My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1082: Difficult to explain (1/2)


But he saw Cao Yuan smiling heartily. His character seemed to be very forthright. He held Brother Liu's shoulders and said, "This matter is not easy to explain."

"To put it simply, I was reminiscing with Xing Wei and several other apprentices in 1965."

"But suddenly I felt the turmoil of time."

"So I took the two of them to 2021 to check."

"I didn't expect that the world has become like this."

"And we are called the Time Group, and we have always maintained the order of time."

Cao Yuan said, looked at Brother Liu and smiled: "This involves time travel, time point positioning, special abilities, etc. You may not understand it for a while, but I don't force you to understand it immediately."

It turns out that Cao Yuan also has the ability to jump through time!

Mostly because of the weapon on his back!

Moreover, Cao Yuan seems to be a very ancient figure, while Xing Wei is a modern figure!

But again, they are not the current survivors, they also came by "airborne"!

Brother Liu, who understood everything instantly, nodded slowly, "I can basically understand."

However, Xing Wei laughed and said, "This guy has a tough mouth. I wonder if you can understand!"

Cao Yuan said: "Brother Liu, how did you survive?"

Brother Liu hesitated for a moment, "I was in a river at that time."

Xing Wei suddenly raised his voice, "So he was hiding in the river? Is this okay?"

But Cao Yuan glared at him, "Don't underestimate Brother Liu, he has special abilities. If he survives, he will probably be much stronger than you!"


The four of them sat around the campfire.

The beautiful woman in leather clothes looked at Brother Liu affectionately, took a piece of meat from the fire, and said gently: "This is the Helicobacter pylori that was just roasted. Are you hungry?"

Helicobacter pylori...

Brother Liu looked at the meat in front of him that was similar to ham sausage and was still sizzling with oil.

Then he saw Xing Wei chewing something with a bulging lump in his mouth.

Brother Liu said categorically: "Eating is a trivial matter! I have an important question!"

Cao Yuan also nodded, "I have one too."

"Do you know what's going on in this world?"

But it was Brother Liu and Cao Yuan who said the same thing!

Both of them were stunned, "You don't know either?"


The two of them sighed together again, "After finding out the reason, I might be able to reverse all of this."

This moment.

Both of them were stunned again, because the words they said were exactly the same.

The two looked at each other.

Even Xing Wei and the beautiful woman beside him were a little dull.

Xing Wei flattened his mouth and said: "Brother Liu, I noticed keenly that you are 0.1 seconds slower than what Master said. Your brain is very flexible, but there is no need to brush up on your presence now. You don't understand our mission."

Cao Yuan frowned, "Xing Wei, you are very rude!"

Immediately, Cao Yuan looked at Brother Liu again, "Unfortunately, we have been here for four months and haven't found any information. Now we are helpless and in a dilemma."

But Xing Wei raised his head at this time, "Master, I feel very confident today. I need to brush up on my sense of presence!"

As he spoke, he took out a brown paper bag from the cloth bag behind him, "This is what I gained from my search today!"

Brother Liu frowned, but he saw written on the paper bag - China's top secret document 736.

Cao Yuan's expression tightened, and he immediately opened the paper bag and slowly read the documents inside, frowning more and more.

He read softly: "We have obtained secret information. Europe... is developing a secret project called 'Noah-Global Genetic Modification'. They plan to release an active bacteria in 120 locations around the world." , once this active bacteria is inhaled by humans, the body will most likely produce genetic mutations..."

Cao Yuan gently turned over the materials.

"But European countries did not hide it from the officials of various countries, but instead sought support."

"But countries strongly condemn this plan, because the final result is likely to be uncontrollable bacteria and the death of all mankind!"

"According to intelligence, the European countries have privately decided to implement this plan in June 1975!"

"Ignore the entire international opposition!"

When Cao Yuan read this, he saw that there was no follow-up to the material. Only the signing date was 1975, which was the year of the plan!

The veins on his forehead were already exposed, "It's that arrogant European country! It's them!"

Brother Liu was also heartbroken!

The devil boy said: "The current situation may be caused by this plan!"

But Cao Yuan stood up suddenly and said immediately: "We must go to Europe to find out. If this is really the case, I need to prepare a response in advance and everyone is ready to leave!"

Brother Liu frowned, "This place is tens of thousands of kilometers away from Europe. How long and how long will it take to reach this place?"

But Xing Wei laughed and said, "There's no rush!"

Cao Yuan immediately looked unkind, "Why are you not anxious? This concerns the whole world!"

Xing Wei stood up, patted the dust on his body calmly, grabbed a burning firewood, and slowly walked to the depths of the missile silo.

Behind him is a huge machine covered by a tarpaulin.

He smiled arrogantly and suddenly pulled off the tarpaulin!

An old military helicopter suddenly appeared.

Xing Wei smiled and said: "Made in China, produced in 1980, Z-9 armed helicopter, 16-turbocharger, it takes less than 40 hours to get from here to Europe!"

Then, he opened the door again and saw that it was full of oil drums. "Not only did I find the plane, I also collected enough fuel!"

Immediately, he put his hands behind his back, "Master, I have already made all the preparations!"

Cao Yuan's eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement!

He took a few steps forward, hugged Xing Wan, and patted his back heavily, "Good disciple, you really surprised me!"


Xing Wan glanced at the leather-clad beauty again, "Junior Sister Huayue, am I very powerful?"

But the leather-clad beauty nodded heavily!

I only heard Liu Di's voice, "You dragged the plane here... because it can't operate normally, right?"

Xing Wan's face changed, "I will fix it!"

An hour later.

Xing Wan's face was covered with oil, holding a wrench in his hand, lying on the bottom of the plane, sweating profusely.

The beautiful woman Huayue also squatted on one side and asked anxiously: "Brother, is it fixed?"


Xing Wan's voice was obviously impatient, because he couldn't find the problem at all.

Brother Liu, on the other hand, stood with his hands behind his back, checking the oil and electrical circuits of the plane inch by inch!

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