My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1064 The Truth about the Mine (1/2)

While talking.

The two of them reached the deepest part of the mine unimpeded.

This is about a few thousand square meters of flat land, like the flat bottom of a 'big bowl'.

In the center, stood a huge metal factory building with white paint on the outside, which looked even more eerie in the moonlight.

Brother Liu squinted his eyes and saw thick iron chains wrapped around the door of the factory.

"We're already here, there's no reason to go back."

The big man gritted his teeth and said.

Brother Liu, on the other hand, looked solemn, "Remember this truth, the prerequisite for victory is to retreat intact, don't be impatient."

The big shot glanced at Brother Liu.

He prides himself on being older and more experienced, and generally does not easily listen to other people's opinions.

But Brother Liu at this time was undoubtedly calmer than him. He didn't know why, but he acquiesced and didn't rush.

next moment.

Liu Di threw out the four time halberds in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Within the scope of control, try to throw it as close to the current point in time as possible.

This is the only ability he can call upon now.

"I'll open the door and you wait where you are."

Liu Di whispered, and without waiting for the big man's reaction, he stepped forward alone.

Then he repeated his old trick and easily opened the huge copper lock with just a few tree branches.



The sound of Brother Liu dismantling the chains reached the big man's ears. He wiped his forehead and another ball of hair fell out.


The metal door was somewhat rusty, and the moment Brother Liu pushed it open, there was a harsh sound, which was extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Brother Liu hid behind the wall on one side of his body.

After waiting quietly for dozens of seconds, there was no movement inside.


A pungent stench filled the air instantly!

It was a rotten smell that was almost suffocating.

The voice of the devil boy also came at the same time, "High dose of radiation detected!"

Brother Liu frowned and peeked out to watch slowly. The scene in the factory was so mind-numbing!

Under the moonlight.

More than a dozen corpses lay crookedly on the ground. They seemed to have been dead for many days and had rotted and deteriorated. The dark yellow mucus under the corpses spread all over the ground.

As for the clothes of these people, many of them were wearing white coats of scientific researchers, and many of them were wearing canvas work clothes from the mines.

Brother Liu frowned!

At this time, the big shot also quietly came over. After seeing the scene clearly, he retched for a while, and then opened his eyes wide, "Woyev? Kanla? These are the workers of the mine, they all died here!"

But Brother Liu covered his mouth and listened carefully for a moment.

After confirming that there was no living thing or movement, Liu Di covered his mouth and nose with his hands and slowly walked into the house.

The big shot followed behind and said tremblingly: "Did some disaster happen in the mine? There was a poisonous gas leak in our mine! So they sealed the place?!"

"But now, it seems there is no poisonous gas!"

The big man felt the air. Although there was a foul smell, there was no dizziness in the brain like he had after inhaling poisonous gas.

The next moment.

The big man's eyes were fixed on the metal cabinets in the factory. No matter the corpses on the ground, he still wanted to find diamonds!

And brother Liu.

He frowned and looked at a corpse on the ground.

If it rots to this extent, no maggots are produced?

This is not right!

Liu Di's mind suddenly exploded, "Demon boy, what did you just say?"

"Extremely strong radioactivity detected, there is radioactive material here!"

"Muscle strength increased by 50%!"

"Reaction speed increased by 50%!"

"Body strength increased by 50%!"

"Brother Liu, you are now like the first stage of a new human being, absorbing radiation and evolving your system!"

Brother Liu felt a shock in his head.

I could vaguely hear my own bones making subtle noises!

"Muscle strength increased by 100%!"

"The reaction speed increases by 100%!"

"Body strength increased by 100%!"

Liu Di was even more surprised. This speed was comparable to his own effect in the radiation warehouse. The radioactivity here was so high!


Here are the big shots!

He is just an ordinary person now!

Brother Liu quickly searched, but saw the figure of a big shot deep in the factory.

His body was trembling, and he knelt on the ground with a thud.

Brother Liu was startled and stepped forward to hold the big man's shoulders.

But he saw that the big man's eyes were blank and there were tears in his eyes.

"He Cang, are you okay?!"

Brother Liu grabbed He Cang's hand and prepared to take him out of the room!

But it felt like the big shot exerted a bit of resistance.

"What's wrong with you? Get out of here!"

Brother Liu shouted anxiously.

However, he saw that the big man's body didn't seem to be abnormal. He just slowly stretched out his arm and pointed in front of him, which was a metal pot buckled on the ground.

But in the big man's right hand, he was holding a report that he found somewhere.

Brother Liu glanced at it and saw a chemical report above - a natural radioactive substance, the element francium!

"damn it..."

He Cang's body was trembling and his tears were uncontrollable. "I'll tell you why I lost my hair. I'll tell you that Ping Anjixiang lost all his hair at a young age!"

"It turns out there have always been radioactive materials in this mine!"

The big man slowly turned back and looked at Brother Liu. His pupils had shrunk to the size of a pinhole, "I know this report. I have also seen the survivors of the atomic bomb explosion in the island country. The radioactivity was difficult to dissipate. They eventually died of sores all over their bodies and ulcers! "

"Peace be with them, they are still so young, will they..."

When the big man said this, blood flowed from his nostrils, and many strands of hair also flowed from his forehead with sweat!

"damn it..."

"This mine boss has been covering up the truth, we live so close!"

Brother Liu also looked shocked. As the truth was revealed, his anger grew uncontrollably.

The devil boy said: "The big man has been exposed to radiation for many years, so that he has a certain degree of resistance now, but it does not mean that he will be safe in the future!"

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