di is not poor! But my husband is not bad! As for those academics, she doesn't understand at all! What's the use of good grades? Just like the three good students in the neighbor's house, all the way from elementary school to university! What's the use? After graduation, don't you still work for other companies? No one can see, her mouth curled up in disdain! "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing!" Li Weimin said, taking a red certificate from Professor Wang, he laughed, "I hope you don't mind, this certificate costs 8 yuan, but this is the only thing we can take out at present to express our gratitude to you!" Then, Li Wei slowly unfolded the certificate and faced everyone.

'Donation certificate student Liu Di: Thank you for your donation of 100 million yuan in cash to help the school build a new science and technology exhibition hall.

After discussion by the school, it was decided to name the Science and Technology Exhibition Hall as the ‘Creation Hall’.

On behalf of thousands of students, Haishi University expresses the highest respect and gratitude to Mr. Liu Di! Haishi University Academic Affairs Committee July 3, 2020! ’

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