Ah Jia saw the visitor.

I suddenly knew what was going on.

The lobbyist sent by Penguin Group to acquire Gemini! But he is Situ Yan's father after all, so it's not good to disgrace him in public! Ajia smiled distantly and said, "Uncle Situ, we are having a gathering now. We will discuss your matter privately later!" "Okay, Mr. Zhang!" For some reason, Situ Zhou was very confident today. He smiled slightly, " However, you'd better hurry up, I'm afraid you'll be too flustered for a while!" Ah Jia just smiled lightly and didn't want to pay attention! At this time, everyone was also sighing.

Situ Yan’s father is a senior executive of Penguin Group! Ah Jia’s company is awesome and has business dealings with Penguin Company! m saw Ah Jia continue: "Everyone, when it comes to the merits of the wheel of achievement, none of us are as good as one person. That is my good brother, Brother Liu!" "Exactly..." "Mr. Zhang is really loyal, really. "Humble!" "Brother Liu is just a waiter! Can you talk about his worth?" Situ's mother Li Yuexiu muttered.

But coincidentally, it was Ajia's opportunity to speak at this time, and these words reached everyone's ears clearly! waiter? Everyone looked at Situ's mother blankly! Look at Brother Liu again! Although Brother Liu is mentally ill, he is from a prestigious university. I thought he could just be an office worker! Turns out to be just a waiter! Some people couldn't help but laugh out loud! Ah Jia suddenly frowned! I saw Situ Zhou glare at his wife and whisper: "Shut up! You are a woman who has little success and more than failure. It doesn't matter who Brother Liu is. You have offended Zhang Tianjia, how can I talk about it!" Suddenly.

The roar of the engine can be heard in the distance! A white private helicopter is slowly approaching! Everyone looked stunned! Why are there planes here? Gradually, everyone saw clearly that there were several large characters printed on the fuselage of the plane: Penguin Group! I go! Penguin Group's plane? What kind of big shot is coming? I saw Situ Zhou looking proud! Hum! Yesterday, I immediately returned to the group and reported to Mr. Li Daode! It’s a rare opportunity to meet Zhang Tianjia at Yan’er’s class reunion today! To ensure nothing goes wrong! I specially asked Li Daode, the vice president of the group, to take action in person! It is bound to win the twins in one fell swoop! Situ Zhou squinted at the helicopter.

I feel very arrogant in my heart! Mr. Li took action personally, and his momentum was indeed extraordinary! A helicopter was actually used! After a while, we landed on the rooftop tarmac and stepped off the plane with great pride! Just looking at this momentum is enough to crush the little creator! Look how you refuse my acquisition! At this time, Li Daode was sitting in the helicopter.

He also looked proud.

Creator, Zhang Tianjia, you are still too weak! A crowd of people on the rooftop.

At this time, I stared at the Penguin Group helicopter, and my heart was full of shock! Luxury cars are common, and many people even have them! But this helicopter is a rare thing! It's not just about money! This represents status, prestige, and company size! The Penguin Group is really too powerful! "Mr. Li, we are ready to land!" the pilot in the front row shouted.

Li Daode nodded slightly! Suddenly, a signal came from the helicopter's radio: "Call Dongguai No. 308, please answer!" The pilot was stunned and quickly returned: "Dongguai No. 308, please speak!" "Dongguai No. 308, please answer!" "308, you are occupying my plane's legal route, please get out of the way and don't delay my landing!" The pilot and Li Daode were stunned at the same time! what's the situation! Boom! Another burst of engine roar came! Another luxurious private helicopter all in black flew in from afar! Two helicopters, one black and one white, approached the helipad of Rongteng Building one after another! I go! Another fight! What's going on! Aviation expo? Private helicopters, which are rarely seen in urban areas on weekdays, appeared twice at one time! "Dongguai 308, get out of the way quickly, you have encroached on my legal route!" The voice on the radio came again! The driver was so frightened that he trembled! Li Daode was confused! "Mr. Li, we have to get out of the way!" the driver shouted.

Li Daode, who was confused, could only nod his head dullly! As the helicopter of the Penguin Group avoided.

The dark private helicopter approached slowly.

Everyone finally saw the words on the plane clearly! Creator——ld——000001! Everyone took a breath! Creator! ? The founder's private jet? That’s awesome! ld000001? What a cool number! Ah Jia is really too fierce! Everyone looked at Ah Jia again, with incredible expressions on their faces! And our founder and CEO, Comrade Zhang Tianjia.

At this time, he was also confused! He looked at Brother Liu in confusion, "What do you mean?" Brother Liu shrugged, "You know, I don't have a car.

"And you bought a helicopter?" "Ajia's eyes widened.

Liu Di said helplessly: "No, they don't sell the car I'm interested in. I have to upgrade to some kind of membership, so I just tried to save trouble and just bought this plane to make up the money!" Ah Jia was stunned and slowly extended his thumb. , pointed at Brother Liu! Liu Di shrugged and said, "Strictly speaking, this plane is a gift. Ah Jia, you can keep it for fun.

Ah Jia was speechless! He said dullly: "You are so polite. Thank you!" "Rumble, the helicopter roared and stirred up a gust of wind and waves.

The black helicopter landed steadily on the founder's helipad! Then, a tall young man stepped off the plane with a dusty face.

He looked around for a moment and rushed towards Brother Liu! It is Siwei Sales Manager, Xie Yuanzheng! He passed through the crowd and came to Brother Liu.

"Mr. Liu, the Bell-210 luxury private helicopter you ordered has been delivered!" "According to your instructions, the fuselage is painted black, with the words "creator" added!" "The number has also been applied for according to your wishes, ld-000001!" "In addition, the limited edition antique car ss454 you customized has also been delivered downstairs by a cabinet truck!" "Please check it!" After saying that, Xie Yuanzheng bowed slightly and handed the information bag in his hand to Brother Liu! The whole audience was silent! Everyone's heads, like a pendulum, swung back and forth between the private jet and Brother Liu with dull eyes! Damn ld000001! Isn't this Brother Liu 000001? Brother Liu can actually afford a private helicopter! Puff! Feng Haohan sprayed out the half sip of champagne he had just drunk! Click! The LV bag in the hand of Situ's mother Li Yuexiu fell directly to the ground!

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