My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1089 Sky Lord (1/2)

"It can cause this series of phenomena."

"It is definitely not something that humans can do, and it is not even a force on Earth."

"It comes from space."

Liu Di said slowly, and the speed of the silver shuttle slowed down.

A gray area appeared in front of it, and a tall man-made iron wall isolated it.

The three members of the Shi Group were surprised and confused when they saw this scene.

But for the silver shuttle, it was just a leap.

"The officials of various countries don't want people to panic, so they try their best to hide the truth of the matter, which makes us unable to find clues."

Liu Di said slowly.

A huge monster slowly emerged in front of us!

This huge pit covers an area of ​​400 kilometers and is nearly 3,000 meters deep. A black boulder as high as 100 meters stands quietly!

In front of it, the soil piled up due to the impact is like a continuous mountain range!

The root of the 3D projection lights up.

But I heard Brother Liu whisper: "The root cause of all this is that in 1903, the Tunguska meteorite fell to the ground without any hindrance!"

The backs of the three people in the time group were instantly wet with cold sweat!

The huge stone in front of them stood under the end of the world, and the surrounding volcanoes were spewing!

A strong wind blew, blowing the sunken holes on its surface, making a whimpering sound that resounded through the world, just like the wail of the end of the world!

The Silver Shuttle suddenly rose.

Looking down, the huge pit of the meteorite was surrounded by spider-web-like cracks, spreading endlessly, and there were many cracks in which dark red magma rolled!

Although its volume was not large, its super kinetic energy caused the entire earth to lose balance!

The death of the blue planet!

Brother Liu stared at all this, and his heart was extremely tragic.

There was another thing that he did not explain to the time group.

That was the time paradox that led to the collapse of the long river of time.

It was in the past tense, and everything was stable.

At that time, the world still had a chance, because he, Liu Di, could have corrected this scene, so the future was not determined.

But he didn't care.

He thought that someone had smashed the meteorite instead of Baimei.

Liu Di missed the opportunity and chose to return to reality.

When his eyes looked at '2021', all this became an established reality. Since 1903, the world has entered destruction.

Because of this earth-shaking change, the long river of time has lost all its meaning and collapsed directly!

"Is this stone the cause of everything?"

Xing Wan had a dull face, and he felt a little cold in his heart when he looked at the man in the white shirt.

He was simply amazing. He could still maintain exaggerated calmness in this world, and he really found the truth like pulling out silk from a cocoon!

And no matter his knowledge or knowledge reserves, he was beyond reach!

Xing Wan glanced at his junior sister Hua Yue. At this time, the beautiful woman stared at Liu Di's figure and had completely fallen.

Xing Wan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, completely defeated! There is no comparison between me and Brother Liu!

The reason why these two brothers and sisters are still in the mood to think about these things.

It is entirely because they believe that as long as the weapon of the master exists, everything can start all over again.

Xing Wan rubbed his hands, "Master, since we have found the problem, let's go back to history and find a solution!"

Cao Yuan's forehead was sweating, "No hurry, no hurry, let's go down first and learn more about everything! What do you think, Brother Liu?"

Brother Liu frowned and sighed softly.

A moment.

Everyone came to the ground.

Cao Yuan took two members and observed and analyzed randomly.

And Brother Liu stood alone on the top of the huge meteorite.

His eyes were fixed on the weapon behind Cao Yuan.

Brother Liu knew.

Cao Yuan was just delaying time because he had lost the ability to travel through time.

But what Cao Yuan said was not wrong.

There was no solution to this situation at all. Only that weapon was the only hope. Brother Liu secretly made up his mind that even if Cao Yuan fought desperately, he had to start with that weapon!

Brother Liu was about to speak.

But he heard a rumbling sound from the sky, like thunder, with the sound of air vibration. He didn't even see the source clearly, but his eardrums were ringing.

The three people in the group below were shocked.

Xing Wan said in horror: "The lord is coming again?"

But Cao Yuan looked at the sky with a horrified face, "It's not good, this time it's the sky lord!"

Brother Liu's eyebrows moved slightly when he heard it.

Sky lord?

Brother Liu already knew the past and present life of the underground lord, but what is this sky lord?

Brother Liu also raised his head!

Is it some kind of mutated microorganism that can fly?

I saw that the black clouds covering the entire earth suddenly stirred, and the sky and the earth changed color!

In the haze, a somewhat slender outline, with a faint blue light emitting from its body, continued to descend in the clouds.

But what made people's backs cold was.

The huge creature in the sky was 20 kilometers long, much longer than an entire block in a bustling city. If it wasn't floating in the sky, but lying on the ground, it would be impossible to see its head and tail!

"It's so big!"

"If it moves its fingers, we will all be destroyed!"

Xing Wan looked up at the sky, his body constantly retreating.

Cao Yuan trembled and said, "I have never seen its true face!"

However, the next moment.

An even more terrifying scene appeared.

In the distant sky, a dozen equally huge shadows appeared again, slowly descending in the black clouds, giving a feeling of the sky pressing down on the top of the head!


Two yellow eyes suddenly opened in the clouds, dust flying, and light as if real.


The body of the sky lord, who was in the lead, gradually broke away from the black clouds, and wisps of smoke dissipated from it, revealing its true form!

Everyone was horrified!

This... is a spaceship? !

The sky lord is actually a spaceship!

Brother Liu was also stunned. He had seen this blue spaceship that looked like a sharp sword before!

It was in the dinosaur era!

The aliens among them were also anaerobic organisms, trying to control dinosaurs and consume the earth's oxygen!

Brother Liu understood in an instant.

The current earth has extremely low oxygen content, which is just right for them to survive!

And these aliens have been dormant for a long time, and today they finally attacked in a big way!

Brother Liu had never seen it.

The creature in the spaceship was a short individual with no hair on its body and light green skin wrinkles.

It is exactly the same as the alien corpse in the green house!

An alien on the bridge opened his mouth strangely and said in a special language: "After tens of thousands of years, we finally got the chance."

"The five-dimensional creature on Earth once frightened us for tens of thousands of years!"


"Not long ago, we found that all the residents on Earth were dead, clean and without a single one left!"

"I wonder who can stop us this time!"

Having said this, the alien looked at the ground cautiously again, "Of course, those technological monsters hidden underground are also a threat to our existence, but today they seem to be overwhelmed by the momentum of our fleet!"


The alien laughed, and inadvertently, it discovered a white spot on the meteorite through the monitor.

Its big eyes without pupils, which occupied half of its face, narrowed into a slit in an instant.


The alien's thin calves began to tremble in an instant, and he sat on the ground with a plop!

Only Liu Di's voice came slowly, "I never thought that in the end times, there would be shameless people taking advantage of the fire to rob. Now that you are here, don't leave."

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