My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1088 Reasoning (1/2)

Liu's body ran thousands of meters in a flash.

Arrived at the location of the Kola Super Borehole!

The sealing device, which was like a manhole cover, had been thrown aside, and the screws were broken and twisted!

It was written in paint on it: 1980.8.23.

Liu's heart trembled.

Originally, this drilling was to be closed in 1993, but now it has been closed 13 years earlier!

It should be due to the turmoil in the world!

Liu went forward and came to the dark drilling hole!

But he saw that the two sides of the rock wall were broken, and it seemed that countless claws had scratched across the rock wall.

Liu also pulled away the nearby anaerobic plants, and saw countless scratches near the drilling hole. After extending not far, something dug the soil and drilled into the ground.

Liu's breathing was a little disordered.

It seemed that countless fox-sized creatures with sharp claws and extremely powerful strength crawled out of the drilling hole!

My nano bracelet...

I threw it under this hole!

I don't know why.

Liu Di's face was a little pale, and he instantly merged 50% of the chain bridge DNA, lying on the drill hole, with five fingers stretched towards the drill hole!

There are liquid metal particles on the surface of the nanoworm, I can summon them!

Liu Di's ability continued to extend downwards!

His eyes were wide open, and the veins on his forehead were exposed!

But unfortunately, there was no feedback!

At this time, the three members of the Shi Group came in a panic. When they saw Liu Di's crazy look, they were all stunned!

Xing Wan said: "He won't have too many mysteries and mental problems?"

Hua Yue showed reluctance, "Liu Di... What are you doing?"

Liu Di did not answer, but sat down for a moment.

He put his hand into the drill hole again, but there was still no response.

Xing Wan shook his head and said: "I said Liu Di, don't think about it if you can't think of it. If you have a problem with your brain, we still have to take care of you in this doomsday!"


Xing Wan, who was about to continue teasing, suddenly turned pale and looked around in horror.

The scene in the distance was almost like the ground collapsing!

Dozens of kilometers away, the ground almost collapsed in pieces, precisely because countless creatures came from underground!

On the other side, in the ocean adjacent to the Kola Peninsula, huge waves rolled, and the sea surface seemed to be boiling as far as the eye could see!

"The lords are chasing us?!"

Cao Yuan's face changed, "No! The flying saucer is so fast, they can't catch up!"


Cao Yuan quickly observed the surrounding situation, "This is fucking... There must be tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of lords!"

The other two people in the time group were stunned, "Are there so many lords in the world? We only see one in three months in China!"

"It's over!"

"We are dead this time!"

But Liu Di smiled dejectedly, "If I guess correctly, there are at least a million lords in the world, and the premise is that 99.999% of them have failed to evolve."

Xing Wan was shocked, "What are you talking about? You are really stupid! Now we have to find a way to escape! Master, start the time shuttle quickly! Otherwise it will be too late, we can't save this world!"

But Cao Yuan was speechless, his face extremely pale!

Seeing countless lords approaching, the momentum was devastating!

But at the moment when the man in white slowly stood up.

The world suddenly became quiet, as if it was still!

The three members of the Shi Group were stunned, "Why didn't the Lord move!"

At this time, Brother Liu.

But in this almost desperate scene, he burst out with extraordinary calmness.

The essence of nanoworms is actinomycetes.

It grows in volcanic ash and likes volcanic environment.

Brother Liu looked around at the erupting volcanoes and the volcanic ash covering the sky.

Nanoworms are indeed the "devil" crawling out of the Kola Peninsula, but they are not the cause of the destruction of the world!

It is the destruction of the world that promotes their growth!

This is also a kind of cause and effect.

Combining the various phenomena before, the answer in Brother Liu's mind is about to come out.


The Silver Shuttle fell from the sky.

Brother Liu said: "I have the final inference of the cause of this doomsday, and I only need a verification. You can follow me to witness it."

But Cao Yuan stuttered at this time, "Really...really?!"

Brother Liu did not answer, but took the lead in entering the Silver Shuttle.

The three members of the Shi Group followed closely.

And this time the destination is exactly the border of Russia!

On the Silver Shuttle.

The three members of the Shi Group looked down at the ground, and the countless hidden lords were still in fear.

Then they looked at Brother Liu, who was extremely calm at this time.


In the cockpit of the Silver Shuttle, a 3D projection was projected out of thin air, and the blue light gradually formed the shape of a big tree.

The three members of the Shi Group were amazed, "What is this?!"

Brother Liu said: "That's my logical reasoning."

The trunk of the big tree lit up.

Brother Liu said: "The large-scale movement of the crustal plates has caused countless extinct volcanoes, active volcanoes, and new volcanoes to erupt, and volcanic ash has covered the sky."

Then a branch lit up.

"This triggered a chain reaction. The sunlight could not shine in, all photosynthetic plants died, and the oxygen content in the atmosphere was extremely reduced."

"In addition to the toxic substances in the air, this is the main cause of human death."

"No matter how powerful the European Noah Plan is, it cannot produce oxygen."

Then the branches and leaves lit up.

"In this environment, anaerobic plants and microorganisms began to multiply in large numbers, and another reason for their huge size is the change in the earth's magnetic field."

Then countless leaves lit up.

"And to evolve to the level it is today, it takes a process, at least hundreds of years."

"Human civilization was still developing at first, but in the end everyone found that they could not resist this doomsday, so they became anxious and began to turmoil, causing technology to remain in the 1990s until humans became completely extinct."

"And the destruction of the underground city, New Atlantis, was because the earth was hit by a huge force and the axis shifted instantly!"

Liu Di took a deep breath and looked at the sky covered by black fog in the distance, "And the blood moon I saw before was also because the earth's axis shifted, which distorted the reflection of sunlight and turned the moon red!"

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