My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1065 Sacrifice (1/2)

"Muscle strength increased by 200%!"

"Reaction speed increased by 200%!"

"Physical strength increased by 200%!"

In just a moment, Brother Liu's physical data was growing rapidly!

For him, the new human, radioactivity is energy that can be converted and absorbed!

But for ordinary people...

Brother Liu no longer hesitated, exerted force with both arms, grabbed the body of the big man, and ran out of the door!

I saw a corpse inadvertently.

Brother Liu suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

The light was dim before, and he did not find a huge wound on the chest of the corpse, as if the chest was thrown straight by a blunt object.

Brother Liu instantly realized the strangeness of this matter!

Although the radioactivity here is explosive, these people cannot die suddenly in an instant!

Moreover, if it was just a leak of radioactive materials, the mine owner would have a chance to make up for it, and he would not panic and seal off this place!


Before Brother Liu came to a conclusion!

A wall in front of him was smashed, and a black claw whistled and stabbed at Brother Liu's chest!

Although Liu Di's strength increased due to radiation, it was only three times that of an ordinary person.

Under this attack, he retreated backwards in panic!

The big man also lost his hand and fell on the other side!


A low roar came.

But he saw a festering weirdo standing in front of him. His hair and teeth fell out, the skin on his face was already wrinkled, and he was wearing a white coat on his crooked body!

Not only did the nails on his palms fall off, but even the flesh at the front of his fingers fell off, revealing a small half of the bones!

Most of the corpses on the ground died under these bones!

Liu Di's eyes twitched slightly, "Are you a researcher in this mine?!"

But the weirdo didn't answer at all!

The demon boy said: "He should also have some special genes that can transform some radiation, but I didn't expect that he would eventually transform into this appearance!"

At this time, the big man was completely scared by this scene and his brain crashed!

Even if he had experienced countless history, he had never seen such an incredible scene!

"Don't panic."

"You leave first, I'll take care of this guy."

But Liu Di said lightly, he stood in the house, stared at the monster, clenched his fists slightly, and his bones crackled.

Now that he has radiation to enhance his physique, he is full of confidence.


The radiation monster roared, he has no consciousness now, only his primitive nature, violent and bloodthirsty.

But it can clearly sense that the threat from the human in front of it is growing wildly!

The next moment.

The monster rushed up suddenly, it looked like a zombie, but because of the strengthening of the body muscles by radiation, it made him extremely agile!


The monster smashed an office desk to pieces!

And Liu Di barely dodged!

"Judging from the strength, it is about the strength of A3-4 cyborg!"

The voice of the demon boy came.

And Liu Di was waiting quietly, waiting for the moment when his power crushed it!

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In the following time, the weirdo attacked frantically in the house, but Liu Di used his speed to the extreme, and each time he barely avoided it, and there were dangers everywhere!

The big man's heart was tightly tightened!

But he didn't know that Liu Di's anger was growing!

Time passed by, and the house was already broken, like a typhoon sweeping!

"Muscle strength increased by 1400%!"

"Reaction speed increased by 1400%!"

"Physical strength increased by 1400%!"

The voice of the demon boy reported in real time!

"Overall strength 1800%!"

"Liu Di, it's almost done!"

At this moment, Liu Di's right eye burst into purple light, and he no longer chose to dodge, but attacked brazenly!

He first grabbed the arm that the weirdo had taken out, and then his arm strength exploded, and with a snap, he tore the weirdo's arm off!

The weirdo screamed in pain!

Then Brother Liu quickly retracted his strength, gathered it in his left fist, took a step forward, and hit the weirdo's chin with an upper hook posture!


Another bone-breaking sound!

The weirdo leaned back at an angle of nearly 180 degrees!

The back of his head was directly attached to his back!

Its eyes popped out, and it seemed unbelievable. Why could this opponent grow into this in a short time?

Then Brother Liu retracted his fist!

There was a gurgling sound from the weirdo's broken throat, the nerves were broken, and the throat was filled with blood.

Then its body twitched violently, and it fell to the ground with a bang!

Brother Liu exhaled heavily, turned his back and said: "Big man, the crisis is resolved!"

No response.

"Big man?"

Brother Liu suddenly turned around.

But at this moment, He Cang, who had not known when, knelt in front of the radioactive substance francium, had already opened the extremely crude radiation protection device.

Moreover, blood was pouring out of He Cang's mouth at this moment.

He looked back at Brother Liu and smiled, "I am very knowledgeable. Francium is very active and can react with water, and then accelerate decay. Haha, there is no water nearby. Anyway, I have lived enough. I don't want Wanyi and Ping An Jixiang... to be exposed to the slightest radiation, so I ate francium."

As he said, he stuffed another piece of the silver ore into his mouth. The broken basin was empty.

At this moment, the big man's mouth began to crackle, his lips began to turn blue, and his blood seemed to boil.

He smiled tremblingly, "In fact, you are very capable. If there is an afterlife, I really want to learn more from you."


Brother Liu opened his eyes wide and rushed forward!

But the big man suddenly stood up, grabbed a chair and threw it at Brother Liu. He roared, "Don't come over, you can't die!"

As he said, the big man pushed open the door and started running madly!

He ran while crying.

But his steps became more and more staggering, and the explosion sound in his stomach was clearly audible, and his esophagus and intestines seemed to have been blown to pieces.

But it was only a moment.

Liu Di came to the big man in an instant like a gust of wind.

The big man also fell directly into Liu Di's arms.

At this time, his face was pale, his pupils and lips were blue, sweat kept pouring out of his body, and clumps of hair fell to the ground.

He grinned and said, "Damn it, you actually caught me."

Then he closed his eyes.

Even a tear that passed across his face was a strange blue.

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