My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1083 The Hope of the World (1/2)


Buzz buzz...

Xing Wei sat in the cockpit and tried to start the plane for the eighth time.

But there was just a cloud of black smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe, the engine cranked a few times, and then it went out again.

His face was now covered with oil and he was sweating profusely.

At this time, Brother Liu looked at the engine compartment and his eyes lit up.

No wonder the circuit and mechanical problems can't be found out. It turns out that this is the problem!

He then reached out and pinched it slightly.

A section of copper pipe was crushed by him and then restored.

But the carbon deposits that caused the pipes to become clogged were instantly broken.


The plane started successfully!


"I succeeded!"

Xing Wei laughed in the cockpit.

But the beautiful woman Huayue came to Brother Liu and said softly: "Brother Liu, I just saw you repairing the plane, are you tired?"

As she spoke, the leather-clad woman with a very proud figure stood on tiptoes and used a wet cloth in her hand to gently wipe Brother Liu's forehead without a drop of sweat.

And at this time.

In the cockpit, Xing Wei's entire face was almost covered in oil, but the junior sister chose to ignore it!

The corners of his mouth twitched violently.

When his master brought him and his junior sister here, he was actually a little excited!

Because this is a perfect opportunity to develop a relationship with your junior sister!

He gritted his teeth and muttered in a low voice: "Why did a man appear out of thin air? Shouldn't he die? Why does junior sister like him? Is it because I'm not smart enough, or am I ugly?"

At the same time, a voice sounded in his heart - probably all.

Brother Liu glanced at Xing Wei and could already feel his jealousy from afar.

Then he said thank you to Huayue and left slowly.

But I saw it in the distance.

Cao Yuan sat in a deserted corner, his body upright and his eyes slightly closed.

The weapon wrapped in rags on his back had been unhooked from his back and placed flat in front of him, but the rags were still not removed.

Brother Liu stopped and looked sideways.

Is he going to use that weapon?

But Cao Yuan frowned and kept brushing the weapon with his hands.

He continued this action until his body was shaking and his forehead was covered with sweat.


Cao Yuan sighed heavily, and his momentum also declined.

Brother Liu's heart skipped a beat.

His time tool also failed?

Brother Liu slowly stepped forward, subconsciously reaching out and touching the weapon.

But Cao Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed Liu Di's hand, and said excitedly: "Friend, don't touch it, this is the hope of the world, this is what I want to protect with my life! I trust you very much, but please Don't bother with it!"

What Brother Liu saw was Cao Yuan's eyes that were full of respect but extremely firm.

He nodded, withdrew his palm, and said in a deep voice: "Is it... malfunctioning?"

But he saw Cao Yuan's expression suddenly changed and his body stiffened slightly!

Another layer of sweat broke out on his forehead instantly!

Glancing cautiously in the direction of Xing Wei and Huayue, Cao Yuan said: "Friends, you must not say that. If my two apprentices knew about it, their hearts would collapse. They only thought this was an interesting mission. They I can’t accept that I will probably be trapped here for the rest of my life!”

Looking at Cao Yuan's anxious look.

Brother Liu sighed in his heart, he shouldered a lot on his own!

But seeing Cao Yuan's expression a little lost, he whispered: "I found this weapon in a volcano crater. It has magical power and can take me through time, but I don't know why, just when I came here in 2021 After that, its light went out, it lost its power, and its channel... seemed to collapse."

Liu Di's eyes trembled.

This weapon also has its own course of time, and like mine, it also fell apart.


Liu Di saw a small gap in the center of the rags. The material of the weapon seemed to be extremely gray iron, and seemed to be covered with rust.

It turns out that the reason why Cao Yuan wrapped it tightly was because he did not want to expose the current appearance of the weapon.

However, Cao Yuan slowly picked up the weapon and carefully wrapped it around it, completely sealing the exposed gap.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I believe that it will definitely wake up! It is just sleeping! So, now we must find the source of this apocalypse! When the time comes, I, Cao Yuan, will definitely save the world again!"

Looking at the man in front of him who firmly believes in the future.

Brother Liu's heart suddenly burst out with a fighting spirit!

He also said slowly: "I believe it too!"


The second day.

In this apocalyptic world, there is darkness and no sunrise.

But in this former nuclear bomb launching base, a basement door slowly opened.

The Z-9 armed helicopter built by China took off with a bang!

There was a burst of flying sand and rocks, and the mutated microorganisms around them fled in a hurry!

Brother Liu stood on this helicopter and looked down at the entire earth.

The sky seemed to be leaking, with black smoke pillars connecting the ground and clouds, but in fact, it was countless underground volcanoes that were continuously erupting.

There are many nests of microorganisms on the ground, and countless worms are crowded together, making people feel numb.

Tardigrades are waiting for an opportunity to prey.

The empty buildings are also covered with anaerobic fungi, which look like moss, but the branches and leaves are extremely sharp and highly poisonous.

Mushrooms that are more than ten stories high are constantly spitting out spores.

In the sky, occasionally the tentacles of jellyfish were smashed by the propellers of the plane!

It is hard to imagine that this was once the home of mankind.

Including Liu Di, the four people on the plane were full of despair when they saw this scene.

Everyone also looked at the weapon behind Cao Yuan from time to time.

That was the only hope in this doomsday.

Liu Di also knew that at this moment, hope was the most precious!

He suddenly smiled, "Although this world is weird, we don't seem to be in any danger."

But Cao Yuan looked extremely cautious, holding his short knife in one hand, "How is it possible, there are lords on the ground, and there are lords in the sky!"


But the ground shook, and the buildings under the helicopter suddenly collapsed in pieces!

Then the ground began to sink, and those collapsed buildings immediately fell into the ground!

It can be seen.

There is a huge creature underground, digging and moving forward rapidly!

And behind this creature, a gully that is 100 meters wide and bottomless has been plowed out!

Looking down, it seemed like there was an abyss chasing the plane in the sky!

Liu Di's expression changed drastically, "What is that?"

Before anyone could answer.

There were rumbling noises from all directions under the plane, like a super earthquake!


Hundreds of huge abysses followed!

And under each abyss, there was a huge monster hidden!

On the ground, other mutant microorganisms began to flee frantically!

Cao Yuan's face turned pale, and he said in horror: "This...are there hundreds of lords? How is this possible! They never gather together!"

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